The T-Rex Arrives

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The storm grew heavier and heavier as the vehicles made their return to the Visitors center. Malcolm and Grant sat in the back while Laureen sat in the front until the paleontologist decided to break the ice.
"You got any kids?" he asked
Malcolm smiled and answered, "Oh, oh, hell yah, three. I love kids" before taking a swing from his flask, offering the drink to Grant who kindly declined, "Anything at all can and does happen. Same with wives for that matter"
"And you, Laureen?"
Laureen raised a brow before answering "Oh, no, no kids. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be a mother one day, but with all the traveling I just um... don't have the time"
Malcolm offered the flask to the photographer who kindly took it and chugged the drink down. The mathematician looked impressed yet concerned for the photographer, gently taking the flask so she wouldn't drink all at once.
"You married?" asked Grant
"Occasionally" said Malcolm, "Yeah, yeah, I'm always on the lookout for a future ex Mrs. Malcolm"
Grant glanced over at Laureen who shook her head in response to the question.

The moment the vehicles arrive at the T-rex's enclosure, the power goes off leaving the visitors stranded in the middle of the park. Grant held his hands up in defense and asked, "Okay, what'd I touch?"
"Nothing" said Laureen, checking the radio and the air conditioning, "The power's out"
"So that means, uh, we're stuck" said Malcolm
Grant jumps out of the car to check up on Gennaro and the kids to see if they were okay. Laureen looks out the window to see the goat still standing in the tyrannosaurus rex's enclosure. "Still looking to hunt" she said
Malcolm followed the photographer's gaze then back, "Oh, oh yes, yes it is" he said before the paleontologist came back to the front seat.
"Their radio's out too" said Grant, "Gennaro says to stay put"
"The kids alright?" asked Malcolm
"I didn't ask. Why wouldn't they be?"
"Kids get scared"
"What's to be scared about? It's just a hiccup in the power"
"I didn't say I was scared"
"I didn't say you were scared"
"I know"

Malcolm glanced at Laureen who continued to stare out the window towards the enclosure. A look of fear and worry was written on the poor woman's face as she kept silent the whole time.
"Laureen?" asked Malcolm, "Hello?~ Can you-can you hear me?"
"Dr. Grant?" asked Laureen, "How much do you know about the t-rex?"
Grant was rather surprised by the photographer's question but answers, "Um plenty, why?"
"I think it's here"
"Here?" asked Malcolm, "No, no, you're um, you're probably imagining things"
"Then where's the goat?"
The two men glanced at one another before following the female's gaze to the enclosure. It was then they realized the goat was gone. A sudden vibration occurs along with the soft sound of booming in the distance. The sight of a large tyrannosaurus rex appeared high from the trees, swallowing the goat whole as Gennaro ran out of the car, leaving the kids behind in fear. Grant and Malcolm watched in confusion, thinking he had to use the bathroom. Laureen covers her mouth to prevent herself from screaming, her body trembling in fear as the wires cut through to reveal the T-Rex ready to reach havoc. Malcolm slowly reached his hand toward Laureen's, grasping it tight for comfort as he watched the scene.
"Boy do I hate being right" he said before his eyes shifted to the frightened photographer through the rear view mirror.

"Keep absolutely still" said Grant, sitting up in his seat as calmly as possible, "its vision is based on movement"
The mathematician sits still while Laureen takes a deep breath and does the same, gripping Malcolm's hand tighter to prevent herself from trembling. Suddenly, a bright light shined from the car ahead of them, attracting the t-rex's attention to where the kids were hiding. The creature starts to nudge its head against the car until it sticks their face into the hood.
"Oh my god!" Laureen screamed, horrified at the sight before her. Grant and Malcolm showed deep concern for the kids as the dinosaur flipped the car over, trapping the kids inside. Laureen acts quickly by reaching for the emergency kit in the back and pulls out a red flare, handing it to Dr. Grant.
"Stay here" he said before stepping out of the car to light the flare and get the rex's attention. Malcolm quickly climbs in the back of the car.
"Ian, what the hell are you doing?" asked Laureen while the mathematician grabs a flare for himself.
"I need to help Alan get the kids" said Malcolm
"You're gonna get yourself killed!"
"In that case"
The mathematician gently cupped the photographer's face, pulling her for a quick yet passionate kiss before igniting the flare to help Grant distract the dinosaur.

"Ian, freeze!" yelled Grant as Malcolm tells the paleontologist to get the kids while distracting the t-rex. Laureen watched the scene as Ian was suddenly knocked over and Gennaro was eaten alive from the bathroom stall.
"IAAAAANNN!!!!!" screamed Laureen, seeing the T-rex heard her and stomped its way toward the car. The photographer keeps still as the creature looks through the window and nearly tips the car over if it weren't for Lex's scream from across the way. Grant covered the blonde girl's mouth to prevent her from screaming again, sitting as still as possible so the t-rex didn't notice. Tim was struggling to get out of the car as it moved towards the edge of the enclosure with Grant and Lex climbing down the wires to save him until the dinosaur disappeared.

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