CH. 3.3

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Alex sat in the courtyard of the Institute and watched duels all morning. It was a common enough pastime and none were lethal. The Gilas wrestled, the Chameleons used various weapons, and the Anolis used swords or daggers.

Currently two Anolis females were dueling with daggers, although one kept backing up from the swift lunges of another, rather than striking back. The first Anolis charged, her opponent skipped backward and knocked into Alex. Then both were on top of her and dragged her into the bushes. They pulled her into a side garden and released her. As neither used their daggers, Alex refrained from blasting them.

Alex stood up and saw Cla. Cla had the dagger that had sliced Alex's arm at the party. Alex had no weapon, but let Cla think she was defenseless. Here there were no Gilas to keep her at bay, but Alex still didn't dare use her powers due to the lightshow.

Not yet. Let's see what the witch has planned.

This time Alex had an idea of Cla's style, which was to circle, watch, and then deliver a snake like strike. To aggravate Cla, Alex kept harassing her with feints and dives, punching and kicking, keeping her off balance, unable to stand and watch for an opening.

Kickboxing did have a use.

Alex was almost enjoying herself when she spotted something in the grass. She reversed her steps for a better look, but that put her back in Cla's reach. She felt Cla's fingers lock onto her arm with a death grip. Cla managed a bloody swipe across her middle. Alex dropped, dragging Cla with her. Before Cla could regain her balance, Alex grabbed the polished wooden staff that had caught her attention and clouted Cla across the head. As she reeled, Alex scrambled to her feet. She managed a jab to Cla's midsection. Cla withdrew several feet away, breathing hard. Alex smiled nastily and twirled the staff.

"On my world, this is considered a great weapon. I have spent years training with it. Care to continue?" Alex knew that Gabe would die to hear her lying like that, but Cla would never know the difference.

"I do not need to." Cla caught her breath. "I have already succeeded. In a few weeks I will clutch. Can you guess the father's identity, idiot mammal?"

Alex stop blocked the staff. "You lie," Alex said through clenched teeth. "If that were true, you wouldn't have started this."

"Do I? Don't you remember? Didn't you believe your own eyes? I still want you dead, mammal, but I will settle for this victory. Perhaps it is even better this way. Now you will truly be alone and you will have to live knowing—"

Alex rushed, blind with rage. The staff was torn from her grasp. She felt searing pain shoot up her body as Cla slammed the staff across her newly healed leg. She writhed on the ground as Cla stood over her.

"Now, mammal." Cla grabbed Alex's hair, pulled her head back, and laid her blade across Alex's throat. "Beg."


It's Cale. I should have known that he would be near when I found that staff.

"You can't turn them against me," Cla hissed in her ear. "I carry their leader's children. Keep quiet or you'll find that you're the villain here." Cla melted into the woods.

Alex pulled herself up, leaning against the tree.

"Alex? Are you all right?" Cale supported her. "What happened?"

Alex hesitated.

What should I say? Gabe would have a fit if he knew I was fighting with Cla again. But I no longer have to worry what Gabe thinks. He made his choice and the consequences are here.

Away Mission - Book 2 of the Guardians Series - EDITED versionWhere stories live. Discover now