1. His Bitter Voice

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"Hello, my name is-"

I didn't even need to complete my introduction, everyone in my new class knows my name. I was an influencer with a lot of followers. The entire class was excited when they saw me walk into the classroom with a uniform that I've over-accessorised to my liking. I was already the talk of the school, immediately becoming the queen bee. Of course, there's some who do not know who I was, but they eventually know as they search me up online. 

"Y/N. My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you all," I said. 

okay.. I knew I was popular.. but I did NOT expect this much, I thought to myself.

"Alright Y/N, just sit at the back with Yeonu. He's the class representative so he can show you around the school later," our homeroom teacher said as she pointed at the seats in the last row near the windows. A tall and surprisingly good looking guy with thin-rimmed glasses sitting next to an empty seat. Ji Yeonu, son of Ji Sangtae, the vice minister.. sitting next to me, an influencer who's probably boring and plain.. no wait, what the fuck am I talking about? I'm not boring at all. Screw what I said just now, what I mean is that.. I'm surprised that I'm going to sit next to him. Was the teacher just trying to seperate me with my best friend Bomi to prevent me from talking too much in class? Whatever, at least I'll just gain a new friend or two..

I walked to the seat and sat next to Yeonu. As I sat down I unpacked my things and placed my pencil box, books and a mirror on the table. I then looked at Yeonu and he was just staring at the mirror on my desk.. I wonder why?

"Oh, hi. I'm Y/N, nice to meet you. I hope we can get along well," I said, looking at Yeonu. He then stared at my face for a long time. God this is awkward..

Is she not scared of getting scolded by the disciplinary teachers..? She's quite bold.. how did she get away with the eye makeup..?? How did she get into the honors class in the first place..? She looks like a delinquent! Well..I guess I'll have to get used to this huh, Yeonu thought to himself. 

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Ji Yeonu, the class representative. I'm sure we'll get along well," Yeonu replied, a bit coldly as he still looked at my eye makeup. 

"Geez..cold much..?"  I mumbled under my breath as I looked away and into my mirror, fixing my airy bangs. Unfortunately, Yeonu heard me. 

Cold? I was just talking normally.. how rude.. Do I really have to be her seatmate..? he thought to himself as he continued to look at his book. 

The first two periods of class finally ended. Our class teacher left the classroom as we waited for the next teacher to enter. Everyone then crowded near my seat to talk to me. "Can we take a picture together?" "You're so pretty!!" "What made you come to this school?" "Can we be friends?" "I'm such a big fan!!" were multiple of the most common sentences heard from the crowd. As I answered most of them with my typical blunt humour and a generous amount of..profanity.. the crowd was laughing cheerfully as we all chatted. Except for one person of course.. Yeonu. He looked very irritated with every reply I made.

God.. she is so.. rude to her fans.. how do people even like her..? I mean sure swearing is normal but the way she jokes around..?? How is she even famous.. just because of her looks? Her wealth? How ridiculous.. he thought. I noticed his face while I was talking to Bomi, and then I stood up to walk near her and whisper to her.

"Uhm.. Bomi? Can I ask you something?" I asked her. 

"Sure Y/N! What is it?"

"Uhm.. how's Yeonu usually like..? He looks like he's pissed off at me and I don't really know why," I asked. I then glanced at Yeonu and he was still glaring at me. 

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