4. Motive

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"Oh, sure?" I replied, blushing at the fact he held my hand. As we both walked out of the classroom and I was about to head to the canteen, Yeonu tugged on my jacket's sleeves.
"Not the canteen though, I have another place in mind."
"Dude how am I going to eat without going to buy food?"
"Who says you'll need to buy food?"

I got confused but followed Yeonu anyway. He then lead me to the school's garden. There was a gazebo and he dragged me there to sit down. "What do you think?" he asked. 

"Still doesn't answer the question," I said. My stomach rumbling due to how I skipped breakfast. Yeonu then took out a lunchbox and opened it. It had some sandwiches, some samgak kimbap and some other small dishes in it. "Hope it fits your tastes, I made them," he said. 

What the fuck..him cooking for me??? What is he trying to do..? 

"Heh..is that all you got?" I said, taking a bit out of the samgak kimbap Yeonu prepared. It tastes surprisingly good. "Oh? Too simple for your liking?" Yeonu asked. He can see me enjoy the food but he just played along with it. "It's okay..I guess," I said, looking away from his eyes as I continue to eat the food he prepared. I was trying to act like it was mediocre but FUCK he can cook. "Just okay?" he asked. "It sucks then," I said jokingly. Yeonu giggled and then an idea struck his mind.

"Why not you come over to my place to eat?" Yeonu suggested. 
"Why should I?"
"I'll show you I can cook good."
"I'll cook dinner for us both. Don't worry about my dad. He's away for business trips, he's only returning in like three months."
"Ask your parents first though, don't want them to worry."
"Nah they're away it's fine."

Why the hell is he treating me like this after I told Bomi and Taehun that he's kinda cute..THEY DIDN'T SNITCH ON ME DID THEY??? Okay but ain't complaining though...shit I'm falling. No.. I can't fall in love with this guy THAT easily.. HE CAN COOK THOUGH???? I freaked out internally over the fact that Yeonu invited me over for dinner. Just the both of us? Alone??

"So.. you're gonna straight away go after school or do you wanna go home first to change your clothes?" Yeonu asked, breaking the silence.
"I'll head home first to change.Send your location, I'll go there myself."
"Alright~" he said, he then sent his location to my phone.

After school, I went back home and picked out an outfit to wear and even redid my makeup. I then sat in my limousine and went to Yeonu's place. Holy shit his house was big. I rang the doorbell and he opened the gate for me. It was still a long walk to the mansion but I was used to walking that far, I mean.. it's not like my mansion is any way different. I entered  the house and sat down on the couch waiting for Yeonu. One of the butlers then walked up to me to serve some tea. 

"Here you go, young master asked us to prepare this for you while you wait," the butler said.
"Oh! Thank you!~" I replied. It was peach tea, my favourite. Weird.. how did he know..? 
"You're welcome. Young master cooking is a rare sight..usually he doesn't like to cook if he has other things he'd like to do."
"Oh? Really?"
"Yes, in fact when I saw him cooking in the kitchen last night I was shocked.."
"Ahahah.. it's nice that he's trying it out though, he says that he can cook good but I doubt."
"Oh I wouldn't be so sure if I were you miss," the butler said.

He sounds like a decent cook.. I wonder what's taking him so long... I thought to myself. I then looked around the living room in boredom. I then remembered about the piano I saw in the music hall I walked passed when going to the living room and I headed there. I opened the piano and realised it was a Steinway & Sons piano just like the one I had at home. I then tried the piano out but as I pressed one of the keys I realised that the pitch of the keys were dropped by a few semitones as I attempted to play a song. 

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