2. Cupid has Arrived

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"Yeonu!~ Where were you?~" the girl tilted her head and looked up at Yeonu. 

"Eating," Yeonu said. His bitter voice returned as he glanced sideways at me as if he wanted me to help him out. Who is this girl exactly? He doesn't have a sister does he? Or is it like the same situation with me and my father where no one should know I'm the minister's daughter? Then again, she doesn't sound like a sister... 

Both of them chatted for a while, the girl was giggling and chatting happily while Yeonu, he just, looked like he doesn't want to be there at all. She seems nice though, she jokes around exactly like me too. I'd probably get along easily with her.. but how did Yeonu dislike me if he's friends with..her?

I walked near Yeonu to enter the classroom, and to see the nametag on the girl's uniform. 

Geun Jung Ae.. not a sister. Definitely not. Rare surname though..  Well, Yeonu will explain after this so I'll just wait. I thought to myself, I sat in my seat waiting for Yeonu to come back.

Few minutes later, Yeonu returned to his seat and sat down. I then asked him about the girl just now.

"Yeonu, who was that girl just now?" I asked him, he then looked at me and then sighed. 

"Jung Ae, Geun Jung Ae. She was my friend since elementary school...well..I wish we weren't," he replied in an annoyed tone.

"But why? She seems ni-"

"She's not." Yeonu interrupted my sentence. "She's not nice at all. She's a fucking bitch. Promise me if she tries to talk to you don't listen to her. Please, I'm begging you," he continued. How bad exactly is she?

"Okay but how? I mean.. why exactly do you hate her?" I asked. Yeonu then pulled me closer to whisper.

"Basically she has a crush on me. I rejected her but we stayed friends cuz I didn't really mind at first. Then she started to stalk all my friends and basically pretended to be nice to the female ones so that she could get closer to me. She keeps flirting with me and trying to record me and it was so creepy.  I tried to tell her to stop but she wouldn't listen,"Yeonu answered. 

Oh. That's why he disliked the way I joked around..  I thought. No wonder he hated how I joked around, it was exactly like the person he despised the most.

"Sorry," I said. 

"What for?"

"I know why you disliked how I joked around now."

"I told you, it's fine. I actually didn't dislike it, I know it was in a joking tone from the start I just saw it all as genuine after you reminded me of Jung Ae."

"I won't talk to her, don't worry. Even if she does I won't fall for her tricks."

Yeonu then took his phone out. He then gave me his phone

"Huh?" I asked.

"Give me your number, I'll send you all her accounts if you wanna block her."

"That won't be needed but I'll put my number in anyway," I said as I added my number in his phone and gave myself a cute nickname. 

"What do you mean not needed?" Yeonu said, confused.

"Send me the accounts, but I'm not blocking, if she stalks me, I'll play around with her."

"Are you crazy?? It's clearly not worth it .. Just forget about it."

"Nah..trust me," I said as I handed the phone back to Yeonu after I went into his other social medias to follow my accounts.

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