Author's Note (PLEASE READ)

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Hi, humans. *Waves timidly from behind a sofa* PLEASE DO NOT KILL ME! HEAR ME OUT FIRST! >_< This is gonna be long but please bear with me since this is very important.

Okay, well, first of all this has been a wonderful experience. I really enjoyed writing this book and reading all your wonderful heart-warming comments and replying to them. Thank you all so much for making this such a memorable experience. I love you all and '100 Voicemails' couldn't have made it this far without you.

Secondly, I know you're frustrated, angry and sad that I killed off Ari but believe me, I was just trying to make it more realistic. There are people out there who give up, who lose all hope and decide that it's not worth it. But you know what?

They're wrong.

Suicide is NEVER the answer. Ever.

You probably think you're going through so much and no one even cares or remotely understands you. But there is always someone. I promise you that. Even if there is just one single person out there in the universe, there's still someone who understands. You're never alone. We all have tough times in life but that's life. You just gotta, you know, pick yourself up again and be strong. Not for anyone but for yourself. Don't give up, keep fighting. You're worth it.

And I'm going through a tough time myself currently. My little brother, aged seven, has brain tumor and I literally found out about this yesterday. Literally. He's just a little boy and it's pretty serious. You should know, that I'm a person who doesn't like to share my personal sob stories with strangers but I'm still telling you all this. Because I want you to know you're not alone. You're not the only one who's suffering. The thing is, as soon as people found out about my little brother, everyone came around. At 12 and 1 in the morning. They came, forgetting their sleep, holding my brother in their arms, telling me that I need to be strong for him, for my family and for me. And I'm trying. I'll try my best.

This really made an impact on me. Relatives and family members coming around and calling. My uncles called, they're coming here to make sure we're okay. My cousins are in shock, repeating the same thing: "It's gonna be fine, we're here for you." Family friends came over crying for a boy they aren't even that familiar with.

Despite how hopeless and damned we think the human race is, there's still hope. And there always will be. Because in times of despair and loss, people come around for you because they care. And you need to let them in. Please don't shut them out - like Ari. Open the door and let them in and you'll feel better, I promise you.

Anyway, enough about me, so yeah, that's why I decided to post all the remaining 4 voicemails altogether along with this author's note. I finished '100 Voicemails' on the 22nd of October 2015 and it was on that day, that I had to be strong for my brother, for everyone I knew. Be strong. I love you all. Thank you so much for reading this far. I hope my little guy makes it. 

Thirdly, there's an epilogue. ;) Yeah, it'll be published after a week or so. Thank you all so much! XD Keep your eyes open for that epilogue. Love you, humans!

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