'Okay, this definitely looks like a murder site.' Iyera comments as we finally got to our camp spot
We drove here for 2 hours into the mountains, and now walked another 40 minutes till we got to where we are now.
It is kind of a clearing, surrounded by a thick forest that at the moment looks beautiful, but when I see in the night, I'll shit my pants. I can also hear a faint sound of the water somewhere, so I guess there is a river somewhere nearby.
'Let's set up camps one by one.'
It took us only about and hour or so to set up all 3 tents. I thought it would take a lot longer, but Taehyung and Jimin connected all those ropes as fast as you'd tie a shoelace, and Jungkook did all the heavy lifting where they needed it.
While the guys were setting up the tents, me and Iyera unpacked all the sleeping bags and organized all the food and drinks, and set up the little grill that we brought with us for the meat. The weather is stunning considering it's almost November now. Sunny without even a gush of wind. It feels more like spring than fall.'Here you go, boys.' Iyera and I gave each of them a bottle of water
'Oh, thank you.' Jimin gulped most of his water down in one go. It took him about 5 seconds. Taheyung seems to have wanted to do the same, but ended up spilling more than he drank.
'Should we set up the firepit and then go explore a bit?' Tae asks, getting everyone to agree. As sunny and warm as it is now, it will be cold once the sun goes down. It's in the middle of the mountain, after all.
'I feel like I'm about to get attacked by a bear. Or a wolf.' Iyera shudders looking into the thickness of the forest on our right
'You won't see any animals besides foxes and badgers here. And even if you do, they will be more scared of us than we will be of them.' Tae comforts her
We walked through the forest for quite a bit before reaching another clearing that looked like ancient ruins. There were broken down walls of what seems to have been a bunch of little houses back in the day. It's just stone, overgrown with bushes and such. But still interesting.
'Just be careful. There could be snakes and such.' Jungkook warned us as we headed towards it
'Like this one?' Jimin grins, holding up a tiny snake, seemingly a baby, giggling to himself as it wrapped itself around his hand
'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!' Iyera screams at him
'You are a damn psychopath!' Taehyung backed away, laughing in shock
'That looks slimey.' Jungkook grimaced
'I wanna touch it.' I giggle, going over to Jimin
'Hold on.' He held it a bit differently, holding it's head so it doesn't bite me
'This is so cool. It's not even slimey. It's just... leathery.' The snake was greyish, with white little dots on the scales. I thought the scales would be sharp by the look of them, but it's just smooth
'You both need therapy.' Iyera scolds us
'Party poopers. This one is not even venomous.' Jimin clicks his tongue. 'You go, buddy. Be free.' He gently put the snake down and it slithered away with the speed of light into a big bush
'How the hell did you even catch it?' Jungkook is suprisingly interested
'I don't know. It was just laying there and I picked it up. It didn't even try to run away.' Jimin explains it as if he was picking up a kitten, not a snake
'Jesus.' Iyera shudders and starts walking again, heading to the ruins we saw earlier
We walked through it and around it, but it was getting darker so we decided to go back to our site and light a fire.
It got dark, and the sky turned into a vast nothingness filled with little blinking lights. You could see every single star in the sky. Even without the moon, everything was bright. The sounds of the fire cackling and the smoke going up in the sky was so relaxing I felt like falling asleep.
'This is really nice.' Tae smiled, looking at the sky above us
'I don't think I've ever seen this many stars.' Iyera says quietly
'I might start seeing different kind of stars if I don't get myself to bed. I am beat.' Jungkook yawns
'Might as well head out for the night. It is kind of late.' Tae agrees
'Who's sleeping where?' Jungkook asks. 'And I mean the two of you. I know these two are together.' He points to Taehyung and Iyera
'I don't really care. All the same.' Jimin shurgs
'Same here.' I agree
'Well, then, I'm taking that one. You are welcome to join. Night night.' He said it to both of us then went into the middle tent
'Should we, then?' Tae asks
'I think I'll stay up a bit. I like it here and I'm not as tired.' I say
'I'll stay to keep her from burning or something.' Jimin teases
'Mhm.' Iyera snickers. 'Let's go babe.'
It didn't take two minutes ti hear Jungkook's light snoring from the middle tent, and Iyera's giggles from their tent.
'Are we gonna have to listen to this every night while we're here?' Jimin sighs
I just laughed and nodded. 'Let's just hope they don't argue. That's my concern. With this, I can deal.'
'I suppose you have a point.' He chuckles, and pulls himself lower, laying down completely. 'Come on, lay with me. Trust me, it's worth it.' He smiles, looking at the sky
Not like I have anything better to do. I laid next to him, getting comfy on the grass. He was right. This looks even more beautiful.
'Here.' He stretches out his arm. 'So you don't get all that grass in your hair.' He smiles
'Are you sure?' I don't wanna just use him as a pillow
'Of course. Get comfy.'
I hesitantly laid on his arm, coming a bit closer to him so it's comfier for the both of us. Hmm, he smells nice. How does he smell nice in the damn forest?
'Big bear.'
'Big bear!' Both of us pointed at the same contellation, then looked at each other. Although, I looked a bit more surprised than him. He just had a big smile on his face'Always the big bear.' He giggles, turning back to look at the sky
I have no idea what that meant, but the only constellation I know is that one. The only one I ever knew was that one. Namjoon taught me when I was about 6, and I ran around the park showing it to all the other kids to look cool because I knew the stars.
We just laid in comfortable silence for a while, then figured it might be time to go to sleep. It was almost 3 in the morning, so we kinda had to.
'Where do you wanna sleep?' He ask
'I guess I'll take that one.' I point to the left, empty one
'I'll take the middle one then.' He smiles
'Can-can you stay with me? If I see a bug, I will burn down the tent.' I truly hate them
'It's not a crocodile. It's a bug.' He laughs. 'But if you're really okay with it, I don't have a problem with it.'
I didn't think I'd ever sleep in the same place as Jimin, but having him here gave me so much comfort. I would be poopin my pants if I was on my own. He makes me feel safe. So safe that I fell asleep the moment I got into my sleeping bag.

Nice to meet you. I love you. |BTS JIMIN HS FF|
Romance'No. This can't be him. This can't be that little kid I had a dream about. I'm just imagining things.' You think to yourself as you're looking at the face in front of you, which reminds you of the little boy you saw in you dream. Will your mind keep...