The Photographer, The Mathematician, and The Paleontologists

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On the outskirts of the African rainforest, wildlife photographer Laureen Adams was taking photos of African elephants splashing by the river. One of the volunteer workers called Laureen over to answer an urgent call. The woman placed her camera around her neck before making her way to one of the three tents to answer the phone. "Lauren~" called a smooth sultry voice on the other line, which belong to her college friend and mathematician; or Chaotician is what he prefers, Ian Malcolm, "How's my favorite photographer"
"I'm the only photographer you know, Ian" said Laureen, "and I told you a million times, It's Laureen not Lauren"
"Oh but where's the fun in that? Besides, Lauren suits you"
"What do you want, Dr. Malcolm?"
Ian explained to his photographer friend about an opportunity to go on a trip to Costa Rica for a 'Once in a Lifetime' experience at a new theme park with 'Dinosaurs' and whatnot. Laureen seemed rather skeptical about the idea but if it was a once in a lifetime thing, she might as well take some pictures while she's there. "Who's running the operation by the way?" asked Laureen
"Some uh.. Some scientist named John Hammond" said Ian, "His lawyer called me to join the exhibition, I told him about how you take the most beautiful and extraordinary pictures-"
"Of animals"
"Yes, yes, but have you ever taken pictures of dinosaurs?"
"Dead ones"
"But live dinosaurs, that-that's chaotic theory right there"
Laureen playfully rolled her eyes over the phone, oh did she love this man but of course she wasn't brave enough to tell him that, nor was it the right time after his recent divorce. "When do we leave?" she asked, hearing Ian's smirk over the phone as he tells her when the two leave for Costa Rica.

Meanwhile on the Badland near Snakewaters, Montana, a paleontologist named Alan Grant and a paleobotanist named Ellie Sattler were digging for dinosaur bones within the desert lands with a team of other paleontologists. Alan was called over to Ellie to take a look at the skeleton of a velociraptor through a computer screen. Of course, Alan wasn't a fan of technology and preferred to dig by hand which was more exciting over the other. When the skeleton shows up on the screen, Alan points out the raptor's beautiful long tail and explains that raptors were closer to birds than lizards as many people would say and how the name Raptor means bird of prey.
"That doesn't look very scary!" said a boy, "More like a six-foot turkey"
Alan smirked and walked over to the boy with his hands on his hips while Ellie watched with a worried smile on her face, knowing how this was gonna go. "Try to imagine yourself in the cretaceous period" he said, "you'd get your first look at this 'six-foot turkey' as you move in the clearing. But raptor,  he knew you were there a long time ago. He moves like a bird; lightly, bobbing his head, and you keep still, because you think maybe his visual acuity's based on movement, like a t-rex, and he'll lose you if you don't move. But no. Not a velociraptor. You stare at him, and he stares right back. That's when the attack comes, not from the front, no, from the side, from the other two raptors you didn't even know were there"

The fear in the child's eyes grew as Alan explained how a raptor would attack their prey. Ellie shook her head while hiding her smile from the male paleontologist. Alan then pulls out a raptor claw from his pocket to mimic a raptor's movements to the child as he continued, "Velociraptor's a pack hunter, you see, he uses coordinated attack patterns, and  he's out in force today. And he slashes at you with this." he said, "a six-inch retractable claw, like a razor, on the middle toe.  They don't bother to bite the jugular like a lion, they just slash"
Alan gently pressed the claw where raptors would attack the kid from his sides until it gently grazed against his stomach, imagining his intestines would fall out. "Point is, you're alive when they start to eat you" he said, looking at the kid dead in the eye, "whole thing took about four seconds"
The boy trembled in fear as Alan told the boy to show a little respect for raptors.

As Alan makes their way back to the dig, Ellie jokes that if he wanted to scare the kid he could pull a gun on him. As you can see, Alan wasn't the biggest fan of kids even if it killed him. Suddenly, a helicopter arrives at the sight, causing the group to cover the bones so they wouldn't get damaged. Alan quickly makes his way to the helicopter to ask him to move until the pilot points to the trailer across the way. Alan and Ellie make their way to the trailer to find an old man rummaging through the fridge, pulling out a bottle of champagne.
"What the hell do you think you're doing in here?" yelled Alan, "We were saving that!"
The old man turns around, a smile plastered on his face as the champagne bottle pops in his hands, "For today, I guarantee it" he said. Alan glared at the old man with anger as he marched over to say who the hell the old man thought he was. The gentleman introduced himself as Dr. John Hammond, who surprised Alan before Ellie enters the trailer to find out what's going on. "Okay, who's the jerk?" she asked, wondering who left the helicopter outside. Alan quickly walks over to Ellie to introduce her to Hammond who apparently founded the whole dig site they were working on. The paleobotanist went over to get some glasses for the champagne, but Hammond stopped her and insisted on taking care of the drinks as an apology for the dramatic entrance. The old man tells the two about an upcoming project on a private island in Costa Rica and wants them to tag along to see what's in store for them. Alan and Ellie hesitate for a moment, worried about what would happen to the dig  if they leave so suddenly. Thankfully, Hammond reassured them that everything would be taken care of while they're gone for the next three years. Ellie smiled and asked, "where's the plane?"

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