Voicemail sent on 8 April 2012 at 3:34 p.m.
"Hi! Guess what day after tomorrow is? Yay, it's my birthday. I'll be officially seventeen on the tenth. And I'll be celebrating it with you. Raven and the guys wanted to be there too but I told them that I intended it to be strictly for two people. You and me."
My hand went up to my heart and it ached a little. She was going to celebrate her birthday with an unconscious person.
"So, I better get going and pick an outfit for our little date. Of course, I can't make much noise in your room, the nurses will freak out so it'll be quiet. Anyway, bye!"

100 Voicemails
Short Story[You can now purchase 100 Voicemails' paperback on Amazon!] After a car accident, seventeen year old Steve Carlton, goes into a coma. When he does wake up after a few months, he suffers from temporary memory loss. During this time, he starts to go...