CH 11.2 Heads Will Roll

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Alex sat curled up on her bed, fists pressing into temples as she tried to muffle the tirade of insults Morgan had been shouting in her head since before dawn. Her eyes stung with tears and her breathing came in shallow gasps as the short circuit in her brain threatened to engulf her.

She regretted making her bargain with Cale. The brothers' presence at night allowed her to sleep without bad dreams. Last night, the nightmares had racked her sleep and set her up for a short circuit to start this morning.

She had never had a short circuit on the Anolis home world and had almost forgotten them. But now the noise in her head was so loud that she barely heard the knock on her door.

 Gabe knocked on the door of Alex's room, his knuckles hitting the wood with a booming thud. "Alex, I want to talk to you," he called through the thick barrier.

"No," she shouted back.

He said with roiling frustration, "You must leave that room in your dwelling at some time."

 "What part of 'no' didn't you understand?" Alex asked, pressing her fingertips into her temples as if to ward off a headache. "Unless there's a mission, go away."

 Gabe hiss-growled and stalked out of the apartment.

"He's gone," Rile said to the closed door.

"Yippee." Alex collapsed onto the bed, her body relieved and all energy drained from her. The chaotic chatter in her head had been silenced and the short circuit was now over.

"Please come out."

"No, I'm done. Leave me be."

 You and your brother fight enough. You're not fighting over trash like me.

"That Razz was sure a little runt," Rile called out. "I can't believe he thinks he can accomplish anything. He'll probably screw up raising his babies." Rile sprinted for the door, opened it, ran through it and slammed it. He stomped down the stairs to his apartment with unnecessary force to annoy Alex further.

Alex barged into the brothers' living room, eyes blazing with anger. "Don't you talk bad about Razz!" she shouted.

"Make me." He mockingly bowed towards the training mat that he had set up in the center of the room. As Cale sat in a corner, his claws clicked nervously against one another as he watched them prepare to spar.

Rile turned to Alex, his voice hard. "Keep your hands up. They're too low to block well." He gestured at Alex's arms, which were currently half-lowered in readiness.

Cale stepped forward, worry etched into his expression. "Please take it easy," he begged. "Alex left the hospital only days ago."

Rile didn't back down. "Alex will not get better sitting on the couch. She needs conditioning, as well as training in sword, staff, and dagger, if she is to stand a chance against Hermann and that agency that created her."

Alex's jaw set in determination despite her obvious discomfort. "Thanks for talking about me like I wasn't here," she said.

Rile advanced with quick jabs that she blocked efficiently.

"Keep 'em up," he said, but soon enough her guard dropped again.

His response was immediate; he drove forward and hit through Alex's too-low hands. She stumbled backwards and slammed into the corner wall before dropping to her knees.

"Did you have to slam me against the wall?" Alex gasped. "That dagger wound still has sutures in it."

Cale jumped up to help her and raked Rile with an appropriate glare.

Away Mission - Book 2 of the Guardians Series - EDITED versionWhere stories live. Discover now