Escape Jurassic Park

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Thankfully, Timmy managed to survive the shock after Alan used CPR on the kid, much to Lex's relief. Once the boy got back on his feet, the trio finally made it to the visitors center safe and sound. The kids made their way to the dinning area to stuff their faces with food while Alan looked around for help. Laureen hears a voice from the emergency bunk and glances over at Hammond and Malcolm, "You hear that?" she asked, "Someone's here"
"It's probably Ellie" said Malcolm, "Either that or trouble"
"Only one way to find out"
Laureen grabs the tranquilizer gun and is about to leave the bunker when Malcolm grabs her by the arm, "You're-you're not planning to go up there, are you?" he asked showing concern in his eyes
"If it means running into a dinosaur and possibly dying? Yes" said Laureen, pulling the mathematician in for a quick passionate kiss, "I'll be back"
Malcolm was rather surprised as the photographer grabs a walkie talkie for herself and heads up the stairs. Hammond couldn't help but speak up by clearing his throat to say, "She's a rather determined woman"
"You have no idea," said Malcolm.

Laureen quietly goes through the halls of the visitor center, gun in hand in case a dinosaur shows up. She hides for a brief moment until she hears the sound of footsteps coming from behind. The photographer comes out of hiding, pointing the gun at a surprised Alan Grant holding his hands up in deference, "Woah! Take it easy, take it easy" he said, "It's just me"
Laureen sighs in relief and lowered the gun, "Thank god, you're still alive" she said, "where are the kids?"
"Stuffing their faces with food in the dining hall"
"Good, I'll let Hammond know"
"Where's Ellie? Is she not with you?"
"She's with Muldoon at the maintenance shed, she brought the power back on"
Just as Laureen was about to contact the old man, Alan lowered the walkie talkie, looking her dead in the eye and asks, "Is she alive?"
The brunette stood silently and shrugged in response.

The paleontologist pinched the bridge of his nose in worry while Laureen called for Hammond and Malcolm, "Alan and the kids are here" she said
"Splendid!" said Hammond through the walkie talkie, "Any sign of Ellie yet? She's been gone an awfully long time"
"Not yet"
"Then, she's probably still out there" said Malcolm, "pray that she's not extinct"
"I'll go after her" said Alan, "Laureen, you watch the kids, keep them safe, especially Tim"
"Wait, what happened?" asked Laureen, "is he hurt?"
"Got electrocuted by the fences. He's fine now, but still"
Laureen couldn't believe her ears, imagining the look on Hammond's face once Alan mentioned his grandkids' condition.
"Do what he says" said Hammond, "Get the kids to the emergency bunker if you can"
Laureen sighed and responded with a "copy that" before heading off to the dinning hall while Alan went off to find Ellie.

Outside the center, Ellie was seen limping for a brief moment until she saw Alan, calling her name and looking for the blonde paleobotanist. Ellie wasted no time in slowing down, running as fast as she could to jump into Alan's arms, feeling relief wash over her trembling form. Meanwhile, Laureen was keeping an eye on the kids who were stuffing their faces with fruits and sweets. The smiles on their faces slowly faded as soon as a shadow appeared behind Laureen. The photographer followed their gaze and pulled out her gun.
"Get to the kitchen, now!" she yelled pointing the weapon toward the shadow while the kids made their way to the kitchen. The photographer cautiously looked around until a raptor appeared from the shadows. Just before Laureen could pull the trigger, another raptor appeared, knocking the woman down and sticking its claw deep into her right arm, while the first raptor made its way to the kitchen to find the kids. An ear piercing scream echoed through the dining hall as Laureen used the gun to shoot the creature in the neck, tranquilizing the animal as it scratched her arm, a large gash dripping with crimson blood onto the floor.

"Laureen!" a voice called, it was Ellie running toward the photographer with Alan close behind. The blonde woman helped Laureen stand up while also being careful not to damage her right arm.
"Where are the kids?" asked Alan
"They're in the kitchen" said Laureen, "At least I took down one"
Alan and Ellie followed Laureen's gaze to the unconscious raptor lying on the ground, its sharp 3 inch back claw soaked in blood. Seeing how the photographer's arm looked, Ellie had to act quickly, using napkins from the dining tables to act as a bandage to stop the bleeding. Alan tells the dark haired woman to find Hammond and Ian so they could call for help as soon as possible. Laureen agreed but noticed her camera wrapped around the paleontologist's neck. Just as Alan was about to remove it, Laureen stops him, "You're still gonna need it" she said, "be sure to use flash"

Just as Laureen leaves for the emergency bunker, Lex and Timmy run towards Alan and Ellie from the kitchen. Their eyes filled with fear after their sudden encounter with one of the raptors they trapped in the freezer. The group quickly made their way to the control room so they could reboot the system and get the phones working. Unfortunately, Alan wasn't able to lock the door since the security system hasn't been rebooted yet. There at the window stood a raptor, attempting to open the door, which the paleontologist held back so it wouldn't go inside. Ellie rushed to help but ended up dropping the rifle across the room. Lex looked panicked for a moment until she noticed the computer screen. The system was something she recognized as a hacker, a UNIX system. The computer contained all the files of the whole park. So if Lex could find the right file, everything would be back in order. Alan looks down at Ellie, asking to reach for the gun. The only problem was that it was out of reach for the paleobotanist to grab it. In order for her to get the gun, she had to move away from the door. Alan then remembered the camera around his neck, using his free hand to grasp onto it and took a picture of the raptor, blinding it with the flash. Thankfully, it was the perfect moment for Alan and Ellie to close the door and the security systems finally locked the doors to the control room.

Meanwhile, Hammond was fixing Laureen's arm when he heard the phone ring. Malcolm and Laureen had a feeling it was Alan on the other line. The old man picked up the phone without hestation, hearing the paleontologist's voice on the other line, "Mr. Hammond, the phones are working" he said
"Are the children alright?" asked Hammond
"The children are fine. Call the mainland. Tell them to send the damn helicopter"
Before Hammond could say another word, gunshots were heard from the other line, expressing concern for his grandchildren.
"We have to leave," said Laureen, "where's the nearest jeep?"
"The garage" said Hammond, "We must act quickly"
"Yeah, no shit" said Malcolm, wrapping an arm over Laureen's shoulder so he could be carried to the garage.

Thankfully, the three of them arrived in the garage without any problems. Hammond called the mainland so they could get a helicopter as soon as possible while Laureen helped Malcolm to the very back. "I'll drive," she said, hopping into the driver's seat while Hammond sat in the passenger seat. The photographer starts the engine and quickly leaves the garage to the front of the visitor center where Alan, Ellie, and the kids were running from the T-rex devouring one of the raptors, entering the car without hesitation.
"Hammond" said Alan, "after careful consideration, I've decided not to endorse this park"
"So have I" said Hammond, sadly agreeing with the paleontologist as they arrived at the drop off. There the InGen helicopter waited for the surviving members of the park. Silence echoed throughout the helicopter ride with Hammond staring sadly at the amber of his cane. Malcolm and Laureen sit beside one another, holding hands, while resting against one another. Ellie smiled at the sight of Lex and Timmy resting against Alan Grant, relieved that everything was over as the sound of the T-rex's mighty roar faded away.

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