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'Aarushi?' I had barely entered the clinic when I heard a shout of my name from behind.

I turned around and guessed it right- it was Nisha ma'am.

'hey.' I said with a smile.

'hello. You look happy!' she said

'yeah, I am.' I said, broadening my smile.

'what's the matter?' she asked, inserting her hands in her pocket.

'actually,' I explained 'I met an old friend of mine yesterday. And we spent a good time in the evening together. So, that's why my mood is lifted.'

'oh, is it the guy you were talking to on the stairs?' she asked

'yeah, probably.'

'ohh..i see.' She said 'anyways, I called you to come and take the reports from my cabin for the patient series 206 to 228 in ward 34. You have to review them and send the diagnosis to vaani maam.'

'oh, sure. I'll pick it up in 10.' I said

'okay, see you then.' She said and walked off.


'...and then he suddenly started puking in the bar. And I swear, the guards out there, they gave us such looks! I was so certain that they're going to throw us out!' she narrated and I laughed. Nisha maam was talking to me about her recent visits to a bar with her friends. We usually talk like this during our lunch breaks together.

'that must be so embarrassing!' I said. the beep in my phone caught my attention. I unlocked it with my left hand. It was a message on WhatsApp. I opened the interface, and a smile covered my face.

It was a message from Manav. He had sent me a picture of his tiffin box, which had daal makhani and naan- one of my favorite dishes.

'daal makhani and naan. I hope you still love them as much as I remember *wink*' the caption read.

I smiled, he still remembers. And not just remember, he messaged me when he saw it. It makes us feel so special, when someone sees something which is significant to us, takes a moment to remember, and then share a pic.

I clicked a photo of my tiffin box and sent it to him. I captioned 'bhindi and roti over anything ❤❤'

He saw it immediately. Through my visuals, I could see him smiling at this message.

'bhindi is love! No further arguments. ' he replied

'yes, I know! 😂😂
Wait, do head editors get time to eat too? Wow!! 😉😂🤨*' I text back.

'yeah, pretty as much as resident doctors at AIIMS do! 🤣' he texts back.

'well, then it's unfair. Because if they get the same time to eat, the salaries should be the same too. And the zeroes should also be the same ! 😂😂😂' I text

'sure madam, you're still on my zeroes? 🫡your request will be taken forth to my boss😂.' he texts back. I laugh.

'thank you. 😂' I say 'by the way, I hope your girlfriend was not angry that you went away with me unannounced yesterday😉'

'oh. She was, actually. But I'm waiting for you to send roses so that I could convince her asap. 😂 he said

'sure, why not. 😂 sending right away😉' I typed

'now if the resident doctor will excuse me, this head editor has his boss shouting at him. 😂😂' he texts

'sure, 😂😂 see you. Bye'

"see you. Bye.'

I keep the phone down and realised that nisha mam has been staring at me all this while.

'it was definitely not your mother.' She said as I was opening my mouth to say something.

'no, it was Manav. The guy I told you in the morning about.'

'oh, the staircase guy??' she asked 'what was he saying?'

'yeah, nothing he just sent me a picture of his tiffin.' I said

'oh...tiffin pictures I see!" She raised her brows "what's the matter?"

I laughed, " nothing's the matter! He was eating daal makhni which is my favorite so he just dropped by to send a picture!"

'I mean, my friends never do this, only my boyfriend used to do.' she teased.

'nisha maam,' I explained 'i swear, we're just friends and it's not even 24 hours since we reunited."

'Exactly! It's not even 24 hours and he's into sending pics! What's the scene? You like him?' She came closer.

'Ten years ago, yes. I was in love with him. we were a couple long time back. In school.' I said.

'WHAT?' she screamed 'you dated this guy? Like, teen romance?'

'yes.' I said with a smile.

'oh, tell me now! I want to know the full thing!' she said, sitting up straight.

'nothing much. We lived adjacent to each other in the colony and used to go the same school. So then gradually, we grew feelings for each other and he proposed me one day. And our relationship began! But while I was in 10th, one day, I was on my terrace, with him, and mom came upstairs suddenly to check if I was studying. And unluckily we were about to hug at the same time. she caught me then and there, scolded both of us, did some drama for some days and then took me to Mumbai the next year, to make me stay focused. And when I came to Mumbai...' I paused. I wanted to cry and smile at the same moment.

'and when you came to Mumbai..?' she asked. Each time, something that started so good is mentioned, the memory of how badly it ended comes to surface, killing every good thought.

'I met Varun.' That's all I can say.

'Aarushi,' she held my hand 'sometimes, when something good happens to us, we feel like it is the best that can ever happen. We get so happy, we start dreaming, the sky is pink and the air is purple.. but god knows, that this is not the best for us, we deserve something better..something a lot more better than this. so, god removes it, purposefully from our life, when he thinks we are getting too much into it. We didn't expect it to go away, so it pains, and we start blaming god, circumstances, and the other person. But when we finally learn to take the lesson and leave the pain and past behind, god gives us the real one, when we are actually prepared for receiving the abundance. The one who actually deserves us.' She said as i listened

'And we can never learn without pain. Whatever we learn from that pain, builds a stronger foundation for a more mature, more fulfilling, more beautiful relationship. And then all our whys get answered at that moment. At least mine did!' She shrugs

I smile and carefully hear each and every word she says.

'Aarushi, I know this sudden separation is tough for you. And I can't even imagine the life you're living. But just because this pain is so sudden and present, don't forget to grab the opportunities and chances in front of you. Have faith, have trust. Everything will be fine.' She said. 'and honestly, the glow....on your face....after meeting Mr. staircase guy, is different. It could be a good sign, you know. Maybe, god is pointing towards something.'

'yes maam, thank you. These words mean a lot. But Manav and I are just friends. And I don't even know anything about him yet. Just couple of basic things. And this thing with Varun is still so fresh, I can't have that point of view for anyone right now!'

'just because the pain is so fresh, doesn't mean that the new poppy happiness can't enter!' she said...leaving me in thoughts.

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