Welcome to Jurassic Park

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Laureen arrived in Dallas right on schedule, making sure all her things arrived from Africa as well as her camera to take pictures of the so-called 'Dinosaurs' in Costa Rica. Her long dark hair was pulled into a high ponytail while wearing denim short shorts, a black tank top, and an oversized beige shirt slipping off her shoulders. Through her dark shades, she sees a familiar tall dark handsome man standing near the helicopter dressed in black from head to toe. His smile was all the more recognizable the moment his eyes met hers. Laureen couldn't help but smile in return and made her way to that mathematician for a hug.
"Been a while, Ian" she said, "You're looking well"
"I could say the same thing" said Ian, looking down to get a better look at his old college friend, "Look at you, still gorgeous as ever since the last time I saw you"
"It's only been a year, Malcolm"
"Really? Well um.. seems-seems like forever"
Laureen giggled and playfully shoved the taller man before making their way to the helicopter to meet with Hammond, Alan, Ellie, and Gennaro.

The helicopter took off once everyone was in their seats, Ian Malcolm smirked and glanced over at the paleontologists, "So you um... dig up-dig up dinosaurs?" he asks
Alan smiled softly and mumbles, "we try to"
Ian laughs to himself, while Laureen smiles toward the paleontologists. "You'll have to get used to Dr. Malcolm" said Hammond, "he suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, especially from a mathematician"
"Chaotician, actually" said Ian, "John doesn't subscribe to Chaos, particularly what it has to say about his little science project!"
As Ian and Hammond bicker with one another, Laureen checks her camera to see if the batteries were full and the film was working. Ellie glanced at the female across from her and asked, "you a photographer?"
Laureen looked up at the blonde and smiled, "oh yes" she answered, "I'm a wildlife photographer, Ian called and invited me to join him on this trip"
"So you two know each other?" asked Alan
"We went to university together, I was studying photography while he studied mathematics. He always had a thing for chaos theories that he wanted to make a career out of it"
Malcolm smiled at the photographer before placing an arm over her shoulder, "You heard of Chaos theory?" he asked the couple. "No? No-linear equations? Strange attractions? Dr. Sattler, I refuse to believe that you are not familiar with the concept of attraction"
Ellie giggled while Alan and Laureen practically rolled their eyes as Malcolm gave the blonde woman a charming grin. Of course, Laureen was used to the chaotician's flirting, but deep down she couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy at times.
"I bring scientists, you bring a rock star" said Hammond toward the lawyer before his eyes glanced over at Laureen, "I'd only give Malcolm credit for bringing a wildlife photographer with him"

The helicopter makes its way towards the island, causing some turbulence which Hammond explained was normal and for everyone to put their seatbelts on. Once Laureen puts her seatbelt on, she nearly falls into Malcolm's arms, thankful that her head was down as to hide the blush on her face. Ian chuckled to himself while helping his friend sit up, "You alright, Lauren?"
"Laureen" said the photographer
"Still like Lauren better~"
Alan was struggling with his seatbelt until he finally decided to just tie it around his waist. Laureen couldn't help but giggle at the situation which caused Ian to glare at the male paleontologist for a brief moment before smirking. Thankfully, the helicopter landed safely near a waterfall where two jeeps were waiting for them to arrive at the park. Hammond was the first to step out followed by Gennaro, Ellie, and Alan leaving Malcolm and Laureen to leave the helicopter last. Hammond and Gennaro join the first jeep while Ellie, Alan, Laureen, and Malcolm join the second one. As the jeeps drove down the road, Laureen was taking a few pictures when she noticed a sign on the silver gates saying '10,000 Volts' in bold lettering. "What gives them the need to use 10,000 volts in a theme park?" she asked
"Beats me" said Malcolm

Suddenly, a giant leaf falls on top of the photographer who quickly took it off to throw it away.
"Wait!" said Ellie, "Let me see that for a sec"
Laureen hands the paleobotanist the leaf to get a better look at the plant. Ellie examined every inch of the rather large leaf in awe and confusion, "this shouldn't be here" she said as the jeep came to a stop, "This species of vermiform has been extinct since the cretaceous period."
"Fascinating" said Laureen, looking over the blonde's shoulder before the two were interrupted by Alan's hand over Ellie's head. The blonde turned toward Alan's direction, mouth gaping open at the sight before them. Laureen and Malcolm followed their gaze and stared in shock at the sight of a real life brachiosaur in the distance. Alan and Ellie quickly make their way toward the dinosaur like kids in a candy store while Hammond smiled to himself.
"You did it" whispered Malcolm, "You crazy son of a bitch, you did it"
Laureen was speechless, taking a picture of the dinosaur with a smile on her face, "It's real" she said, "That's a real brachiosaur"

Alan and Ellie were just as speechless as they calculated how long the neck of the dinosaur was.
"That thing's got a what, twenty-five, twenty-seven foot neck?" asked Alan
"The brachiosaur? Thirty" said Hammond as the two continued to admire the dinosaur. Alan wondered how fast the brachiosaur could run until the old man mentioned the T-Rex runs at thirty-two miles an hour. Alan marched up to Hammond, looked him dead in the eye and said, "Say it again"
The old man smiled proudly and responds, "We have a T-Rex"
The male paleontologist felt light headed which caused Laureen to run out of the jeep to check if Alan was okay. Hammond on the other hand was smiling to himself while looking at the view across the field, "Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler. Welcome to Jurassic Park"

Alan, Laureen, and Ellie turn their gaze toward Hammond to see the most beautiful thing they've ever seen, dinosaurs moving in herds. The photographer quickly takes a picture of the view before the old man points toward the other side with his cane for Laureen to take more pictures. "They're moving in herds" said Alan with a smile on his face, "They do move in herds"
Laureen glanced at Hammond, lowering her camera to ask, "How did you do this?"
Hammond smiled at the photographer, "I'll show you" he said, leading the three back to the jeeps and head to the visitors compound.

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