CH. 5.2 Tell Them What?!

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The sound of heavy knuckles rapping on the door echoed through the apartment, reverberating off the walls. The voice that followed was deep and thick. "Guardian," said the Komodo dragon guard outside, his voice like the low rumble of thunder. "The healer for your new Anolis male has arrived."

Alex sat on the couch with Razz, her legs lazily draped over the armrest. She smiled at him and motioned for him to stay while she answered the knock at the door. But when she opened it, there was nothing there, just the empty hallway and two guards.

The Komodo dragon stood stoic as ever, but the Chameleon, a merry shade of green, winked at her and nodded downward. Following its lead, Alex peered down at her feet to see a small gecko staring up at her with intelligent black eyes. It flicked its tongue out in greeting. The corners of his mouth twitched up in a small smile, the kind that crinkles the eyes in good humor. Alex felt her cheeks flush and she fiddled with her shirt collar.

"Yes...uhm, yes, come in!" She stepped aside to let him pass. She took note of his red lab coat and pockets filled and sagging with an array of medical supplies – tweezers, scissors, gauze pads, bandages- much like Dr. Glick. A clipboard hung from one pocket, and a stethoscope poked out from beneath his white shirt collar. He removed one item from the front pocket - a pair of silver-rimmed spectacles - and perched them on his snout before entering.

"My name is Master Healer Guni," the Gecko said politely. "It is an honor to meet you Guardian. Thank you for rescuing the Council President. He has always worked for peace among the nations."

Alex offered a wry smile in response. "Hence the assassination attempt," she said dryly.

The Gecko nodded slowly in agreement and flashed a knowing grin. "Hence the assassination attempt," he repeated. "Where is my patient, please?"

She led him over to the couch. Razz shrank back, mouth pulled into a tight line and his eyes downcast, communicating distrust and fear. Alex sat carefully next to him, her gaze locked on his face. When she slowly reached a hand out and smoothed circles on his tense back, some of the fear melted from his expression.

"He's a healer here to help. If he hurts you too much, I'll break his fingers one by one."

The Gecko laughed nervously and shifted his weight from foot to foot as the tension grew in the room. Alex stared at him with a steely gaze, not saying a word.

After an uncomfortable silence, Alex sighed and pointed to the metal collar around the Razz's neck. "Sorry, I'm touchy about abuse victims. Really, I won't hurt you. It's this collar: you can see it's grown into his hide and is infected."

The healer perched on Razz's other side, a small figure with glasses balanced at the end of his snout. He pulled out a magnifying glass and leaned forward to inspect the collar more closely. His brow furrowed as he squinted one eye and caught the glint of hard metal in the light. He ran a slender finger along its metal surface but did not attempt to remove it. "How long has this been clasped around your neck?" he asked in a gentle voice.

"I do not know." Razz lifted his gaze to Alex, whose hand held his own tightly.

"You are quite an unusual color, a deep purple with highlights of silvery blue, and it is beautiful. Why would your mistress treat such a valuable male so?"

Razz trembled and averted his eyes. "I am not valuable. I am nothing."

"That worthless piece of crap called Cla is nothing," Alex snarled, earning looks of respect from both Razz and Guni. "You, however, are priceless. Master Healer, enough questions. Can you help him?"

The Gecko slowly rummaged through the pockets of his heavy coat. He eventually pulled out a small blue clay jar with abstract symbols inscribed on its sides. Carefully unscrewing the cap, he revealed an ointment within. "This should help the infection heal," he said as he gently placed it on the table. "It will also soften any additional scabs and make it easier to remove that collar with less pain."

Away Mission - Book 2 of the Guardians Series - EDITED versionWhere stories live. Discover now