Back in Business

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Back at the visitors center, Hammond devises a plan to get the power back in order to call for help, even though it could be risky. Arnold strongly disagreed and was convinced the old man had lost his mind.
"Wait a minute," said Ellie as she and Laureen were treating Malcolm's leg, "what exactly would this mean?"
"We're talking about calculated risks, my dear, which is about the only option left to us" Hammond explained "We will never find the command that Nedry used. He's covered his tracks far too well"
"Either that or he's already dead by now" said Laureen, "Since he's the one that shut down the power, it's most likely that Nedry definitely got killed by one of those dinosaurs you created."
Hammond stood silently, knowing full well that Nedry wouldn't come back.

As the old man suggested the technician to bring the power back on, Arnold said he won't do it. Hammond told him it was a very simple task and all he had to do was to shut down the power system so that everything Nedry did would be wiped out completely.
"Um in case you have forgotten, Hammond" said Laureen, "There is a T-rex out there eating your tourist and god knows what else is out there that could possibly kill us"
Hammond sighed and asked if all the systems come back, it would return to the original starter mode.
"Theoretically, yes" said Arnold, "But we've never shut down the entire system before. It may not come back on at all."
"Will we get the phones?" asked Ellie
"Yes, again, in theory"
"What about the lysine contingency?" asked Muldoon
"Out of the question!" said Hammond, not wanting to risk any more animals spread throughout the park since they've already had enough as it is.

Arnold sighed in defeat before shutting down the power system so that it could reboot and hope things go smoothly. Once the room goes dark, Arnold switches on the power only to realize it didn't work. One of the computers did show a small reading that said, "system ready" on the lower left corner. In some ways the system worked but the power was still off. Ian was about to stand but Laureen stops him so his injury doesn't get any worse. Arnold thinks that the shutdown tripped the circuit breakers, it's an easy fix which would bring back the power, telephones, computer, even the security system.
"The only question is, where are the breakers?" asked Laureen
"Maintenance shed" said Arnold, "the other end of the compound"
The technician said that he would get the power back in the entire park in around three minutes. Hammond suggests everyone head over to the emergency bunker until Arnold returns and the whole system's online.

Meanwhile, Alan and the kids were continuing their way through the jungle to find a way back to the visitors center when they came across a herd of dinosaurs. By the looks of it, it was a herd of Gallimimus from Timmy's knowledge he learned from Dr. Grant's book. Alan stood there in awe, admiring of the wheeling of the herd, even taking a quick picture, until the trio realized the herd was coming toward them. Without hesitation, he and the kids ran as fast as they could till they found cover behind a tree branch. That's when the T-rex makes an appearance for its morning breakfast, the Gallimimus. Alan was rather impressed by how the dinosaur ate its meal while Lex whispered that she wanted to go back as quickly as possible.
"Bet you'll never look at birds the same way again" said Alan before telling the kids to stay low so the t-rex wouldn't notice them.

Ellie was pacing around the emergency bunker while Hammond took care of Malcolm's wound. "Something's happened" said Ellie, showing deep concern for Arnold's whereabouts, "Something's wrong"
Hammond tries to calm the paleobotanist that it's only a delay. Much like when Disneyland first opened in 1956, none of the rides worked. "But, John, when Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourist" said Malcolm, earning a small smack in the arm from Laureen for his sarcasm.
"I can't wait anymore" said Ellie, knowing something definitely went wrong and volunteered to turn the power back on herself.
"You can't just stroll down the road, you know" said Muldoon
"He's right," said Laureen. "You go with her, Muldoon. That way you can guarantee her safety in case anything goes wrong"

As much as Muldoon hated the idea, he sighed and agreed with the photographer before opening a compartment filled with tranquilizer guns and rifles. The hunter hands Laureen a gun while he grabs a rifle without hesitation along with some bullets. Hammond quickly pulls out the blueprints to the park's maintenance shed and places it gently over Malcolm's leg to show how the plan would work. Ellie then grabs some walkie talkies in order to communicate with Hammond, Malcolm, and Laureen while she and Muldoon head over to the maintenance shed as fast as possible.

Upon arrival, Muldoon and Ellie cautiously pass through the raptor enclosure which happened to be next to the maintenance shed. The hunter paused, noticing tracks on the ground which resembled the velociraptors, meaning they escaped when the power went off earlier. Which means one thing, they are being hunted. Muldoon stays outside the gate as Ellie runs to the shed as fast as she can. Once inside the shed, the paleobotanist catches her breath before pulling out her walkie talkie to contact Hammond and the others.
"John, I'm in" she said, cautiously making her way down the dark steps while searching for Arnold. The old man instructs her to go down the stairs and after 20 or 30 feet, she'd find a T-junction to her left. Malcolm was studying the map quietly, realizing that Hammond was reading it wrong and sending Ellie in the wrong direction.

After what felt like hours of going in the wrong direction, Malcolm had enough and snatched the walkie talkie from Hammond to speak, "Ellie, look above you"
Ellie looks up to see a line of cables and pipes on the ceiling, hearing the mathematician tell her to follow it.
"You definitely know your way around, Ian" said Laureen, looking over his shoulder to memorize the blueprints. She listens carefully to Ellie's voice as she follows the pipes to find the power box that reads 'High voltage" on a black and yellow sticker. The paleobotanist opens the box to reveal switches for the park's power system, ready to switch them back on as Hammond instructs her what to do, unaware of what's to come outside the park.

Alan, Lex, and Tim finally made it to the nearest fence, which probably leads to the visitors center. Before they could climb across, the paleontologist had to make sure the electric fence wasn't working, even tricking the kids to think it was electrocuting him. Lex wasn't impressed while her little brother found it pretty hilarious. As the three begin to climb, Alan makes sure that the kids get to the other side safely until he hears the alarm go off. This means they had to act quickly before the fence turns back on. The sound nearly made the little boy fall if it weren't for his grip.
"Timmy!" called Alan, "You're gonna have to jump!"
"You crazy?!" yelled Tim, "I'm not gonna jump!"
"Do what Dr. Grant says!" yelled Lex, worried for her little brother's life.
The little boy takes a moment before planning to count to three in hopes that the paleontologist would catch him. Just before Tim could say 'three', the fence shocks him, sending the little boy flying into Alan's arms.

"Mr. Hammond I think we're back in business" said Ellie, feeling proud of herself for turning the power back on. Suddenly, a large raptor appeared out of nowhere, nearly attacking the blonde woman until she felt an arm fall on her shoulder. Relief washed down her spine for a split second, thinking it was Arnold protecting her. Sadly, she only found the arm that was on her shoulder, severed from the former technician. There was only one thing to do, get the hell out of the shed. Outside the shed, Muldoon was getting ready to shoot any living creature that came anywhere near Ellie. Little did he know that he was being watched, hunted if you will. Just as he was about to shoot a raptor, he heard something rustling in the bushes next to him. The moment Muldoon turned his head to face the raptor staring at him, he knew his time was up, "Clever girl"

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