Jealousy and Dinosaurs

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As the group returns to the main lobby of the visitors center, Hammond tells them that the group is gonna have some company out in the park. Which also happened to be the target audience he was looking for. Suddenly, two children arrive in the building, a blonde girl around the age of 11 or 12 and a brunette boy around 8 or 9. "Grandpa!" the shout with delight, running toward the old man and tackling him to the ground for a hug. Malcolm and Laureen showed signs of concern for the children while Grant showed signs of fear at the very sight of them. Ellie on the other hand was smiling at both the children and the male paleontologist. The photographer glanced at Grant and giggled silently, "Not a fan?" she whispered
"What?" asked Grant
"Of kids"
The male paleontologist chuckled softly and shook his head, "No, not really"
The photographer giggled softly at Grant's response and smiled, "well, kids aren't for everyone" she said, following the others down the steps while Grant and Malcolm followed behind. The mathematician couldn't help but feel a bit jealous seeing his friend talk to someone like Dr. Grant. It was then, Malcolm decided to come up with a little plan to make Laureen jealous by flirting with Dr. Sattler. A smirk appeared on his face which Laureen didn't seem to notice. Of course, this wasn't the first time he tried this trick and each time he flirts with another woman, Laureen never seems to budge. This time however, he was determined to grab his friend's attention through the paleobotanist.

Outside the visitors center, two jeeps rolled up to the front of the building. What's unique about the vehicles was that no drivers were required. Gennaro hops into the first vehicle while Hammond guides Ellie to the second car. "I'm gonna ride with, uh, Dr. Sattler~" said Malcolm, smirking to himself as he felt the glares of Laureen Adams and Alan Grant, satisfied that his little scheme was working. The two head over to the second car when the little boy Tim stood before Alan Grant with a smile on his face. A smile that showed admiration, even through his innocent eyes. "I read your book" he said
"Well, that's... That's great" said Grant, doing his best to avoid the kid as Tim goes on about how dinosaurs turn into birds. The male paleontologist manages to get the little boy in the first car before closing the door to his face mid sentence. Just when he thought it was over, Tim's older sister Lex stood with a smile on her face saying that she should ride with Alan cause it'll be good for him. Alan immediately knew it was Ellie's idea, looking over the girl's shoulder to see the paleobotanist and the photographer smiling and holding their laughter.

Laureen checks her camera and notices it was time to change the film, pulling out new film to replace the old one. Ellie couldn't help but feel a bit intrigued at how prepared the photographer was. "So how long have you been a photographer?" asked Ellie
Laureen glanced over at the blonde and smiled, "Since I first picked up a camera when I was 5" she said. The photographer tells the paleobotanist that she came from a line of photographers when her great grandfather was a photographer in the war, the same for her grandfather and her own father. Of course, she preferred taking pictures of animals and plants, sometimes people whenever she traveled from one country to another. Laureen even kept a mini album of some of her favorite photographs, which she happily gave to Ellie to look at. Ian couldn't help but look over the blonde's shoulder to see the photos his friend took during her travels. Most of them were of animals, villages/people, until Ellie was about to turn the page to one photo Laureen kept for a long time. A photo of her and Ian when they met in University. Thankfully, Alan joined the car just in time for Ellie to get distracted and Laureen to snatch the mini album away. Malcolm was a bit surprised by the photographer's actions, yet somewhat curious as to what she was hiding in the album. But he'll look into that later, for now he had to focus on the plan to make his friend jealous.

The vehicle up front had Donald Gennaro with the kids Tim and Lex, while the second vehicle had the two paleontologists, the mathematician and the photographer. The group noticed a rather large gate with the name 'Jurassic Park' pastured on the top to make it more dramatic. "What have they got in there, King Kong?" Malcolm jokes, seeing how the entrance was a bit over the top. Their first stop was the enclosure for the Dilophosaurus, grabbing everyone's attention but sadly it didn't show up much to their disappointment. Then the vehicles moved over to the next enclosure which contained the one and only tyrannosaurus rex. But just like the last one, the dinosaur didn't show up.
Malcolm breaks the ice and says, "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man, Man destroys God, Man creates dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs... eat man. Women inherit the Earth" said Ellie, earning a look from the men and a satisfied smirk from the female followed by a small handshake.
The technicians decided to pull out a goat in order in hopes of luring the t-rex. Sadly it didn't work.
"The T-rex doesn't want to be fed. It wants to hunt" said Alan
Laureen turns her attention to the paleontologist and lowers her camera, "what do you mean?" she asked
"You can't just suppress 65 million years of gut instinct"
Malcolm sighed in disappointment before turning his attention to the camera in the center of the hood, "Uh, uh, now-now, eventually you do plan to have dinosaurs on your, on your dinosaur tour, right?" he asks, tapping the glass and messing around with it until he gets bored.

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