6. Falling, Harder.

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Yeonu came back with a white T-shirt. He walked up to me to give it to me, his head turned away trying to avoid accidentally staring at something he shouldn't again. 

"H..here." He said. Giving the T-shirt to me.

I closed the door to change into the new shirt and I opened the door giving him my dirtied crop top. The shirt was quite big so I didn't really see a need to wear my jeans to sleep and just wore it as it is. Yeonu looked at me and started to blush even more and just snatched the clothes I had on my hand.

"Y..you're just gonna wear that as it is..huh..? Whatever. Just go to sleep. I'll wash this for you..good night Y/N." Yeonu said as he rushed out of the bedroom. 

"Oh, I guess it was too much for him.." I said to myself as I sat on his bed. I felt something under the blanket and found a Jiji plushie under it. AWWWWW HE WATCHES KIKI'S DELIVERY SERVICE TOO I thought to myself as I snuggled in Yeonu's bed, hugging the plushie to sleep. His bed was as soft as a cloud. I fell asleep a in few seconds with how comfortable his bed was. 

Yeonu POV:

God.. now I'm starting to wonder if she's doing all of this on purpose.. the toothpaste had to drop there?? Now she's wearing my clothes with NO PANTS. And she's sleeping on my bed.. I thought to myself as I put Y/N's clothes in the washing machine and walked back to my bedroom. Once I opened the door I saw Y/N sleeping soundly on the right side of the bed. The side I usually sleep in. Hugging the Jiji plush I had. And she's facing the left side.. this is going to be tough. I usually sleep facing the right, I'll have no choice but to sleep facing her for tonight..although I kinda like it. 

She looked like a princess, an angel, a goddess. She looked so adorable hugging the plushie sleeping. Fighting the urge to kiss her on the cheek, I brushed my teeth and just went to sleep, facing her. 

"Goodnight, Y/N.." I whispered softly as I slept.

Back to normal:

The next morning I woke up and realised Yeonu was already up and not in the bedroom. I went to brush my teeth and brushed my hair and then I went downstairs to find him. One of the maids told me that Yeonu was in the room behind his studying room practicing kyokushin. Curious, I entered the room myself. Before I could even touch the doorknob, Yeonu already opened the door, surprised that I was about to open it. 

Yeonu was sweaty and he was shirtless. His collarbones were deep. His Adam's apple was obvious. The sternocleidomastoid holy FUCK. He had defined abs which I've never expected him to have. He usually wears thick, long sleeved clothes covering his muscles and now I'm just standing right in front of him when he's shirtless. There was bruises on some parts of his torso which concerned me. Without thinking properly, my hands reached out and my finger slightly touched one of the bruises which was on his chest.

"Y..Y/N.. what are you doing..?" Yeonu asked, flustered. He grabbed my hand and I blushed in embarrassment.
"I- uhm.." I said as I shaked my head trying to snap myself back to reality and pulled my hand away. "You're..bruised." I continued my sentence.  
"Oh, don't worry these are from endurance training.. I'm perfectly fine," Yeonu said. He placed my hand on the bruise. His abs felt firm. As I was going to pull my hand back I accidentally stroked it upwards, making him let out a slight groan. 
"Sorry," I said, quickly pulling my hand back.
"You're still training?"
"Almost finished. Wanna come in?"

I walked in the room and knelt down on the floor as the shirt could've exposed my underwear if I sat cross-legged or curled in a ball like usual. Yeonu closed the door and continued his training. He was listening to music on his airpods while focusing on his workout. I was just sitting there, staring at him doing push-ups. God his physique was so.. fuck it why did I have to forget to take my phone to the room I could've taken pics. This is so painful.

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