'I'm so excited! We haven't done this in so long.' Iyera was pretty much just jumping around on the couch, acting like a 5 year old. 'Also,' She jumped off the couch and ran to me. 'Jimin's coming over.' She wiggles her eyebrows
'Okay, Iyera, seriously, you've got to cool it. I don't see him that way at all. And neither does he.' She is getting way too ahead of herself
'I mean, you could. You're just not trying.' She has a point, I guess, but I can't force myself to like someone. I'm having hard enough time trying to force myself to stop loving Jungkook. 'I don't get why you're still pinning over him. He is so not it.' She sighs. This wasn't even her trying to push it. She is just genuinely concerned
'I'm not sure myself. It's not like I want to love him. And it's not like we had a perfect relationship.'
'Exactly my point. He is not the boyfriend material. He is not someone who could give themselves to you without a concern. There is always something with him.'
'I know, Iyera. Trust me, I know better than anyone. But I really don't wanna talk about him right now. Can we not, please?'
*Bell ring*
'There's your exit.' She chuckles. 'Go, let the man into your home and into your heart.' She throws herself on the sofa, putting her hand on her forehead dramatically
'Idiot.' I muttered to myself before walking up to the door
'Oh, thank God. I thought I got the wrong house for a second.' Jimin sighs in relief
'Nah, you're at the right place.' I laugh. 'Come on in. Make yourself at home.' I left the door open for him
He followed after me into my living room, soaking in his surroundings. He smiled and muttered something to himself, but I couldn't hear him.
'Jimin! Welcome to my humble aboad.' Iyera is spread across the sofa like a queen, gesturing at the room in front of her as if it's her home
Seeing him in my home feels somehow... familiar. I feel like I've seen him in here a million times, even though I'm fully aware I haven't. I need therapy.
Taehyung came in shortly after, bringing a bunch of snacks. Although he ate half of it on his way here. But that's just Taehyung for you. Soon enough, we agreed to watch some comedy movie.
Iyera and Taehyung cuddled up on the floor in front of the couch. I've got that fluffy carpet, and both of them tend to sit there whenever we do this. Which is great for me because I've got the couch all too myself. Well, myself and Jimin, who's sitting next to me.
I'm so used to Jungkook being where Jimin is. But a lot closer. And a lot louder. He laughs like a maniac and slaps everything around him when he does. Jimin, on the other hand, has one of those adorable giggles that make you smile involuntarily.
Jungkook might slap people, but Jimin contorts his entire body when he laughs. He fell on me about 4 times throughout the movie, which just made me laugh even more. I think he apologized about 15 times as well.
'That was a good one.' Iyera was still laughing a bit
'Then this calls for a horror movie. We can't do this without shitting our pants a little.' Taehyung grins
'Hell yes!' Iyera high-fives him
'I drank way too much of this thing. I'll be back in a sec.' Jimin got up and headed down the hall
Have I told him where the toilet is? I guess I did. He didn't ask, and he went straight to it. I probably have. My brain is messing with me too much these days, so I wouldn't be surprised.

Nice to meet you. I love you. |BTS JIMIN HS FF|
Romance'No. This can't be him. This can't be that little kid I had a dream about. I'm just imagining things.' You think to yourself as you're looking at the face in front of you, which reminds you of the little boy you saw in you dream. Will your mind keep...