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I never thought Jimin would spend days at my place, sleeping in my bed. Living with me. And I loved every second of it. I have fallen so hard for him, and I can't have enough.

His eyes, his hair, his smile... his lips... his laughter... his voice... everything about him is beyond perfect to me. Not a thing on that man that is not perfect. And he is more than aware of my infatuation with him. Probably because I haven't left him alone for a second since he's been here.

'You're like a little spider that you can't get rid of.' He teased as I wouldn't get off his back. I wrapped myself around him like a koala bear, not letting him move without me. He actually carried me to the kitchen and back when he went for water.

'I'll let go if it bothers you that much.' I tease back, and he grabs my legs, keeping them where they are.

'Don't you dare let go.' He sounded almost threatening for a second, but then that stunning, tummy-turning smile glowed on his face

'Wasn't planning on it anyway.' I giggle, nuzzling closer

'Yeona, I know Christmas is in 2 days, but I want to give you your present now. If you don't mind.'

'You know, you didn't have to get me anything, Jimin.'
He just gave me a 'bitch, please' look, raising an eyebrow at me.

'Sorry.' I mumble

'I'll be back in a second. I promise.' He laughed at me when I tightened my legs around him as he tried to get up

'I guess that's okay.' I pretended to pout, but then I smiled and let go of him. I probably should have done that anyway. I must have stopped his bloodflow.

I waited for about a minute, just staring at the TV, and then I heard him behind me.

'Don't move.'

'O...kay?' I chuckled, but did as he said

And then I felt a cold string around my neck and him clipping it at the back of it. A necklace?!


'It's not even close to being as beautiful as you, but I hoped you'd be okay with carrying a piece of me with yourself.' He spoke right into my ear, kissing me softly on the cheek

I felt like crying with the words alone. He is way too good to be true. I touched it gently with my fingers, afraid I might break it by accident or something. And that's when I lift up the little pendant.

'Oh.. Jimin..' The tears I held in so far spilt out. 'This is so beautiful.' The pendant was a little blue crystal heart, wrapped with silver angel wings.

' The pendant was a little blue crystal heart, wrapped with silver angel wings

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'I'm happy you like it, baby. I just wanted you to have something of mine with yourself when I'm not around.' He hugged me tightly, leaving kisses on my neck.

'I love it so much. I'll never take it off. I love you.' I sniffled, hugging his arms even tighter. 'Thank you. Thank you.'

'Can I give you yours now as well?' I turn a little, looking at him

He smiled gently, wiping my tears away. 'You are a gift enough yourself, my angel. I don't need a thing other than you.'

'You're just gonna make me cry even more.' I tell him as I'm crying. 'Okay. I'll be back in a sec.'

I kind of had a similar idea to his. It's not a necklace, but it is earrings. He wears them all the time, especially those dangly ones. And they suit him so well. So I got him a pair of silver earrings. Dangling feathers with an extra silver chain with a little ball at the end.

'I can't really put this on you as you did on me, purely because I do not want to kill you

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'I can't really put this on you as you did on me, purely because I do not want to kill you.' I joke a little

He giggled, shaking his head and joking back. 'Now I'm worried.'

'No need to be.' I smile. 'Here you go. I hope you like it.'

'Proposing already?' He jokes, taking a little box from my hand. He opened it, and his smile grew across his face. 'The are so damn cool!'

He put them aside and jumped almost on me, hugging me tightly. 'Thank you so much. I love them.' It looked like he was being honest.

'You're welcome.' I hug him as tight as I can

'Oh, oh, I wanna put them on.' He released me and pretty much jumped back on the couch. He took out the ones he had in so far and replaced them with the new ones. 'Whatcha think?' He grins

'I think you make them look even cooler.' I grin back. And he does. He could wear potato skin and make it look hot

'I wanna see. I wanna see!' He zoomed past me right into the bathroom, going to the mirror, then ran back and hugged me, lifting me off the ground. 'I love these. Thank you, baby.'

'Maybe next year I'll buy you a bracelet.' I joke

'Oh, next year already?' He smiles, putting me down. 'You planning on keeping me that long?'

'You're not getting rid of me anytime soon.' I giggle, pulling him down for a kiss

'Damn it. Who's gonna put up with you for another year.' He sighs jokingly

'Jimin.' I call his name with a smile

'Hmm?' He smiles back

'You've got about 5 seconds to run before I kick your butt.' I kept the smile on, just so he knows he's in danger

He giggled and ran, going around the couch

And then the pillow fight ensued. I chased him around with a pillow, hitting him lightly while he was dying laughing, only covering himself.

'Okay! Okay! I got it! I got it!' He gave up because he was laughing too much and flopped on the couch, still laughing his ass off

I put down the pillow, then sat over his lap, kind of straddling him. 'That was mean.' I pouted, pretending I'm mad

'I know.' He giggles. 'But you know I'm just joking. The thought that you still want to be with me that far ahead honestly makes my heart want to burst. You have no idea how much you mean to me.' He caressed my face so gently, looking into my eyes

'I might have a slight idea.' I smile, leaning in closer

'No, you don't.'

Our lips met once more, filling my heart with pure happiness.

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