CH. 7.1 Of Palaces and Eggs

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Zilik did more than have a picture made. He had Razz delivered to his apartment. Razz kissed Alex's hands, so she hugged him to make him stop. He happily nestled against her, top of his head not quite reaching her collarbone, listening to her steady heartbeat and enjoying her warmth.

"I am helping you enter the palace," Razz said.

"What? How? I won't let you risk yourself. Zilik, you were supposed to make sure Razz was safe." Alex jabbed a finger at the Chameleon in accusation.

"It is all right, Alex. I want to help. I want Cla and the Kuni out of power, preferably dead. This is a way that I can help. There are secret passages, known only to the palace males. It is a way for us to sneak out from time to time."

"I'll kill them for you. But you'll only show me the entrance and then race back here in the fastest carriage Zilik can afford," Alex ordered. "Why doesn't anyone use it to escape?"

"We keep it secret and use it only as a respite, or for healing, or messages, but eventually someone does escape. Then the females find it and close it. There have been several tunnels. I will take you to the latest tunnel entrance. I helped dig it after all. Another palace male, called Trac, will bring you into the male's sleeping chamber. From there, someone can smuggle you into the Kuni's room for your challenge of reclamation."

Alex pushed back and looked at Razz. "Why isn't your chest healing?" She lit her hand and ran it lightly over the 'A' shaped wound, her touch feathery despite its luminescence. "Is it infected? Do you need to see Master Healer Guni?"

"I told you that you did not make it deep enough. I re-opened it. I wish it to scar so that everyone can see I belong to you, the Guardian."

Alex took a sharp intake of breath and clapped her hand over her mouth, tears spilling from the corners of her tightly shut eyes. "Razz! That's so wrong! You belong to yourself. Don't do that again."

Razz timidly touched her hand. "This is what I wish."

"You don't know me," Alex said. "I'm not worth that."

"I know enough." Razz lifted his chin in a stubborn way. "You are truly worth that and more."

"No, you don't," Alex said. "If only you knew the truth." She wiped her eyes and smiled shakily at him. "Very well, I'll hang onto one deluded admirer. But no more of this scarring business. That's deeply disturbing to me."

"As you wish," Razz said.


Alex taught Razz how to drive the carriage as they made their way to the Anolis palace. Alex watched Razz grasp the reins and cluck to the horses as he gently pulled them into a trot. The wheels of the carriage clattered against the stones that lined the road and they were soon there.

Alex wondered that the palace was so close to their border. The Anolis females were either very bold or very stupid.

Probably both.

Razz cleared his throat. "You've done so much for me already," Razz began, his voice quavering with anxiety.

Shields up!

"I hate to ask."

Red alert!

"But it is about my children." Razz's voice grew thick and uneven as he spoke. He paused, swallowing hard, his hands shaking as though the topic was too difficult for him to handle.

Curiosity overcame the Star Trek metaphors in Alex's head.

"Rather, the two eggs that Cla clutched from me." Razz stopped again, looking unsure with his gaze downcast, his hands trembling slightly.

Away Mission - Book 2 of the Guardians Series - EDITED versionWhere stories live. Discover now