CH 7.3 Saving Rile

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Once they were out of the amphitheater, Alex led Rile into the nearest bushes. She shot out in a speed-burst with him, becoming invisible. Her vision blurred into grey as she pushed herself to the limit with several more speed-bursts, knowing that it was their only chance for escape. After taking some time to recover, she used her last burst of energy to streak towards the InterSpecies Consulate where Zilik had procured her rooms. Alex staggered under Rile's weight to the ornately carved nine-foot wooden front doors.

Opening the doors, Zilik's eyes sparkled as he grinned at Alex. He offered a supportive arm to Rile and slowly escorted him across the lobby. Rile's feet dragged wearily along the marble floor to the new rooms. Zilik helped Rile sit down on the bed, arranging the pillows behind him before carefully laying him down.

"Razz was supposed to come with the first aid supplies," Zilik said. "He should have been back by now. I'll track him down and help him in case some clerk is giving him a bad time."

Once he left, Alex stepped closer, her gaze lingering on the battered body lying on the bed. She bit back a gasp at the deep gashes in his chest and snarled inwardly at the collar fused to his skin with cruel metal prongs.

"Rile," she said softly, pressing a gently glowing hand to his chest.

His swollen eye was closed, and he didn't stir, so she traced around the worst of the wounds, around the collar, and up to his face.

Eyes still closed, his lips twitched into a contented smile before he murmured, "I'm too beat up to act on how great that feels." He sighed when she stopped. "Me and my big mouth."

"Haven't you had enough of that sort of fun by now?" she asked in a tone mixed with both anger and humiliation.

He opened his eyes. "Do I look like I've been having fun?"

Alex bent her head at the correction and said meekly, "I'm sorry. No, you don't. But wasn't the sex worth playing along with them?"

"No sex," Rile said. "They couldn't force me like they do the Anolis males. Not that they didn't try."

Alex fumbled the bandages, and they scattered to the ground. Rile felt a sharp pain, but his attention was soon diverted when he felt the warmth of Alex's hands on his muzzle. He looked into her eyes, amazed at the emotion emanating from them. Her forehead gently pressed against his and he felt her silent message of love and concern overwhelming him. He covered her hands with his own, and could see a soft, golden glow emanating from their touch. He wondered if she knew she was transmitting her feelings.

Rile's throat was tight and his eyes stung when he uttered the words, "Maybe we understand each other better now." He could sense a deep-seated sorrow emanating from her, even though her face remained stone still.

She shook her head slowly and said, "I wouldn't wish that on you, Rile, or anyone. Not for any reason."

He nodded in agreement, wishing he had the right words to offer comfort but knowing that none would suffice. He knew he hadn't had it as bad as Alex. He hadn't been truly afraid of Mina, and while he was somewhat embarrassed of her attempts on him, he was angry, not shamed. So instead, he tried to send her his own silent reassurance.

She broke away, looking startled and confused, and now he was certain that she hadn't known about the shared emotions.

"You don't need to be afraid. Don't pull away." Rile's voice was soft, as close to an entreaty as it ever came.

The door banged against the wall after a perfunctory knock. Dr. Glick strode in, followed by Master Healer Guni and Razz, arms laden with bandages and a large burlap bag.

Away Mission - Book 2 of the Guardians Series - EDITED versionWhere stories live. Discover now