CH. 7.2 Fighting For The Boys

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Alex awoke to the sound of rustling and slowly opened her eyes. She shielded them from the faint morning light that trickled in from the opening of their cavern. She twitched and her living blanket of Anolis males melted off her.

Kress stood before her, his features illuminated by the dim light. "It's almost the second hour. We must smuggle you into the audience chamber."

Alex looked at Trac, and her heart sank. His color was pale, his chest hardly moved with his shallow breaths, and his limbs unnaturally limp and still.

Probably dying.

Alex reached up and placed her hand gently on Trac's' arm. The cool sensation of his hide made her heart sink, knowing that soon Trac would be gone. Her hand flared with numbing power. "Goodbye, Trac. I really will kill the ones who did this to you, come the revolution." On impulse, Alex leaned forward and stroked her cheek along his muzzle, mimicking the motion that the males favored. Her heart ached as she said goodbye to him for the last time.

Kress watched somberly before he motioned for her to follow.


Kress grabbed Alex's arm, leading her through dark, winding hallways that smelled of dust and damp stone. With each step, his pace seemed to quicken until they rounded a corner and she saw the ancient doors standing wide-open.

Kress's face lit up with excitement as he motioned for her to come close. "Look!" he whispered urgently. "The throne room doors are open! Quickly now - dash in and issue your challenge."

Alex flew through the open doors, her boots tapping against the stone floor. She skidded to a stop in the center of the throne room and raised her voice. "I invoke the right of reclamation!"

The Gilas, the Kuni, and an impressive number of Anolis warriors stared at her, various expressions on their faces. No males could be seen, the brothers or otherwise

Cla stood next to the imposing gilt throne, with its intricate carvings of swords and dragons. The legs were adorned with bold, golden claws that curled menacingly. "Your former friends," Cla sneered, "have been added to my den. There is no right of reclamation. Take her."

Alex slipped away from the guards and joined the Gilas. "You know I'm szarek, right?"

The Gilas nodded at her and hissed-growled as a group when the Anolis guards menaced Alex. The guards backed up and looked at the Kuni, who motioned for them to stand down.

"I can't say I'm displeased by the news, Cla. How much did it hurt to hand over Gabe?" Alex shot Cla a smug look before addressing the Kuni again. "As a warrior, I can challenge even the Kuni for a captured mate."

The Kuni was motionless for a moment, then finally spoke, "That is for enemies, in times of war."

"Yes, your majesty. Cla declared me an enemy of the state. That's why I still claim the challenge."

The Kuni pinned her dark eyes on Cla, who looked away. "I was not aware of this." The Kuni looked back at Alex. "Very well, your persistence is well known. I accept the challenge. You know that the secondary mate of whomever you claim will engage in the battle."

I know that. I hope Cla catches hell from the queen for her actions.

"Bring the three to the arena and notify their secondaries." The Kuni snapped her fingers, and messengers ran out of the room, eager to fulfill the orders. She addressed the room again. "Guards, please escort the mamm--this warrior to the arena. Honorable Gila representatives, we have arranged this match for your entertainment."

Alex studied the expressions of the Gilas, her sharp eyes tracing the subtle nuances of their faces. She could see that they had heard the stories about the Kuni, and weren't buying her bull. A spark of kinship flared in her chest as they gave her a knowing nod, and she smiled back in silent understanding.

Away Mission - Book 2 of the Guardians Series - EDITED versionWhere stories live. Discover now