Life Found a Way

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The T-rex's roar echoed throughout the park, the kids felt alarmed from its call as Lex held the camera tight in her grasp.
"Are you hearing this?" asked Lex as Alan listened carefully to the sound. The paleontologist looks around and finds a large tree he and he can climb up to camp for the night so they wouldn't be spotted by other predators. Once they were high enough, Tim spots a herd of brachiosaurus from the distance, singing sweetly to call one another. Lex was about to take a picture when Alan stopped her for a moment, before using his hands to mimic their sound.
"Don't let the monsters come here" said Lex
"They're not monsters, Lex" Alan explained, "They're just animals. They're herbivores"
"It means they only eat vegetables," said Tim, "but for you, I think they'd make an exception"
Alan holds his hand out for the camera in Lex's hand, which the girl did slowly. Once the paleontologist got his hands on the camera, he turned off the flash so he could take a quick photo or two, making sure not scare them. Eventually, he blinded himself by accident from the sudden flash in his face, which made the kids laugh a bit including the brachiosaurus. Once he was done, Alan carefully climbed down to sit with the kids so they could spend the night without worry.

The others arrive in time to bring Malcolm to the tech room where he could rest and have his wound properly taken care of until they could find help. Laureen volunteers to stay with Malcolm while Ellie goes to check on Hammond. The photographer was able to give the mathematician a shot of morphine to ease the pain while she worked on disinfecting and patching the wound. Malcolm stared quietly as Laureen cleans the blood off his leg, admiring how her eyes looked so focused and determined to treat him as best as she could, with her dark curls falling down her face. His hand slowly reached her face to tuck it behind her ear, grabbing the photographer's attention as she softly smiled at him.
"Thanks" she said
"I miss this" he said, looking down at the female, "You always looked so good with curls. I, uh, I can't imagine you straightening it all the time"
"It's a bit of a nuisance sometimes. But, I let it all out every once in a while"
Malcolm chuckled softly before placing a hand over Laureen's, "I think you've done enough" he said, "just relax for a bit, I'll be fine"
Laureen hesitates before sitting next to the mathematician. God, it was hard not to stare at the tall man's bare chest dripping with sweat and dirt, especially at times like this. Malcolm snapped his fingers to Laureen back to reality, a playful smirk appeared on his face, "My eyes are up here, sweetheart~"
Laureen couldn't help but chuckle and leaned forward with a flirtatious smirk, "You started it~" she purred, giving Malcolm a lovely view of her chest underneath her black tank top. He started to feel a bit flustered as he stared until Laureen's fingers gently tilted his head up to look at her, "Eyes up here, Dr. Malcolm~" she teased.

Malcolm sits in silence before his hand gently wrapped around Laureen's head, pulling her into a deep yet passionate kiss. It surprised the photographer for a moment, but willingly returned the kiss as her body softly pressed against Malcolm's chest. Their lips felt perfect for one another, the warmth of their breaths mixed together as Malcolm's fingers running through Laureen's dark curls. As they slowly pull away to catch their breaths, Malcolm smiled down at Laureen and whispered, "You had no idea how long I've wanted to do that"
"Why didn't you?" asked Laureen
"I don't know... you, um, you don't seem like the kind of woman who'd fall for my charms"
"You're an idiot sometimes, Ian. But that's just part of your charm"
Laureen pulled Malcolm for one more kiss until the door swung open to reveal the old man Hammond and Ellie returning from the dining hall. The room fell silent as the photographer and the mathematician pulled away.
"Have I interrupted?" asked Hammond
"Yes" Malcolm and Laureen answered bluntly.

Once the trio made their way down the tree, Tim starts to complain that Lex would never try anything new and stay in her room with her computer hacking all day. Alan froze in his tracks as he noticed something rather unusual hidden in the roots of the trees. There he found a dinosaur nest with broken dinosaur eggs. He remembered that the Jurassic Park scientists were supposed to make sure there was no unauthorized breeding within the park.
"But, my grandpa said all the dinosaurs were girls" said Tim
Alan then remembered the video mentioned that the frog DNA used to fill the gaps of the Dinosaur DNA was known as Amphibian DNA. He explained to the kids that some West African frogs are known to change their sex from male to female in a single sex environment. That's when Alan realized that Malcolm was right. Life found a way.

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