CH 9.1 Embarrassment

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As Alex and Razz entered the InterSpec Consulate, a group of Anolis warriors stiffened in their chairs. Conversations ceased as all eyes turned to them with reverence. Alex's boots echoed against the marble floor, creating an ominous presence as they made their way into the main lobby.

Alex theatrically hopped onto the table. Her eyes flashed, and she pounded her fist against her chest dramatically. "I have reclaimed my mate Razz from some moron who challenged me to the death. Razz foolishly traded his freedom to protect me from Reek's plot to kill me," Alex shouted. "Despite his idiocy, I will still emancipate him, but I will kill any female who claims any of my emancipated males. It makes no difference to me if he gives up his emancipation willingly or not. Death to that female. A slow, painful death by an angry mammal. You do not want to see how I kill your kind. It's ugly. My kind truly wears reptile hides for boots and purses."

Alex leapt from the wood table and stormed away, Razz trotting behind her. Voices rose in an angry chorus as she reached the door to their quarters and wrenched it open. She pushed Razz inside, slammed the door shut, and slid a thick metal bar into place.

"What has your back up?" Rile twisted his torso and swung his legs over the edge of the bed,

Dex was sitting on a chair in the corner, curled up into a tight ball, looking like he wanted to shrink away until he disappeared from view.

Alex pointed an accusatory finger at Razz, her voice rising as she spoke. "This idiot traded his emancipation for some female, as if I would want him to do that or as if I was such a coward as to allow him to make such a trade!"

Razz's legs quivered and his hands shook uncontrollably as he spoke. His voice wavered and his eyes filled with sadness as he apologized.

She felt a lump form in her throat. "I don't want to hear it. That you think I would tolerate such a deal not only angers me, it hurts. You hurt me, Razz, more than any sword or dagger ever could." Without waiting for a response, Alex pivoted on her heel and opened the door to the poolroom. "I'm taking a bath now. Alone."

Rile looked at the trembling male with a mixture of anger and pity on his face.

"I never meant to hurt Alex," Razz said.

"Well, you did," Rile replied sharply, his voice laced with anger. His eyes narrowed as he studied him coolly. "Pretty good job of it, too."

"But I do not understand."

"Let me explain something." Rile looked at the bath door to make sure that it was closed. He waited until he heard the waterfall start and drew nearer to Razz. "On her world, it is the males who dominate and they do the raping."

"Oh. Oh! You do not mean—"

"I do. Several times by the same male. It's why she freaks out over the whole thing and would challenge every Anolis female on this planet if she could. When you traded your freedom for her protection, you made her feel like she was a rapist herself, trading sex with you for something for herself. That's why she's so hurt and angry."

"Oh no." Razz looked even more miserable and his head drooped. "Poor Alex, it explains much." He thought for a moment. "I would not like to meet the male that could do that to Alex."

"I did, and I executed him for his crimes," Rile said.

Razz fastened the gold and opal collar back on. "Excellent."

"Razz, you're a bit bloodthirsty."

"I would die for her," Razz said.

"No, don't. That would only make her more insane. You have to live for her. Take care of yourself and stop doing stupid things that endanger yourself."

Away Mission - Book 2 of the Guardians Series - EDITED versionWhere stories live. Discover now