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It was almost 10 when my phone buzzed on my nightstand. I had just come out of the shower and got into my jammies, getting comfy enough to jump into my bed. Or not.

I opened a message from Jimin, which was a picture of the swings in the park with a caption 'Come play with me, NaNa'

What a dork. I didn't even change my shirt, I just put a jacket over it and ran out.

'Where the hell are you going at this hour? And in pyjamas?' Namjoon was looking at me, giving me a questionable look

'I'm meeting a friend in the park. I'll be back soon!' I ran out before he even answered. I don't wanna have to explain. Because I can't.

He was sitting on one of the swings, swaying back and front just the tiniest bit, with his feet still firmly on the ground. He is definitely too big for these swings.

'Hi.' I greet him, stepping on the crunchy pebbles that lead to the swings

Even in the dark, he smiles so brightly that he glows. 'You came.'

'Of course. You asked.' I giggle, getting on the swing next to him

It felt so freeing just doing nothing. Swinging back and front, listening to Jimin's giggles.

'Wanna see who can go higher?' He grins

'You're on.'

It was a stupid game kids always played. Swaying as hard as you can until you are so high in the air that you might fall off. But it was fun.

Neither of us could stop laughing, swaying our legs to gain more momentum. And these swings are way too squeaky for this. And we are far too heavy for them.

His legs were too long and kept dragging him back on the ground, so he forfeited, laughing his ass off. 'Oh, I am way too old for this.'

'Makes two of us.' I chuckle

'How are you anyway? Feeling better?' He asks

'Much. You tend to make me forget about problems.' I admit, looking at the little hole in the pebbles I made with the tip of my toes, smiling a little to myself

He was silent for a bit, then surprised me by taking my hand, gently playing with my fingers. It took me a bit by surprise, but I didn't pull it back or anything. I don't mind it when he holds me like this.

'What are you thinking about?' I ask, noticing he's deep in thought

'Nothing much.' He smiles. 'Just about how nice this is. Simple. Quiet.' He looks around the park that was deadly quiet. Not a single person in sight.

'It is nice. Calming.' I leaned my head on the metal strap of the swing, feeling his fingers wrap around mine

Suddenly, his giggles filled the air. 'Why are you in pyjamas?'

'You only noticed now?' I laugh along. 'I was about to go to bed, but then you sent me a message, and I kind of ran out.'

'Cute.' A smile on his face was the only cute thing right now. Unlike my cheeks that were burning a little. 'We should probably go back. You will freeze in that.'

'Can you walk with me?' I don't feel like saying bye just yet

'I was gonna do that anyway.' He smiles

He got up from the swing, letting go of my hand. Now my hand felt a bit empty. I can't really ask him to hold my hand. It's not something people do just because. I looked at my palm, then closed my fist, getting up myself.

He must have noticed it because a moment later, his hand was in front of me. 'My hand is cold.'

'Mine is too.' I smiled brightly, intertwining my fingers with his

He walked me back in silence, only letting go of me once we were in front of my house. We walked slowly, and we still got there within 2 minutes.

'I guess I'll see you tomorrow.' He smiled a little, releasing my hand

'Tomorrow.' I nod, but neither one of us moved. 'Jimin, can I-'

'Mhm.' He cut me off with a hug, holding me close to him. I felt his fingers get tangled in my hair just a little, holding me hidden in his neck, enveloped in his scent. He never hugged me like this before. No one ever did. Jungkook never did.

'Goodnight, Yeona.' He whispered into my ear, releasing the hold on me a few moments later

'Goodnight, Jimin.'

Getting back into my room, I felt like these 20 minutes flew by. Except it wasn't 20 minutes. We were out for a bit over an hour. What the hell? It flew by so fast, and we barely even spoke.

I hope we do this a few more times.

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