Chapter 20

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I finish my work early and ask Rick and Wren to gather as much information they can about Gerth Hills and Hermann Keith.

On my way to check on Leah, Jinny shows up and grabs my arm. "Jackson, why is that girl still here?" She says.

I remove her hand from mine, and tell her, "She told you, didn't she? She's an Alpha and a guest of mine. You should be careful of how you speak to the pack's guests."

"But she was the one who yelled at me first!" Jinny says.

"Although she was wrong to yell at you, you also should know better than to call me by my name in front of other pack's members. Your brother is my Delta and a close friend of mine, so it's fine if he calls me by name. But you should be careful and address me as Alpha when appropriate. Do you understand?"

She sulkily nods. "Is she only a guest though? Why is she staying in the room next to yours? Why not stay at the guesthouse?" she asks. 

I scratch my head, thinking how to answer.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Jinny says, "But you don't date."

"She's not my girlfriend."

Jinny then gasps. "Is she your mate?!"

I sigh. I can't keep up with the lies with this little detective. "Yes," I admit.

Jinny squeals. "Really?! She's your mate?!"

"Yes, she's my mate. You better not say a word about this to anyone. And also be more careful in the future of how you speak to your Luna. Next time, I won't stop her from reaching you."

Sulking again, she nods.

I pat her head. "Now go back to your room."

She cheekily smiles at me. "Have you marked her yet?"

"That's none of your business. Now are you going to leave or do I have to call your brother?"

"I'll go. I'll go," she says and quickly leaves.

I enter Leah's room. She's asleep. She must've been tired from the travel. She didn't have to come all this way. She could've just called me and asked me to come. I would've dropped everything and left.

I hate that she's in danger. I hate it even more when she won't let me protect her. I go over and sit down close to her on the bed.

But then again, it is my fault for making her put up this wall between us by rejecting her when we first met. However, I had to do that, because I was scared of what my mate can do to me if she had my heart.

However, even though she seems like she'll never accept my rejection, if such a day even comes, will I still be able to reject her? I'm afraid I know the answer very clearly now.

Luna. I smile at the thought and glance at her neck. During her heat she threatened to mark me saying I wasn't in a place to resist her. Although it's possible for her to mark, since she's also an Alpha — I move closer to her and breathe in her scent — the instant I really stop resisting is the instant she'll be mine.

Whining in her sleep she turns around. I kiss her neck. Gasping, she wakes up. "W-What are you doing?" She says.

"Don't go around being jealous of other girls," I say, kissing her neck again.

Reflexively she grabs my arms. A growl almost escapes my chest. "What's there to be jealous of others," I say, slipping my arm under her waist. She trembles at my touch, racking up my heat. "when you're the only one who can ever make me submit," I say, kissing on her chest.

I look up at her face. "So stop constantly fighting over me on who's in charge. I'll stop that too," I tell her.

"Are you accepting our bond?" She says.

I move away from her and sit down. She sits up with me. "I need some time for that," I tell her, "But I promise I won't reject you."

"I don't understand," she says, sounding rightfully frustrated.

"I also don't understand why you're afraid of this Hermann," I say.


Touche. So we both have some big dark secret that we don't want each other to find out.

"What if I give you my answer? Will you give me yours?" I say.

He thinks about it for a second. "Sure. Why not? That seems fair."

Just then Rick comes in. "You're here?" He says to Jackson.

"What do you want?" Jackson says to him. Rick smirks and says, "Well, sorry to disturb you two but you've an important call waiting."

"I'll be there in a second," Jackson says. Rick gives us another smirk and leaves.

"I thought it was only my Beta who always has bad timing," I say.

"Nah, I'm afraid it's a universal Beta trait," Jackson says, making me laugh.

He then leans in and kisses me.

I feel the world disappear in a moment, transported to a space where no one and nothing else exist except me and my mate.

He pulls me over to his lap, I grab the back of his head, and we deepen our kiss.

When he pushes his waist against mine I feel restricted by the feel of our clothes. His hands slide up under my dress and grab my thighs.

His phone rings. "Fuck," he says and takes out his phone. It's Rick. In spite of my frustration, I can't help but laugh.

I climb out of Jackson's lap. "Go be an Alpha now. I'll give you a lap dance later," I tell him.

"For what I have plans for later, I don't think you'll be able to move much down from waist," he slyly says.

I gasp. "Jacky, I didn't know you were so dirty."

"Don't worry, I'll show you later how much," he says, getting up. With one last kiss to my cheek, he leaves.

I get a call of my own. Laughing at the guess it's probably my own Beta calling, I take out my phone. My smile fades when I see an unknown number, similar to the one that I got that prank call before.

I take the call and hear Hermann's voice. "Where are you?" He says, "Got scared and ran away?"

I clench my fist. "A coward like you who climbs into a girl's room when everyone's asleep is not exactly the kind to scare me."

"Really?" He says, "You seemed pretty scared that morning when you saw me at the lake."

The memory of the wolf, with blood covered all over it's mouth and paws, comes back to me.

That's the only thing I'm truly at disadvantage of. I can't transform and maul this monster to its demise.

"Come back," Hermann says, "Or shall I visit Chloe's room tonight?"

"You fucking go anywhere near her, I'll fucking kill you!" I say, "I'm coming you bastard. I'll be there tonight!"

End of chapter

A/N — Phew, that's the end of the bulk update. Let's enjoy my writing sprints while they last. If you're bored between the updates, I recommend ABIDE or RAINSTORM or the complete novel PICS AND IT DIDN'T HAPPEN ;) Happy reading; Catchu later :) 💕 

PS: Your votes and comments always help me receive your feedback, so leave some in my stories when you can. 

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