Chapter 21

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After what seemed like an eternal drive, Jackson, his friends, and I reach Fault Lake.

First order of business is to check on Chloe.

Afterward, I call everyone for a meeting at my parents' place.

"Things have gone too far already," my dad says, after learning that Hermann had confessed to me about the murders, "Let's inform the other packs, and together we confront Gerth Hills and take Hermann into custody."

Everyone agrees, and calls are made to whoever important we know to get them onboard.

The time is fixed for tomorrow evening.

At night, unable to fall asleep, I go for a walk. I find Jackson on the way.

"You couldn't sleep?" I ask him.

"I thought you wouldn't," he says, making me chuckle. Is this the same guy who once threw me out and locked the doors?

I go over to him, wrap my arm around his and we stroll together until we reach the lake, where we sit down on the large rock facing the shimmery water.

"Those were the peaceful days when I only had to deal with crocodiles," I say.

"You keep talking about these crocodiles, and I was looking forward to see them, but have not seen even one yet," Jackson says.

"Just my luck. Or maybe we should just wait until Mrs. Treckett breed some goats again," I say.

"Have you thought about it — What will you do after you become my Luna? You can't stay here forever and be their Alpha," he says.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Hey, I don't remember losing a toss with you. Why do I become the Luna? Why not you?"

"Fine. Let's challenge for it," he says, straightening.

I pat his bicep. "Now, now, let's not go that far, Jacky. I'll be generous and become your Luna, but we don't have to think about that until Fault Lake is back to a murderer-free land. Ivan can take over afterward."

"What's the deal with Hermann?"

I sit up. "Something bad happened to him."


I look at Jackson. "I've to confess to you about something I did in the past. I won't blame you if you find me at wrong, or even appalled by me. But I have to tell you, especially since we're now going after him. I feel restless."

"Did you hurt him?" He says.

"In a way, yes. Chloe and I are responsible for why he's like this."


"When we were young, Ivan, Chloe and I often went outside the boundary even though we were not allowed to for our own sake. It was sort of our rebellion, because we didn't want to take the titles after our dads, and thought breaking rules would find us a way out.

"We trespassed into other packs' boundaries, or bothered some rogues, and just hung about anywhere and everywhere. Sometimes we took Hermann with us. Hermann was small and weak. He was easily scared by everything. To toughen him up we would include him in our trips whenever we could.

"One day we heard about this dangerous rogue group by Sciyly. We wanted to go and take a look. Ivan caught a cold that day and couldn't come. So Chloe and I took Hermann with us even though he didn't want to go.

"At the time, we didn't know how dangerous rogues could be. The rogues we had come across until then were just homeless and cranky. But these men were criminals.

"We got caught. They tied us up. While they were dragging us to their lair, I was able to free myself from the rope. Chloe and Hermann were on my either sides. I only had time to free one of them before the men noticed.

"I quickly cut Chloe's rope. The men found out. We ran, leaving behind Hermann.

I wipe my eyes, before continuing, "Unable to entirely leave him like that the two of us circled back to the lair after they had stopped pursuing us.

"It was too late. The men had started assaulting him. We could only hear Hermann's screams from the cave. After they were done with him they left. Chloe and I quickly went in to take him with us before those men returned.

"I can never forget the state we found him in. Naked, full of bruises and blood. We wrapped him in his torn clothes and I carried him on my back.

"We took him to his dad. Chloe and I thought his dad was going to kill us for letting him get hurt. But instead Boyd threatened us to not say a word about it to anyone. At the time, I didn't understand, but later I realized he thought his reputation will be hurt if people found out what happened to his son, the Alpha's heir.

"Chloe and I never went back to see Hermann, and we stopped Ivan from going to Gerth Hills, although Ivan still doesn't know what happened.

"Once we started to keep that secret we just couldn't break it. Until now," I say and look at Jackson expecting to see disgust on his face for me.

But he looks concerned. "It was not your fault or Chloe's."

"Maybe. Maybe not. But I know in some way, and very deeply, we had wronged him, the boy who trusted us above everything and came with us wherever we took him," I say.

"Is that why you're hesitant to punish him?" he says.

I shake my head. "I'm not hesitant. He threatened Chloe. And I don't care if I go to hell for this, but both back then and now I choose her over him. I can't let her get hurt, even if it mean he has to."

"And what about you? Are you okay if you get hurt?" Jackson says.

"I would deserve it. I told Hermann I would keep him safe before we left. I broke that promise. But I won't break my promise this time to keep Chloe safe."

"I understand," Jackson says and wraps his arm over my shoulders, "You keep your promise and keep your friends safe. I'll keep my promise and keep you safe."

I smile and nudge into his embrace further. Promises are a funny thing for Alphas. I don't know why we make them even though each time it takes our everything to keep them.

End of chapter

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