Chapter 03

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Never have I ever been so happy in my life to be an Alpha as I am now while staring into my mate's glare - a fellow Alpha fella.

If I hadn't been one, all it would've taken to sever our bond is just his word since he would've been the higher ranking one.

Among two equally ranked werewolves, however, the bond can only be severed (or fully accepted, unfortunately) if both parties agree.

"Jack, did y-" Two handsome boys appear behind Jackson.

It doesn't take much to put one and two together. "You two must be his Beta and Delta. Hi, I'm Leah, Jacky's mate. He slightly seems to be in shock, so take care of him please. I'll later find you guys and introduce you to my friends, alright? It was nice meeting you."

I look at Jackson, "And you, try to run away and I'll break your legs."

With spring in my step I head down the slope to tell my friends the good news.

I find them waiting at the souvenir shop. With my arms open I run to them and engulf them in a hug. "I need you two to know, I still love you the most. So there's no need to feel insecure about this at all. Okay?" I say before letting them go and saying, "I have just found my mate."

They both look at me with widened eyes. "The fuck?" Claire says. I nod. "It's true."

Ivan looks around me. "Where is he?"

"Well, it's a bit complicated. He's a little... difficult. But nothing we can't handle. The important part is I've found him."

Finally, they believe me (I think) and give me a hug in turn.

"Can't we see him now?" Chloe eagerly says.

"Hmmm. Let's just wait until the ceremony," I say and just then the announcement for the ceremony comes out loud through the speakers.

The three of us find us some chairs at the back of the crowd in front of the large stage.

Some of the notable Alphas, and those who organized the event, give long boring speeches. They also announce some activities arranged for us all to participate. All of this bores me. I know what I'll be doing here.

"For some of you this is your first visit here," the bull Alpha says, "I welcome you all, and assure you that this and future RMs will be a valuable experience for you."

Oh, it's valuable, alright.

"Each year, we select one of the most promising new Alphas to introduce. This year, it's none other than Yarvey Creek's Jackson Kauf, a remarkable young man and from one of the most powerful legacy who have recently taken the reigns of the world's largest werewolf pack."

When Jackson comes to the stage, everyone claps. Grinning, I poke at Chloe's arm who's busy clapping herself. "What?" She says. I point my finger at Jackson on the stage.

She nods. "Yeah, he's practically the world's most influential werewolf."

I nod. "I know, but that's not why I'm pointing at him."

Her brows contract before expanding to their limits. "HIM?! He's your mate?!"

"Wait, What?" Ivan says, who heard her and had stopped clapping. "He's your mate?"

I nod.

"Fuck, is that why you said he was difficult?" Ivan says.

I sigh. "He tried to reject me," I say.

"What?" They both say.

"Twice," I add.

"That prick, how dare he reject my friend? He's scary or not, I'll drag him by his ear and throw him to your feet," Chloe says.

"Thank you. Will you do that though?" I ask, trying my luck.

"No," she quickly says.

"It's a bit of a problem though. I don't think he wants a mate," Ivan says.

"He told me that. Why?"

"I don't know," he says, "thought it was just a rumor."

The three of us breathe out as we watch Jackson take the mike. Briefly his gaze reaches the back rows. I don't know if he spotted me or not but when it looked like he was looking our way I made sure to give him a flying kiss.

Jackson clears his throat, looking stern. Oh, looks like the kiss hit its mark.

"Thank you very much, Alpha Vaughn. I'll do my best to live up to the legacy of Yarvey," Jackson begins.

"Shit," I mutter under my breath.

"What?" Chloe says.

"He's not going to come home with me leaving his pack behind," I say.

"Really?" Ivan says, "You realized that just now?"

"I was busy daydreaming about him for other things. Reality was last on my list," I say.

"What are we going to do?" Chloe says.

"First, let's just properly go say hi to him and his friends later. I'm sure his shock of finding out I'm an Alpha would've gone by then. We'll try to be friendly and non-threatening, so we could first subdue our targets before punching them in the guts and make them fall from which they can never get up," I say, "Agreed?"

"Agreed," my friends say.

I eventually find out, reaching Jackson is not that easy. He keeps mingling with all the high end Alphas, which makes it difficult to corner him, and before we know day one of RM is over.

So we go to plan B.

End of chapter

A/N - Hope you're enjoying the updates in all three of the ongoing stories. See you next time :)

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