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You were a pile of jittery nerves. Pietro, Wanda, Jessie, Katherine, Vision, and all of their kids were coming to see you guys today. And you were not ready for it.

You kept walking in and out of Minerva's room, wondering if you were supposed to start packing a suitcase, or making sure that she never stepped foot outside of the room. You were so protective of her, and you still weren't entirely sure what it was that made you want to protect her.

Maybe it was Elizabeth. Maybe it was as simple as her being Elizabeth's daughter and that was making you want to protect her from everyone and everything. Or the fact that as she was Elizabeth's daughter, they were supposed to have taken care of her. Not you. Not Tony or Stephen or Loki. Them.

"Y/N, doll, sit down." Bucky finally said, grabbing you by the hips as you walked past the couch where he and Sam were playing video games for the millionth time, and pulled you to sit on his lap.

He cuddled you, his arms circling in front as he and Sam continued to play Super Mario Bros. Or whatever the car driving racing Mario games was called.

"You're acting like we're hosting the President." Sam said, soothingly rubbing your legs to comfort you. "It's just some friends, okay? They're staying with us for almost a month and so it'll give everyone time, alright? Just be calm. You're driving us crazy."

"She always drives me crazy." Steve said, coming into the room. He pulled you out of Bucky and Sam's hold, sitting down in the chair across the room, hugging you tightly in his grip. He kissed the top of your head.

"Oi, we were holding her." Bucky complained, glaring at Steve over his controller.

"He can get away with whatever he wants with you two because he's the Alpha male." You said, smirking at the two of them. Steve's fingers ghosted your chin before he tilted your head to kiss you passionately.

Bucky actually growled on the couch.

"I think someone's going to have to knock you off that pedestal." Bucky was suddenly towering over the two of you, smirking down at you two.

Steve just laughed. "Someone wants a punishment."

But Bucky didn't look like he was playing and the next thing you knew, you'd been tossed over Bucky's shoulder and he was striding quickly upstairs and towards the bedroom.

"Bucky!" Steve called after him in an angry voice.

"You're going to get in trouble." I said, looking at Bucky's ass as he walked. He slapped my ass with his metal hand, making me writhe in his arms.

"We'll see." He sounded so confident, you were starting to think he might have a chance.

Then you heard Steve's footsteps following after.

No, no he did not.

Bucky and Sam made it to the room before Steve and Bucky threw you on the bed. "Strip doll."

You were quick to comply, tossing your clothes off, before waiting on the bed.

Steve entered the room at that moment, eyes raking over your body, smirking, before he turned to where Sam and Bucky were standing.

"Games up Buck." Steve said. "Submit now and the punishment will be less."

Bucky casually took off his shirt, revealing those delicious abs and deep v-line. "The thing is Steve, I'm not submitting tonight."

Sam had grabbed the strips and had gotten behind Steve. Sam tore Steve's shirt off his body and Steve turned to Sam, but Bucky stepped forward, wrapping his metal hand around Steve's throat. Leaning in, he demanded, "Kneel."

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now