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I felt tears brimming at the edge of my lower lashes, slowly blurring my vision. Hugging my knees, I hid my head as memories filled my mind.


'Jay!' I ran to him all happy, giggling as he hugged me tightly, lifting me off the ground and twirling me around once

'Hi, baby.' He kissed me deeply, taking my breath away. 'I've got something planned for today. Do you wanna find out?'

'Yes, yes!' I love surprises. 'Take me.'

He smiled and caressed my face. 'We better get going then.'

He took me to a little hill nearby where everything was set up for a picnic. A big blanket with a basket and a tiny, hand-picked bouquet on it.

'Jay, is this for me?' I felt like crying at the moment

'Of course.' He kissed me softly. 'Let's enjoy.'

I've been wanting to have a picnic for ages. And it was so much fun. We were there for hours until the sun was almost completely set. We joked and laughed. It was one of our best days.

'YeYe, I have a confession to make.' He started. 'There was a different reason as to why I brought you here.'

'What is it?' I turned to him, getting all excited. Is it another surprise?

'There is something that I need to tell you. Something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now.' He seemed a bit uneasy

I put my hand on his, giving him a light push. 'You can tell me anything, Jay.'

He smiled a bit weakly, pulling his hand away. And then the words came out, shattering my heart into a million pieces.

'I want to break up.'

For a moment, I thought it was a joke, so I laughed. But then I realised he was serious, and my laughter got quickly wiped away and was replaced by a stingy sensation in my eyes.

'What?' I barely pushed out that one word. It was barely even a whisper

'I don't love you anymore. I can't keep forcing myself to be with you.'

Whatever was beating in my chest, felt like it cracked. Shattered. I felt pain all the way to my shaky hands and my tears that felt like lava that slid down my cheeks.

'You- you don't love me anymore?' I repeat, still in disbelief

'I'm sorry, YeYe. I haven't been feeling it, and I don't wanna lie to either one of us. We both know this is not working anyway. I don't feel like forcing anything. I think it would be better for us both if we weren't together anymore.'

He must have been preparing for this for a while. His voice is not even shaky.

'Is it me? Have I done something wrong?' I cry out

'It's a lot of things, baby. We spend more time fighting than anything. Your mood changes every 5 seconds, and it's impossible for me to keep up with it. And, honestly, I felt trapped for a while now. I just can't do this right now.'

I broke down in sobs, hiding my face in my hands. What in the world just happened? This was one of the most amazing dates we've ever been on, and he finished it by breaking up with me.

'I'm gonna take you home.'

*end of flashback*


I cried through most of yesterday. I just don't know what to do anymore. It's tearing me apart. I was still in my thoughts, walking mindlessly down the hall to the classroom when I slipped on the wet patch in the hallway that took me down.

I yelped loudly as I landed on the cold, tile floor, right on my ass, landing on my wrist in process. I hate rainy days and the puddles people bring inside of the building.

The hall was full to the brim, so pretty much the entire school saw it. And no one would help. 90 % of them were laughing. I guess I would too if it were me in their place.

'Yeona, are you okay?' I heard Jimin before I saw him. I watched him jog over to me, helping me up. 'Come on. Slowly.'

He helped me to set myself straight. 'Are you okay?' He asks, scanning me over

'I don't think so.' I show him my hand, and the wrist was already swollen a bit

'You really are a danger to yourself.' He mumbles. 'Where is the nurse in this place?'

'Down the hall to the right.' I sniffle. This hurts a lot

'Let's go. I'll go with you.'

As expected of school nurses, all she could do was wrap it up and tell me to go to the hospital when I'm home. Could have done it myself.

We were so late for class.

'I'm sorry. I made you late for class.' I apologize

'Oh, no. I missed 20 minutes of math. How will I ever survive that?' He sighs dramatically, making me chuckle

'Thank you.'

'No need to thank me. What are friends for?' He smiles

We knocked on the door before opening them

'Jimin and Yeona? Where have you been? You are late.' Professor scolded is as soon as he saw us. I also felt the rest of the class staring, especially Iyera and Taehyung

'Sorry, sir, but there was an accident. She hurt herself and had to go see the nurse.' Jimin explains, and I just show him my wrapped up hand

'And I assume Miss Moon couldn't have gone on her own?' The teacher cocks his eyebrow, earning some snickering from the class. 'And Miss Moon, I'm happy you waited at least a few weeks this year to injure yourself, but try and keep that to a minimum so you don't skip class.' 

Just in case I forgot to mention, this professor hates my guts. Do not know why, but since day one, he never liked me.

'I'm sorry, Professor Hwang. It won't happen again.' I bow, answering him in a sheepish voice

'Take your seats, both of you.' He finally released us, sending us to our spots. I wanna smack him so bad right now

Jimin walked down my aisle and set my bag on my desk as he was carrying it, then helped me sit down by pulling out my chair. 'Just so you don't miss.' He jokes a bit, then leaves to his own desk

Most of the class was still looking over, which made my face feel like it's about to burn off. Just watch the damn board guys, please.

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