CH 8.3 Revolutionary Anolis Females...Still Evil

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Alex's gaze drifted from the chipped and broken red-painted entranceway to the green walls, which were barely visible underneath years of grime. She could make out a faint light coming from one of the blacked-out windows and noticed patches of cobwebs in various corners of the room. Alex couldn't be certain, but she had a feeling that Zilik had brought them to the same building they had visited before, to meet with the revolutionaries.

Anolis females in leather armor and boots filled the room. Rile, his posture deflated and voice hushed, yet still commanded attention as he gave his report. She felt a spark of guilt.

Rile should love being the center of attention. I should have executed Mina. Maybe that would make him feel better.

"I trust Rile has given you the information you need. What do we do now?"  Alex asked the crowd once he had finished.

The Anolis female stepped forward, her gaze shifting between Alex and the other Anolis. "You have fulfilled your role, mammal," she said confidently. "We'll do the rest."

Alex frowned as she shook her head in protest. "That wasn't our agreement," she said sternly.

A second Anolis approached and placed a hand on her companion's shoulder. "She's right, Reek," she said.

"We promised that creature nothing. She has her male back, thanks to our help, sister." Reek drew back her lips in a sneer, curled her claws disdainfully, and shot Alex an insolent stare.

Alex could feel her temper boiling, and her cheeks turned red with anger. Zilik and Rile stepped forward, each placing a restraining hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged them off as she snarled at Reek. "Thanks to your help? I'm sick of you, Reek. If you oppose me, do it openly."

Riley yanked her back, making sure to keep himself between them and the Anolis. "Alex, you idiot," he snarled under his breath.

She spun around and gave him a hard shove on the shoulder. Her eyes were blazing with determination as she locked gazes with him. "Let go," she said firmly. "This is a female thing."

Zilik looked back and forth between Alex and Rile, his hide shifting from a deep forest green to an irate scarlet.

"Alex, do you intend to fight every female Anolis warrior on this planet?" He asked, spreading his hands apart in exasperation.

Alex ran her hand along the leather-wrapped hilt of her sword, before meeting Zilik's gaze. "Why not? They're all sadistic, lying, morons."

Rile shook his head sadly before mumbling under his breath, "She's hopeless."

Alex stepped threateningly toward her opponent. Her stance was full of righteous anger and righteous indignation, her eyes were smoldering coals. "You're confident, Reek. Is it because you see the cuts Cla gave me? Ask yourself: are you as good as her? You see a mammal with soft skin, but is that all I am? Your sister knows me for the desperate creature I am. I've lost everything, my home, my friends, my sleep-mate. What do I care what happens to me? What do I care if I die, as long as you join me?"

Reek, unnerved, stepped back against her sister and held up her hands. Reek took an instinctive step back towards her sister; raised her hands, palms facing outward in a weak gesture of surrender.

Reek's sister spoke calmly, but her words sent a chill through the room. "She's right. Such a driven one should not be toyed with. If she wants to die for the true Kuni, that is her right."

The statement seemed to infuriate Reek who jumped forward, dagger in hand, and shouted, "No, it's not her right!" Her gaze was fierce and wild as she pointed her blade at her Alex. "Weapons, mammal."

Away Mission - Book 2 of the Guardians Series - EDITED versionWhere stories live. Discover now