Chapter 15

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I wake up from the bad dream. Rather than a dream, it's more like a memory I'd forgotten for a long time. But with all that's happening, I guess it found its way to my dreams.

Deciding for a walk, I leave the house. When I come around the guesthouse, I see Jackson doing push ups, shirtless. The bad mood from the dream disappears in an instant. I spring next to Jackson and watch him work out.

Sighing he pauses mid push. "Why don't you wipe that drool off your face and let me work out in peace?" He says.

"No," I say, "Why don't you get up and wipe it off for me?"

With a grunt he resumes his exercise. I squat down close to him. "Do you work out everyday?" I say, admiring his arm muscles move.

"As any Alpha should," he says without even a little break for air given what he's doing.

"I know. I was on a walk myself," I say, nodding.

He scoffs. "Why are you stopping here then?" He says.


He pauses again and turns his head to see my house at the back and then looks at me. "You need a break now from having walked from there?"

"I take a lot of breaks," I tell him while he continues his work out.

"Uh, huh," he says.

"You should be more open minded," I tell him, "Not every Alpha is born with a strong and sexy body like you. But we all have a strength of our own."

"Is that so? What's your strength?"

Shit. I didn't think he'd ask that. Let me think...

"Leah," Ivan says, walking over to us.

Oh, thank God, my Beta appears at the right time for a change. "What?" I say.

"It was a burner phone," Ivan says.

I'd asked him to look through phone calls placed around the time Jackson and I were in the theater. Looks like the prank caller was too careful.

"Got it. Thanks," I say.

"I also got a quote from the supplier for the security cameras. We are five thousand short on cash," Ivan says.

"Can't they give us a discount?" I whine.

"They already did. We're still five short," Ivan says.

"Gosh, why is everything so expensive? By any chance you've any cash left after making the traps?" I hopefully ask.

"I had to beg my landlord to put this month's rent on tab," Ivan says, shutting me up. I hang my head down in shame and thinking. Then I perk up and raise my head. "Let's ask Chu for money," I say.

"Seriously? You want to borrow money from the weed dealer?" Ivan says.

"We found that prick's stolen weed for him didn't we? Even though that was our lawful duty to do so, the least he can do is lend us some money, interest-free of course," I say.

"He already lent you two thousand," Ivan says.

"Great," I say, remembering it, "then he'll just have to add five more to my account."

Jackson stands up after finishing with his pushups. He says, "I can't believe that was a conversation I just heard between an Alpha and their Beta. How is your pack still surviving?"

"Oh, please, it's not surviving. It's thriving," I confidently say.

"Yeah, right," he says before turning to Ivan and saying, "I've some cash on hand. I'll give you five."

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