I woke up to the sound of birds and a few muffled voices. It took me a second to realize where I was and why I can't move as much.
I looked to my right to see Jimin still sound asleep. I had a bit of a shock for a moment because I forgot he is in the same tent.
The initial shock went away as I watched him slowly breathe in and out, hugging a part of his sleeping bag. I've only ever seen Jungkook asleep, and he doesn't look this cute sleeping.
Jimin's cheek is a bit squished as he's on his side, and his lips are lightly pouted. Way too cute for this early morning.
I unzipped my bag quitely, trying not to wake him up. I even managed to get out of the tent without tripping and creating noise.
'Morning sunshine.' Taehyung waves
'Is Jimin in your tent?' Iyera asks. 'I haven't seen him yet.'
Jungkook was here as well, not making a single sound just yet. He only looked at me when she asked me that question.
'Yeah. He's still asleep, though. I think he'll be a while.'
'Getting some action on the night one. Grrr.' Taheyung jokes
'I am just scared of the bugs. I'm not sleeping alone. Fuck that.' I shudder
'Damsel in distress and a prince charming. Tale as old as time.' Jungkook says in the most sarcastic manner, throwing little twigs in the firepit, readying it for later on
'Jungkook, do you have to be a dick this early in the morning?' Iyera scolds him, and he just shrugs his shoulders, not caring in the slightest. I'm more surprised that he said anything at all.
'Let's wait for Jimin to wake up, then we can go have some fun.' Taehyung is all into this
It only took about 20 minutes before Jimin emerged from his tent, looking like he got electrocuted. His hair does at least. Still kind of cute, though.
'Morning.' He raises his hand, squinting at us
'That is some morning voice on you.' Iyera chuckles. She's right. That's a hell of a deep voice for someone who usually has a sweet, melodic voice
'Did you get enough beauty sleep?' Jungkook teases
'Mhm, mhm.' He mumbled and nodded kind of cutely
We all did what we could. Pee in nature, which is not the funnest thing. Brushed our teeth above the bushes and such. But we got it done, and now we're gonna hike a bit.
We walked for quite a while until the sound of the water became clearer and clearer.
'Wow. That's gorgeous.' Taehyung was in awe of a little waterfall that we were all looking at
'This looks like a live painting.' Even Jungkook agreed
'Psst.' Jimin hisses at me, getting my attention. He motioned to the little stream to our right. 'You in?' He grins
'Let's go.' I giggled and ran after him, having the rest of them confused
I just wanna focus on having fun. Not on Jungkook. I can focus on breaking my own heart once we're home.
'What are you two doing?' Taehyung yells at us
'We are so going to freeze.' I am already laughing
'I know. We might die this time.' He laughs as well. 'Together?' He offers his hand
'Fuck it.' I take his hand and we step into the cold stream together
'OH MY GOD THIS WAS SUCH A MISTAKE!' I screamed as soon as the water touched me. Instant pain.
'SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!' He kept cursing and yelling, not letting go of my hands. It kind of helps to hold hands like this. You've got something to squeeze when the pain hits
'Are you two mental!? Get out of there!' Iyera screamed at us
'NEVER!' Jimin yelled back, but changed his opinion within 5 seconds. 'I lied. Let's get out.'
'Thank God!' I gladly followed him out of the stream, where we both started skipping in spot with our teeth gritting in coldness
'Your feet. Your feet.' He composed himself enough to grab a towel from his bag and wrap it around my feet, then did the same to himself
The three of them just watched us in horror, probably thinking we're absolutely insane.
'We need to find a less painful hobby.' I tell him as I'm rubbing my feet, trying to warm them up
'I'll work on that first thing.' He giggles
'What. In the fuck. Was that?' Jungkook asks both of us, coming closer
'We found a hobby.' Jimin tells him, making me laugh a little
'A hobby? Freezing yourself to death?' He raises his eyebrow
'You wouldn't get it.' I chuckle
'I got something for you.' Jimin giggles, taking something out of the bag. 'Give me your hand.'
I put out my hands as if on begging, and he put a few heat pacs into them.
'Oh my God. You're amazing.' I am so ready to heat them up and put them on my feet
He had a few for himself, and they honestly helped more than I thought they would.
We stayed around the waterfall for most of the day. It was kind of magical. A bit cold, but something you must see.
I guess day 2 was pretty fun. One more before we go back to reality.

Nice to meet you. I love you. |BTS JIMIN HS FF|
Romance'No. This can't be him. This can't be that little kid I had a dream about. I'm just imagining things.' You think to yourself as you're looking at the face in front of you, which reminds you of the little boy you saw in you dream. Will your mind keep...