Chapter 02

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Coming out of the tent, I stretch my arms and legs. Fortunately, the RM is held in a valley. The hotels in the prime location are expensive as hell. But there's enough ground around the valley to camp for free.

I look down into the valley at the venue. There are patches of tables and chairs.

"Get up you lazy bastards," I shout at the two tents on my side before going back into mine to get ready.

Chloe, Ivan and I head down and start looking for a reasonable looking restaurant. By reasonable, I mean, cheap ass.

The three of us unanimously stop in front of a food truck and nod. After getting the sandwiches and coffee we move to one of the free tables to eat.

"Woah, that's the infamous Bull Alpha of Javier Woods," Chloe says, looking behind me.

I turn around and see an insanely huge man with beard. He has the nick name bull because his wolf is allegedly so big it can topple over anyone with its head like a bull.

"And that's Sinclair, Moore Ravine's Beta," Ivan says.

We look to the side. A tremendously handsome man in a three piece suit is sipping coffee while reading a newspaper. Rumor is that he once killed a vampire with bare hands while still in his human form.

I look at my friends. "What do you suppose people think when they look at us?"

The three of us pause for a moment before starting to laugh. "The help?" Chloe says. "The staff," Ivan says. "Isn't that the same?" I say.

"Whatever, they are never going to think we're one of the ABDs," Chloe says.

"But there are ABDs around our age, too," I say looking around.

"I recognize one. That brown haired guy," Ivan says looking to the other side at one of the tables, "He was at Garmik's when I went there. He must be now the Alpha of Trentin."

"Trentin?" I say, eyebrows raised, "He's Gregory Carmick's son?"

Ivan nods.

"Alright, who else we know?" Chloe says searching. Her head stops. "Is that Reeves from Romp?"

A few tables to our left are a group of boys. Chloe is referring to the one with the curly hair. "I think, I remember him," I say, "He got caught sleeping with his cousin at Camp Stoire, right?"

Chloe nods. "Wait, I don't remember that," Ivan says.

"You missed that year's camp and went to your grandparents' place," I remind him.

"The event sure is as big as my dad always told me," Chloe says.

I agree. It's like the valley is charged with some kind of power because of the concentration of such high ranking werewolves. The security is just as tight and serious.

It took me and my friends two hours to convince them that we are the ABD representing our pack, Fault Lake, before we were let into the border.

After breakfast, the three of us walk around. It'll be an hour before the opening ceremony commences. We stop at a souvenir shop. I decide to purchase a post card. Each year the design is different and my dad collected them. When I put my hand into my pocket to get the wallet I realize I forgot it in the tent.

I ask Ivan to get the card and I return to the tent to grab my wallet. On my way back down, I suddenly stop.

For I have just laid eyes on the world's most hot, handsome and ripped boy - aka my mate.

Everything is moving in slow motion now - the breeze, the butterflies, his hair. There's a glow all over him. His eyes seem to be twinkling.

I get so lost on his sex appeal, I don't see the boy is upset, looking at me.

He walks over to me. And again, everything is happening in slow motion for me. I watch him with my mouth agape. He grabs my wrist. Ooh, the jolt. And takes me into the forest.

Are we going to kiss already? I'm not sure if I'm ready though, I think, grinning. But I'm fine with kissing, or anything this demigod of a boy wants.

We stop next to a tree and he drops my hand. I take a deep breath, expecting the kiss.

But instead, he talks. "Look, I don't want a mate," he angrily says.

Slowly things go from slow-mo to normal speed, and the glow around him starts to dim.

"I'm doing this for your own sake," he says, "I Alpha J-"

I grab his collar and pull him down. "You better not finish that sentence, if you like to stay alive. I've seen girls settle for far worse for a bond, so there's no fucking way I'm letting go of a damn fucking good looking guy like you who just fell onto my lap as my mate. So do not bother thinking you can get away from me. In fact, don't think at all. All you have to do is come with me so I could introduce you to my friends, and then maybe we make out a little, and then I'll take you home with me. Understood?"

The boy blinks at me, part confused, part stunned, as if it's the first time he has been spoken to like this. And then he snaps out of it and his lips press tighter. He yanks my hand off of him.

Ouch. That hurt.

"You've any idea who you're fucking talking to?" He says, "And you think you get to have a fucking say in this? I'm the Alpha here. So, you listen to me clear, I Alpha Jackson Kauf reject you as my mate."

Kauf?! He's a Kauf! From Yarvey Creek? No wonder he thinks he's all mighty! Dude is all mighty! I'll be damned.

Jackson looks confused. I look confused as to why he looks confused. And then my confusion goes away. I smile. "Oopsie. Didn't work, I see," I tell him. He's wondering why his dramatic declaration hasn't done anything except maybe spook some birds away.

He looks even more angry. "I Alpha Jackson Kauf reject you as my mate," he says through his teeth.

Nothing happens.

I poke and twist into my ear with my pinky finger. "You want to try saying that louder and see if it works?" I suggest.

He looks like a clueless puppy, before the lightning finally strikes.

And of course, he looks angry again, a little shocked as well. "You are an Alpha?!" he says.

End of chapter

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