10. Tunnel of Love

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"What if I sat on your lap the entire ride?" I whispered. Yeonu blushed profusely. His entire face red as a tomato. It looked like steam was coming out of his ears too.
"Are you sure you wanna do this though.." Yeonu said. He didn't dare to do it. Not only was it kinda dangerous, it felt very unnecessary. 
"Okay fine, bad idea.." I said, crossing my arms a bit upset.
"I can hug onto your waist while you sit beside me though" Yeonu said.
"I guess that's good enough" I said as i sat beside him. His arm then wrapped around my waist and his head was on top of mine, slightly leaning. 
"Your hair smells good.." he said, sniffing my hair as he hugged closer. I blushed, it sounded cheesy but it was cute.

The ride then started again, even with Jung Ae trying to purposely lean against Yeonu he looked unbothered. In fact with Yeong Hi pushing Jung Ae towards Yeonu, Yeonu took that as an opportunity to pretend Jung Ae pushed him and kissed me on the forehead. Boy was Jung Ae NOT amused. 

"Oops! Wasn't planning on that.." Yeonu said with a slight chuckle as he stroked my hair, trying to keep it tidy again. 
"Yeonu..!! You clearly did it on purpose!!" I exclaimed, playing along so it'd add on to Jung Ae's jealousy.
"Nonsense.." Yeonu said as he took a sniff of my hair again. It was like he was addicted to the scent.. I mean.. who wouldn't? I love this shampoo scent so much, I'D SNIFF MY OWN HAIR TOO- 

Okay, maybe that would be an exaggeration.

We got off the ride and started to find other rides to go on. Bomi and Hobin decided to split from the group so that they can have their tiny little date time on some other rides so we were stuck with Taehun. 

"Alright, what's the next ride we're gonna waste our time on." Taehun said, impatiently. 
"Hmm.. let me see.." I said as I looked through the amusement park map. This one ride caught my attention. "How about this one?" I said, pointing at the hang glider ride. 
"Ain't that the house thingy over there? It's so small.. why is it full of people lining up anyway.." Taehun asked.
"Thats where they line up silly, the ride's obviously not in the house-" I said, giggling. 
"Then where the fuck is it?-" Taehun asked. 
"Look up." I said, Taehun then looked up and realised the ride was that big ass hanging thingy that was like 69 feet above the ground. 
"Oh damn." Taehun said. "Okay but the line's really long-"
"Not for us~" I said as I whipped out a VIP pass card.
"...You're telling me we could've used that for all the other rides but you didnt..??" Taehun said, confused and unamused.
"I forgot lol" I said with a stupid looking wink, knocking my head slightly while sticking out my tongue. Imitating the Peko-chan face.
"..As usual" Taehun sighed.

Luckily for us, we get to go on the ride first. Unfair for the others I know but hey I guess that's the perks of being rich. The ride was in 2 pairs so me and Yeonu took the front 2 seats while Taehun sat alone at the back.

Taehun Pov:

Okay.. finally a ride that's not some boring kid friendly one or something. Those two lovebirds brave as fuck though, the front seat must be scary. I thought to myself.

I was so wrong. The ride was super fast with the feeling like you're about to get thrown away any time soon. Not only that, I had to experience it BACKWARDS instead. So instead of having slight thrills at the speed of the ride, I had mini heart attacks from the feeling of falling down backwards not knowing what the FUCK is happening. 

As soon as that ride stopped I got off shocked. 

"That was so much fun!!" Y/N said with that infuriating smile. God I wanted to slap her so badly.
"For you both.." I said, a bit traumatised from the ride.
"Shall we move on to the next ride?" Yeonu asked as we walked out of this.. insane ride. 
"Yeah sure I guess." I replied. 

Sooner or later I was dragged to this.. carousel looking ride. Looks childish to me. It's just a capsule carousel right? Why did they wanna go on it so bad??

Once again, the seats were in pairs and I had to ride by myself again.. great! Once the ride started, I realised it was going super fast and honestly I liked it. I then realised in front of my seat was this lever. Out of curiosity, I pushed it. I then realised I fucked up. I started rolling 360 on it. Instantly, I pulled it back just to realise I rolled 360 again but in the other direction. After few more push and pulls I finally got it to stay still, that was until I accidentally pushed it and it turned 90 degrees forward. What's worse was that when I was about to pull it back, the ride ended and I was stuck there. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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