Chapter 08

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When I pull the brakes of my car in front of Jackson's house, I've never felt so inadequate as an Alpha. The archway at the front door is larger than my room in my parents' place.

As soon as I enter the house with my bags, I see an open door at the opposite end to the backyard. A big black wolf, that's probably thrice larger than me, crosses the doorway quietly like a cat in an alleyway.

I stand frozen on my spot. As a werewolf it shouldn't surprise me to see a wolf, but nevertheless, I'm surprised. Don't see them much where I'm from.

Wren comes down from the stairs. "Hey, Leah. Was the drive hard?"

"No. I'm used to it now."

"Why don't you settle into your room and rest?"

"No. I only have a few days to torture your Alpha; can't waste that napping away. Where's he?"

"He went out for a morning run. He'll be back any minute."

So that was his wolf.

"Breakfast?" Wren says.

"Just Coffee, thanks."

I sit at the kitchen counter and start drinking the coffee Wren just poured into a cup for me. I take a deep breath. Travel was exhausting. My phone rings.

It's Mrs. Treckkett. The old lady who wanted me to catch a crocodile with my bare teeth. She shouts, "It came back! You let it go? It came back and ate two of my goats."

"Mam, there's no way it's the same one. It's in a closed reservation."

"Then it must be it's brother. I don't care. You come here and fix it now. My poor goats. They just went there to drink water."

Dumb goats. Is it that hard for them to stay away from a croc-filled lake? "Alright, mam, I'll take care of it."

I call Ivan. "That old lady called. There's another croc in the lake. Ate two of her goats," I tell him.

"Come on," Ivan says, "Those goats are just asking for it now."

"I know. But she's upset at the croc for having the meal that walked right into its mouth. And she's upset at me for letting it. So make another trap and fix it at the same place."

"Where are we gonna get the metal for the new one?"

"Don't be stingy. Borrow some cash from your dad."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I just borrowed twenty grand last week for my car's body work."

"Ivan, which is more important? The woman's goats or that battered piece of tin you call a car? You really think it can be saved with a paint job and some shiny metal sheets? Make the trap."

"No," Ivan says, "You'll have to figure out some other way to make the trap."

"Alright," I say, "I'll call and tell Mrs. Treckkett that I'm not at the pack presently, and that you're in charge and can't come up with the cash for the trap, even though you do have some, so she'll just have to suck it up. I'll also give her your number and let her know any further queries are to be directed at you."

"I'll kill you," Ivan says, "Do not give her my number."

"You know what to do then. Now the first thing I'll do when we get some cash next time is give you back yours. Fault Lake appreciates your contribution Beta Ivan," I tell him. He groans and says, "Fine. I'll get it done."

After I end the call, I hear Jackson. "Your Beta can't catch a crocodile?" He says, coming over. His beta, Rick, also appears.

"You've crocodiles at Fault Lake?" Rick says.

"Yes, we've crocodiles in Fault Lake. And No, my Beta can catch a crocodile. He just needs some motivation from his amazing Alpha."

Jackson scoffs. "Right. Anyway, I meant he can't catch it without a trap?"

My brows scrunch. "Fishing lines don't work on crocs, Jacky."

Jackson takes a sip of the coffee he just poured for himself. "With an Alpha like you," Jackson says, "no wonder he's lazy enough to not go in the water and catch it himself."

I spit my coffee, laughing. Now here's an Alpha Mrs. Treckkett would definitely approve of. "Are you suggesting he just goes in and drags it out by its tail? Look, he's not exactly an easy Beta to work with, but he's my only Beta and a friend I like very much. I'm not interested in killing him."

Rick says from my side, "What's difficult about pulling a croc out of the water?"

I sigh. "Alright," I say, "when you gentlemen visit Fault Lake, I'll let you guys have at it your way. I'm sure by then those goats would've lured in another crocodile to replace this one."

After coffee Wren and Rick leave. I say to Jackson, "So, what's today's plan?"

Jackson looks at me from across the counter. "I'll admit," he says, "you indeed have some guts. First you break into my guesthouse at the RM, then corner me at the dinner, and now you went straight to my grandfather and told on me."

I nod.

He comes over and grabs the edges of the counter. "Fine then. Since you want to be by side so bad, let's see if you can keep up. Today's plan is you come with me wherever I go," he says.

I swallow.

AS THE SUN inches closer to the highest point in the sky, I find myself completely exhausted. So far I've been in three intense meetings, one visit to the prison, and about twenty kilometers worth of walk around the packland.

A few feet ahead of me, Jackson and Wren stop. They turn around and look at me. "Want to go back already?" Jackson says. Panting hard, I shake my head and wave my hand at him. "I'm good." There's no way you can shake me off this easy, you bastard!

He smirks and starts walking. I follow the two of them. After a construction site visit under the scorching heat, respite finally comes in the form of lunch. We enter an air conditioned restaurant that feels like an oasis to me. Cool air!

Rick joins us. As soon as our food arrive, I dig into mine. "You should eat slowly," Wren suggests as he watches me devour my food. "No, no," Jackson says looking at me, "we don't have much time to rest and need to get going soon. She better stuff in as much as she can. Next meal won't be until late night."

I eat even faster now. Rick laughs. Wren says to Jackson, "Stop hazing her. She's tired."

"Tired?" Jackson says, "Just from this? What's a Luna of Yarvey if she can't even walk a little."

"I'm good," I say with my mouth full. When they come to Fault Lake, I'll fill the lake with a few more crocs before sending them in.

Just as he said, we leave soon enough. A lot more meetings and visits, and even more walking. Doesn't he have a car????

By the time we return to Jackson's house late at night, my legs feel like they have been stuffed with molten iron.

"Be up at four," Jackson says to me, looking satisfied, "We start early at Yarvey."

I don't remember how I reach my room and fall asleep.

End of chapter

A/N - Catchu laterr! :)

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