7. Tease

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(A/N:  following chapters might start to get spicier)
"Idiot. Of course I like you back.." I said to Yeonu, flustered. Turning my head to the other side as I gave him a slight nudge.

We both sat there awkwardly. None of us spoke a word. 

"So, would you.. be my g-" 
"I'm all yours." Yeonu said as he gave a tiny peck on my cheek. 

Someone in the class saw it and the entire class started to make a lot of noise. "YALL DID YOU SEE THAT??" "HE KISSED HERRRR!!" "I KNEW HE LIKED Y/N!" The class squealed and squealed before Yeonu stood up to try and calm the class down and prevent any teachers passing by from hearing the commotion and lecturing the entire class.

It was a Friday and the last two periods were PE. Like usual, the boys from our class and the boys from the class behind us would be with one teacher while the girl with another. Yeonu was playing basketball with the other guys while I was playing volleyball with the other girls. Volleyball was a sport I loved a lot as I was skilled in it. The girls from our class usually play against the girls from the other class and we'd all have a good time but it was the first time the class played volleyball together and they were surprised when playing with me. One of the girls from the other class, Yeong Hi, was coincidentally good at volleyball too but she was also Jung Ae's best friend so obviously she was starting to get pissed off when we were tied.

"She's kinda good.." the girl beside Yeong Hi said.
"Too good." Yeong Hi replied.
"Uh..Of course she won't be as good as you! Haha..."
"Better not."

Yeong Hi spiked the ball aiming for me but Bomi saw the ball coming and tried to protect me from it and hurt her leg.

"Owww.. that hurt..." Bomi said, limping.
"Do you need to rest?" I asked, concerned.
"I can't really walk.."
"Do you need me to bring you to the nurse's office Bomi?"
"It's alright, continue playing. I'll go with someone else, I'll be fine."

Bomi and one of our classmates went to the nurse's office and I turned my head back to face Yeong Hi. The match continued and I surely wanted to get revenge. The game was so intense most of the other classmates gathered to check it out. Even the boys stopped playing just to watch us.

"Yo bro your girlfriend is really good at this," one of the guys from our class told Yeonu.
"Girlfriend?? No way.. Y/N actually accepted??" one guy from the other class said, surprised.
"Of course Y/N would accept him.. look at how good looking this dude is! In fact, he even kissed her on the cheek today," our classmate replied.

No matter how much his friends were just talking, Yeonu just sat on the ground watching us play.

She really is a goddess.. he thought.

 The ball was finally thrown towards me and I spiked it. Yeong Hi's teammate who was in front of her failed to block it and it hit her on the head. Her teammates tried to calm her down knowing she'd be pissed but they failed. 

"Ouch what the fuck?!" Yeong Hi groaned.
"Sorry Yeong Hi.." her teammate apologised. Yeong Hi just shoved her out of the way admitting defeat, walking pass me as she sulked.

I chuckled. It was so satisfying to see her mad. 
"That'll teach her." I muttered under my breath. I could feel Yeong Hi's head turn around to glare at me but I don't care. She put Bomi in the nurse's office so I'll just hurt her back.

Yeonu then walked up to me.

"Congrats, my love," he said with a gentle smile. 
"Oh? Giving me nicknames this early?"
"Haven't thought of the perfect one yet though."
"Take your time~"
"Was the hit on purpose? Or was it unexpected?"
"I guess you can say both."

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