8. In the Middle of the Night.

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(A/N: Continuing from Yeonu's POV)

Okay trying to think of something else and showering in cold water should work... right?? I thought to myself, trying to get rid of it . Unfortunately, the sight of Y/N was engraved into my head as none of the methods worked. Even after the long cold shower it didn't work as it was impossible to think of anything else. Guess I have no choice...

Back to normal:

God what's taking him so long... it's been half an hour..

"mmh.. nghh...fuck..-"

The sound came from the bathroom. Either the water washed on a new bruise on him or he's.. nah I'm not going to think about it. I walked up and knocked on the door.

"Babe, are you alright?" I asked.
"Oh, I'm fine.. just uhhhh... new bruise, yeah."
"Oh, okay. Need any help?"
"No no it's fine."

Yeonu then walked out of the bathroom, he covered his face with his hand looking away from me.

"Where's the bruise? I can get some ointment if you nee-" 
"It's fine, I can handle it," he interrupted my sentence. Clearly something was up but I decided to not ask anymore.
"Shall we.. continue from where we've left off?" Yeonu asked, hugging me from behind when I turned around.
"Oh, sure."

Just as I said that he carried me to my bed and pinned me down to kiss me. Slowly he starts going lower and leaves kisses and love bites on my neck and collarbone as I grabbed onto his back and let out soft whimpers. 

"You like that?" he teased with a gentle voice as he bit on my earlobe. 
"Never expected the class rep to be this.. touch starved."
"If I make you uncomfortable just say it okay?"
"Of course I will."

Yeonu then sat up on the bed and signalled me to sit on his lap like how I did in the storage room at school. "Come a little closer," he said, holding my waist. I sat nearer and wrapped my arms around him. Yeonu kissed me again, this time rubbing my head. I decided to sneak my tongue into his mouth, I could feel every slight whimper he let out. His hands then went up and down my back as he kissed passionately. He then suddenly breaks the kiss and started to leave bite marks and hickeys on my neck and collarbone area. 

"Yeonu.. it'll be hard for me to hide them if you leave marks that high up.." I whined.
"Oh? Are you giving me permission to do it..lower?
"I..I mean-"
"It's hard to bite there without hurting you though~"
"Then don't bite-"
"You're okay with hickeys then?"
"Fine with me, but we'll do that later.. I don't wanna go that far yet~"

How is this the same man who's the class representative, a politician's son, top student and all that.. he looks NOTHING like what I've just witnessed. He's bold. Too bold.

Yeonu POV:

Fuck, she's such a good kisser...and her moans are just..so cute. Though, I was kidding when I said I'd give her hickeys.. too early for that.

"So, what do you think of my bedroom so far?" she asked, her head tilted sideways a bit and looked up at me. 
"Oh it's.. pretty I guess."
"Anything you like in particular?"
"The bookshelf perhaps? You have a lot of books.. and most of them are the hardcover copies too."
"Is something wrong?"
"It's because of the Fifty Shades Of Grey collection isn't it."
"Not judging, everyone has their own tastes."
"Yeah but the fact that you..saw it.. on my shelf..arghhhhh-"

She started to lie down on the bed covering her face with her hands as she kicked in embarrassment. It was honestly adorable. 

"Cmon.. it's fine. You don't have to hide it from me, I'll keep it a secret from everyone," I said as I kissed her on the head.

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