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Move on.

Two simple words. Two words that I've been telling myself for so long, yet I can't achieve them.

I almost made a huge mess last night. Jungkook destroyed the remainders of my heart, and then I almost kissed Jimin out of desperation. One person who knows and is in my corner. I almost messed it up.

I was afraid to even look him in the eyes this morning, but he just went on as if nothing ever happened.

We didn't plan on going far today, but Jimin said there is something he wants to show me.

'You two having a date or something?' Taehyung teases me and Jimin as we got ready to head off

'Or something.' Jimin simply answers, getting a look from Jungkook

'Ready?' He smiles, offering his hand

'Ready.' I took it with no hesitation, following him wherever

'You are aware they are all staring at us right?' I ask him under the breath as he is holding my hand tightly, not letting go

'I know. Let them.' He squeezed it a little

I might as well go with it. I held his hand a bit more comfortably, squeezing back a tiny bit. I saw him smile a little, but I didn't wanna ask a thing.

We went down the stream where we jumped in yesterday, and there was a little cave in the mountain wall.

'This is so cool.' I smiled as I looked around us. We sat in this cave, with the water creating a curtain in front of us, making it look like a little waterfall

'I saw this yesterday and wanted to go in. I thought you might like it, too.'

'I love it.' I can't stop smiling

'On to the next agenda.' He pulled out two white chalks, passing me one. 'Let's mark this place.'

'I won't even ask how you have these.' I laugh, looking at the white piece in my hand

'We gotta leave a trace.' He giggles and starts doodling something on the floor of the cave in front of him

After a minute or so, I started recognising it.

'I used to draw that-'

'When I was a kid.' He finishes my sentence. 'Same here. I haven't done this in about 10 years.'

It was a drawing of a cartoon character that was popular back in our day. A very familiar drawing. The same exact one we used to draw.

'My drawing skills are not any better than they were when I was 7.' He pokes a joke at himself

'You forgot-'

'No I didn't.' He smiles, adding the little glasses on the character. 'I could never forget that.'

Except that character doesn't wear glasses. I just always thought he would look cooler if he did. And I always drew him like that. He could not have known that. Unless...

'How did you know?' I whisper in shock

'Know what?'

'About the glasses. He doesn't wear glasses.' I whisper again

'He should. Looks cooler with them.' He smiles. Is he just messing with me?

If he turns out to be that damn kid, I will actually have a stroke.


'Yes?' He was squating, having his arms crossed and leaned on his knees. Much like a child would

'Did you really come from Busan?'

'Yep.' He simply answers. 'But I didn't always live there.'

I looked at him, waiting for him to continue, but he never did. 'You haven't drawn anything yet. Slacking off.' He switched the subject and started drawing more random things over the cave walls

I don't wanna keep pushing this now and ruin the mood, but all those thoughts of him reminding me of that friend of mine are coming back. There are things he says and does that are so unique that got stuck in my brain. I am not crazy. Once we are back, I'll ask him. No matter how crazy I seem.

We spent a good hour drawing and laughing. We even played tic tac toe in the cave. It now looks like a bunch of kids were in here.

We left the cave when we had no more space to draw in it, and decided to go full on kid today and make flower crowns for each other.

His actually turned out way better than mine. Probably because I stepped on mine. So he ended up making two, and put one on my head and wore the other one himself.

'Suits you.' He smiled as he fixed the flowers on my head, flashing that adorable eye smile

'You-you too. It looks good on you.' I stuttered a bit. His compliment got me a bit flustered

'It's cute how you are unable to take the compliment. You get all pinky.' He giggles, touching my cheek

'We should head back. It's getting darker.'

I didn't even notice how fast the time went by. It was already a lot darker than when we headed out here. Time flies when you're having fun.

'Do you mind?' He offers his hand again

'Not at all.'

I like it when he holds my hand. It feels like a mini shield of security and care. It's just who he is. At least what he seems like to me.

'There's a place I wanna show you once we go back. If you'd like to come with me.' Why does he sound so nervous?

'Of course.' I smile. 'Where?'

'I can't tell you that.' He chuckles. 'But I'll come and pick you up. Say, tomorrow at 7?'

'Deal.' I am a bit too excited about this. He always does something unexpected

'Welcome back, you two. Did you have fun?' Iyera grins

'Did yours or something turn into a date?' Taehyung teases along

'Oh, absolutely. We just had sex in the cave. It was awesome.' Jimin trolls them with the highest level of sarcasm, making me laugh a bit too much

'I can't tell if you're being serious or not.' Taehyung turned a bit more serious

'100 percent serious.' Jimin does it again

'Even I'm confused now.' Iyera follows Tae

'He is joking, dumbasses. We did have fun, though.' I giggle, showing them my left hand that's still white from the chalk

'Lemme see.' Jimin pulls my other hand to him. 'Haha. You lose. Mine is worse.' He grins, proud that he's got more chalk on his hand than I do

'I'll win next time.' I giggle

'Come on, kids. Wash your hands. Dinner time.' Tae teases

'Yes, dad.' Jimin trolls, taking me with him to clean up

Barbecue time.

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