Chapter 17

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When I wake up, I hear Chloe calling for me. "Wake up," Chloe says.

I feel drenched.

"You're sweating so much," she says.

I look at the clock. It's night already. "Is Jackson back?" I ask.

"I heard voices at the guesthouse. They must be back. I can tell them. You rest," she says.

"No," I say, sitting up, "I've to do this. I'll freshen up and head down."

After a quick shower, that does nothing to cool off my body, I go to the guesthouse. Jackson and his friends are in the living room.

"Since there are only a few days until the end of the week of your visit, you guys can leave tomorrow," I say to them.

"Tomorrow?" Jacksons says, "What's this about? You were the one who wanted me here, and now you want me to leave sooner?"

"Trust me, I don't want you to go, but some things came up and now I need this guesthouse. After everything is settled here I'll come see you in Yarvey. So don't think you're off the hook yet."

"And this has got nothing to do with the fact that Wren picked up that wolf's scent near your house today?" Jackson says.

Sighing, I sit down. I feel my energy drain even more.

"Are you alright?" Rick says.

"I know, I look sick. Probably am. Must be flu or something," I say and look at Jackson, "Please, even though I love to argue with you, just listen to me this one time. You guys return tomorrow."

"No. I made a promise to that woman that I'll get that wolf," Jackson says.

"Yeah, well, too bad, I'm her fucking Alpha, not you," I say, raising my voice, and feeling a headache coming on. "When I said you're leaving tomorrow, that wasn't a request. You're no longer welcome in my pack. Just le– Ah!"

I clutch my stomach tightly as a sharp pain hits me. Wren and Rick hurry over and catch my shoulders.

"How am I supposed to fucking leave you when you don't even seem to fucking realize you're in heat," Jackson says through his teeth.

Oh, fuck, that's what this shit is?

"You have any medicine?" Wren says.

"Chloe is in my room. She might have something," I say.

After Wren leaves, Rick helps me lie down on the couch. Rick turns to Jackson, "You're going to stay?" Rick asks.

"I can manage," Jackson says.

I turn to Jackson's voice. I can barely see him through my teared up eyes. The pain is unbearable.

"I'll wait outside," Jackson says and leaves.

"Jacky," I call after him. Rick holds my hand. "I'm afraid no Jacky for you now," Rick says, "Just bear with it for a moment."

After Chloe arrives and administers me the medicine, the pain begins to subside.

Great. As if it's not enough to be stalked by a rabid wolf, I also have to fucking go into my heat now.

"You guys can't stay here," I say to Rick once I regain my voice.

"That's not gonna happen," Rick says.

"Please, take him and leave," I say.

"He won't leave. Especially when you are like this," Rick says.

"Why not? Why stay with someone he rejects?" I say.

Rick sighs. "I can't explain anything on his behalf. But I'm telling you we're not leaving yet. Let us stay here and help you. Please," he says.

I look at Chloe. Chloe nods.

I turn to Rick. "Then you guys are staying with Ivan. I'll ask him to make some arrangements for your stay. Chloe and I need the guesthouse."

"Rick and Wren can go to Ivan. I'll stay here with you," Jackson says coming in.

"I've Chloe here," I say.

"I'm staying here," Jackson says, crossing his arms.

"You can't stay here, it might not be safe," I say, "And I know you want to laugh at me for saying that since you're stronger than me and all, but I can't just let you get your way in my packland. You either leave, or do as I say."

"Can I have a moment with her alone?" Jackson says to the others.

Everyone looks at each other briefly and leaves.

Really? Nobody is going to ask for my opinion? Not even Chloe?

Jackson says, "Get my way?", and comes closer to me. My body heats up again, but there's no pain, just a burning anticipation.

He bends down and hovers above me on the couch. "Trust me, I can get my way with you, but I'm not doing it for your sake. So how about you just politely accept my help with a thanks instead of trying to boss me around?" He says.

I drape my arms around his neck and pull him down, startling him. "Believe me, Jacky, you, the one that's allergic to having a mate, is the one that needs to watch out. For all I know I can probably fucking mark you," I say, kissing his neck and hearing the armrest that he's holding crack, "and you won't be able to do shit with the way you're now." I bite his ear and feel him holding himself back with a tremble. I say, "So drill what I'm about to say deep into that arrogant head of yours. I am the Alpha of Fault Lake. You either listen to me or leave Fault Lake or fuck me. So which one is it?"

Jackson yanks his t-shirt away from me and backs off, glaring, as well as eyes covered in lust.

I suppose it doesn't help that both of us are Alphas, and are not in a headspace for amicability because of my heat.

"Fine," he says through his teeth, "I'll stay with the guys."

"Good," I say, putting my head down on the couch and closing my eyes. Whatever little strength I had in me is all gone now. 

End of chapter

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