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'No, no, no, no, no, no, no, please, please, please don't leave me, please, listen to me.' I sobbed, pulling on his sleeve

He jolted his arm arch, turning to face me. 'I can't do this. I just can't. No matter how much I try, no matter what I do, it always ends the same. You and him.'

'Jimin, I do not want him! I want you! I love you! I swear!'

'You also swore and promised that you'd never let him close again, and look where that took us.' Even through my blurry vision, I could see how red his eyes got. 'For a moment there, I believed it all. I believed you loved me and wanted me. But I guess I should have seen this coming.'

I fell to my knees in front of him, crying out my eyes.

'I was prepared to be with you even if you didn't love me, all as long as you were honest with me. That's all I ever asked. And you couldn't even do that much for me.' He crouched in front of me, looking at me with a few tears down his face.
'Was any of it real? Do you even like me? Even a bit?' His voice cracked

'Yes! I-I love-I love you.' I sobbed out, clutching his shirt tightly

'Funny way of showing it, baby. But I guess I could only expect this. I was ready to be hurt. I hoped I wouldn't be, but I half expected it. And here we are.' He smiles through the tears. 'He broke your heart. You broke mine. I wonder who's heart I'll have to break to make myself feel alive again.'

'Jimin, please.' I was wheezing. I couldn't take a single breath from all the crying

'I'll see you around, Yeona. Goodbye.' He kissed me on the forehead and then left, leaving me a broken, crying mess on the ground.

I screamed, hitting the floor in front of me so hard that I got a few cuts on my hands. But the wounds and the blood are the least of my worries.

What have I done? How could I let this happen?!

I lost him.


I must have laid on that ground for hours, screaming and crying until my tears ran dry. Everything was hurting. From head to toe, inside out. Every molecule of my body felt like it was tearing itself apart.

I heard distant banging and explosions through the window. It must be midnight. Christmas. What was supposed to be the best Christmas turned into a nightmare.

'No.... Jimin....' I weeped into that carpet, pulling on it without a single tear coming out. Nothing left to cry. My eyes and my head felt like exploding. I've been hicking up from all the sobbing so much that I'm nauseous. I just wanna fall asleep and never wake up.

And Iyera... she must hate me. She'll never speak to me again. I hid so many things from her. I wanna call her. Him, too. But I have no strength to even breathe right now.


'What... the hell... happened in here?'

Namjoon came home a day early and found the house in the same state it was yesterday when they left. There were dishes all over the kitchen. I didn't even put the food away properly. All the presents and things we opened were left around the sofa and the coffee table in the living room.

'YEONA! COME DOWN HERE!' I heard his loud, deep growl. He was angry.

I dragged myself down the stairs, barely even walking. He had his back turned to be as he we still scanning the house.

'Can you explain what in the fuck happened? And this?!' He raised that box of condoms to show me, looking as pissed off as you can get. His veins were almost popping out, and his jaw was clenched to the point he might break his teeth.

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