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'My name is Jimin.' A cute little boy with puffy, bubbly cheeks that almost hide his eyes, offers his tiny hand to me

'My name is Yeona.' I took his small hand, but mine somehow felt even smaller in his

But, I'm not small.

I looked at the boy once more to see the little boy being not so little anymore. He was a bit taller. A few years older. His dark hair falling down almost to his eyes. His cheeks still chubby and soft.


'Have you already forgotten?' He smiled at me, and his eyes almost disappeared under his cheeks

A sudden bang made me jump in fear.

'That was a weird ass dream.' I huffed out, looking around the dark room, feeling my heart still beat out of my chest.

I tried to locate what the sound could have been. It must have been in my dream or something. Why did I even have that dream? I remember knowing a little bot called Jimin, but I was maybe 7 back then. That was way back.

The subconsciousness is tricky sometimes.

I grabbed my phone from the side to notice that it's 7:27 in the morning.

Shit. I'm gonna be late!

I jumped out of my bed in a hurry, getting my foot tangled in the covers. I might have gotten out of bed, but I landed on the floor.

'Ow.' I groaned as I faceplanted into the carpet, with my leg still wrapped up in the sheet

And I located the sound that woke me up. I left my window open and the neighbor's cat must have paid a visit. My table lamp is hanging by its cord against the side of the desk.

Great start to the day. I'll be late for school, and on top of that, I almost broke my nose.

*knock knock*
'U rearranging or...?' My brother asks through the door

Perfect. Just who I was looking for.


I heard him sigh before opening the door. He didn't even open, and he already complained.
'Did you- course you did.' He used to laugh at my clumsiness, but as the time went on and I managed to hurt myself somehow every single day, he doesn't even find it funny anymore.

'Uuuup we go.' He untagled my leg and pulled me up like a ragdoll. I'm not particularly skinny or anything, but my brother is simply a mountain of muscles. Picking me up is like picking up a plate for him.

'Thanks, Joon.'

'If I had a won for every time I helped you I'd have a private plane by now.' He flicks me

'Ad another won to the tab, and take me to school?' I give him the puppy eyes

'Seriously?' He raises his eyebrow at me

'Pwity pweeease.' I started whining, hugging him tightly. As much as he hates that I annoy him, he secretly loves it when I get all babyish with him. He is 6 years older than me, but he still sees me as a tiny baby, so it melts him when I act like one. And it always works.

'Go. Get ready. I'll wait for you downstairs.' He sighs in defeat

'Thank youuuu.' I hung myself around his neck to pull him down, smooching his cheek, then running to the bathroom

First day of school, and I'm almost late. Great school year start.

I sprinted out of his car into the school as fast as I could. I might be clumsy as fuck, but my speed makes up for it.

Or not.

'New year... same Yeona.' Iyera died laughing at me, joined by quite a few people in the class as I tripped over someone's bag and slammed into the desk in front of me.

Iyera has been my best friend since middle school. We met when we were 11, and 7 years later, she is still putting up with me.

Besides almost breaking my wrist, I also knocked down everything that was on the desk.

'Shit. I'm so sorry.' I started frantically picking up things from the ground and putting them back on the desk I almost took down

'I'm not even surprised anymore, Ye.' Tae chuckles, helping me pick up his things

Tae, or Taehyung, is a great friend of mine, and Iyera's boyfriend for the last year and a half.

You won't see a relationship that is more love-hate than theirs. They argue every half an hour, and then move on like nothing happened. They had more than one serious fight where they haven't spoken in days and almost ended it, but they keep going back to each other.

Aaand it looks like one of those non-talking days is here. She is just glaring at him from the back, and he is pretending not to notice. I don't even wanna know what it was this time. Must be something dumb again.

I was gonna get up, but I smacked my head on the corner of the desk, knocking everything off that I just picked up. And that was it.

The two of them started crying with laughter, with Taehyung almost sliding off his chair.

'Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.' I felt like crying. This friggin hurts. I was just crouching, holding my head from where I banged it. This is gonna swell up. I already know it.

'Are you okay?' Someone's voice next to me pulled my attention from the pain

'Yeah, yeah, it's just me being...me.' I got a bit lost in my thoughts and words looking at the person crouching next to me, looking at me

This is- Nah. I'm imagining things.  I've never seen this guy before.

Looking at him, I know I haven't seen him, but something about him seems familiar. Something in those chocolate eyes is drawing me in to think that maybe, just maybe, I know those eyes.

He nodded and then got up and left, walking to the side of the classroom to sit down behind a desk.

I guess I'm not crazy. I'm not the only one who doesn't know him. Taehyung and Iyera are also looking at him.

No point thinking about it. Obviously someone new. Let's just get up and get to my seat. I've almost died 3 times since I woke up. I just need to sit down and not move.

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