Voicemail sent on 19 February 2012 at 7:56 p.m.
"I went to see you today. I didn't freak out like last time but it was still hard for me. Raven offered to come with me but I wanted to go alone. Your parents were already there so I didn't get to spend a lot of time with you. The doctors say they're still trying their best but they always say that. I don't trust them anymore....but I hope they're right this time when they say that you'll recover. You have to recover, Steve. Please."

100 Voicemails
Kısa Hikaye[You can now purchase 100 Voicemails' paperback on Amazon!] After a car accident, seventeen year old Steve Carlton, goes into a coma. When he does wake up after a few months, he suffers from temporary memory loss. During this time, he starts to go...