Chapter 07

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"You were right," I say to Ivan as we watch Jeremy Kauf, Jackson's grandfather, enter the restaurant, "he does not look like an old man."

I get off from our stakeout car and walk into the restaurant.

"Can I sit here with you?" I ask Jeremy. Two of his guards from the entrance move towards us. Jeremy gestures them to stop before looking at me. With a soft smile, he says, "Please."

I sit down at the chair opposite him. A waitress comes over.

"Coffee for me, dear," Jeremy says to the girl before asking me, "What would you like?"

"Coffee for me, too. With milk."

After the girl leaves, Jeremy tells me, "It's nice to have some company. Usually nobody asks to sit with me."

"I don't like to drink coffee by myself, either."

"What's your name?"

"Leah Wester. Yours?"

"Jeremy. I'm guessing you are not from here."

"That's right. How did you know? I'm from Fault Lake."

"Just a guess. So what brings you here?"

"A boy."

He laughs. "I'm intrigued now. Please continue."

"You sure? I might bore you."

"Try me," he says.

"Alright. Well, I have a mate."


"Thank you. But there's a problem. However, before I say what it is, I would like to know your story, Jeremy, if you don't mind. You have a mate?"

"Met her when I was fourteen. We were a little young to be mates but it didn't matter. It was love. And I'm grateful to have spent all my life with that beautiful woman until she passed away a few years ago," he says with a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. She was happy. That's all that ever matters."

I smile. "It seems you're someone who truly knows the value of a mate."

"Who doesn't?"

"Mine," I tell.

He seems a little surprised before looking at me understandingly. "So that's the problem?"

"That is the problem. He doesn't seem to like the idea of having a mate. So, in your wise opinion, what do you think I should do?"

"Well, it seems you're already going in the right direction by letting his grandfather know first."

I sit back with my eyes wide and mouth open.

The waitress comes over again; places two cups in front of us and leaves.

"How?" I say.

"Young lady, do not underestimate this old man. I could tell you were an Alpha from the moment you entered the restaurant. And then I realized you're somehow connected to this pack even though you belong to another. When you mentioned a boy I guessed the connection must be a mate bond, and of course, when you said the boy hated the idea of having a mate, I couldn't help but think of a boy I personally know very well."

I nod in amazement of this man. That was insane.

"You did the right thing telling me," he says.

"Can you change his mind?" I ask him.

"I'm afraid not, Leah. His decision can not be changed by me," he says.

"Then why did you say I did the right thing telling you?"

"Like I said, I can't change his mind. But you can."

I laugh. "You think I would be here if I can do that?"

"You can do that. You just need time. And I can get you time. With him."

Ah, now we're going somewhere.

"How about you send him with me?" I suggest.

He shakes his head. "First turn is yours. You stay here."

I sigh and drop my head over the table.

"What? Your pack can't manage itself without you for a few days?" He says.

"Not if we want to keep our lamb chops coming," I say. He's probably looking at me confused. "It's okay," I say lifting my head, "I've a badass Beta and Delta. They got it."

"Which one's at the driver's seat?" He says nodding at the window.

"Beta Ivan."

"Why don't you invite him over? Let's have a chat together."

I turn to the window and wave my hand at the car. Ivan looks shocked for a moment before he gives in and gets out of the car.

BY NIGHT IVAN and I return to our packland. "You think the old man will keep his word, or will he back off like Jackson?"

"Only one way to find out," I say and get off the car in front of my house.

"You gonna tell your parents?" He asks.

"Not yet. Not until I'm sure Jackson's mine for real."

Ivan nods and drives away.

Yawning I turn over to head into home. My parents are at my aunt's house for an event. Good thing I'd dinner on the way over.

As soon as I close the front door behind me, my phone rings.

It's Jackson. I take it.

"How dare you?" He angrily says.

I smile. Jeremy, you're indeed a man of your words. Your grandson could use to be more like you.

"Jacky, do we have to do this now? I'm sleepy. The drive from Yarvey was rough," I say.

"Sleepy? You're thinking of going to sleep after ruining mine?!"

"Why? You go to sleep too. I'm sure you can be just as angry tomorrow."

"How dare you go to my grandfather? We had a deal. We were supposed to keep it a secret!"

I laugh. "Do you have any idea how it feels for me to hear 'we had a deal' from someone who broke a deal with me?"

"Even my grandfather can't change my mind."

"Alright then, nothing to lose sleep over for you then. All is well. I've lost."

He doesn't reply for a moment, and just when I'm about to end the call thinking he'd probably hung it up already, Jackson speaks, "He expects you here next week."

"Only him?"

The call goes silent again, and this time I know he'd ended it.

Half chuckling; Half falling asleep, I gravitate towards my bedroom.

End of chapter

A/N - sorry about the late updates 💕

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