9. Amusement Park Date

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"Did you sleep well?" Yeonu asked me as I sat at the dining table, looking at the gigantic stack of souffle pancakes placed right in front of me that was topped with whipped cream, butter, honey and some fresh berries.

It was 6.30 am. I woke up and found out Yeonu has already left the bed, damn how early does this bitch wake up? I brushed my teeth and showered and went down to see what he was up to. Usually when I wake up I would hear the butlers, maids and chef in the kitchen preparing the stuff but this time it was awkwardly quiet. I then realised that before they can even start to prepare the food, Yeonu has already made me breakfast. 

"Yeah, I guess.." I said as I drooled looking at the pancakes. The honey that was drizzled over the dish made it glisten beautifully under the lights of the dining room. 
"Well, enjoy your breakfast, I woke up early just to make this."
"You really didn't have to..."
"Oh no, it's the bare minimum.. besides, you'll need a lot of energy for today so you can do whatever you want at the amusement park later don't you?"
"Oh, right.. well.. thanks Yeonu."

I start to eat the pancakes. The texture of them were so fluffy.. I refuse to believe that this wasn't made by the chef, like.. how is THIS made by Yeonu?? I finished it and placed the plate into the sink.

"Seems like you like it," Yeonu said, smiling softly.
"It tasted too good.."
"I'll cook for you more next time, haha~"
"Ah really you don't have to, I don't want you to get tired.."
"Oh I insist, anyways... "

He then walked up to me and started to carry me princess style.

"Go get dressed, if you can't decide I can always help~" he said with a wink. He then carried me to my room where I've already picked out a few outfits. 

"I was thinking of wearing this one but I found some other outfits I like.." I said as I pointed at an outfit consisting of a pink crop top that had a chest slit and a white miniskirt paired with white fishnet stockings and baby pink leg warmers. 
"I won't allow it." Yeonu said. His eyebrows furrowed slightly.
"Why? I thought it looked cute-"
"Too revealing. I wouldn't mind if we're just going to the mall but if it's the amusement park and we go on a ride that might make your skirt lift.." he said, but he then saw me pout.
"Actually.. if you wanna wear it, I won't stop you, but please reconsider.. I'm worried," he added on. 
"Hmm.. how about this outfit then?" I asked, pointing to another outfit which was a black satin halter top paired with a cap and some flared jeans. 
"That's... no difference.. isn't it..?" he said. 
"But you said I can wear ittttt.."
"Okay fine." he said, sighing. 
"But just in case I'll just bring a jacket for you." he added on. 
"Alright, thanks." I said, going to change into my outfit and do my makeup and hair. After that, I walked out of the bathroom and straight to Yeonu. 
"How do I look?" I asked him. Even though my chest area didn't have any slits whatsoever my back was bare, and the shirt was cropped too, making the low waisted flared jeans showcase my torso a lot. Yeonu just stared at me, blushing as I turned around, showing the bare back part. 
"Looks.. okay.." he said. 
"Alright, I'll just pick this and get my makeup done-"

After that, we went to ride the subway to the amusement park to meet up with others. All those stops were making me impatient.

Yeonu POV:

"Ughhh why is it taking so longggg.." she said, visibly frustrated. 
"Be patient, it'll be quick," I replied, caressing her face with my thumb. Her skin was so so soft.. I swear I could just bite on her cheeks like tteokbokki.

Y/N then looked at her phone for a while, she was looking through her Instagram story views. She then saw that Jung Ae had a new story up and she had the urge to click on it. 

"Eww.." she said.
"What is it babe?" I asked, she looked annoyed when she saw what was on her phone. She then showed me and I immediately understood. Jung Ae and her friend, Yeong Hi were at the same amusement park we were going to. 
"Ahh.. what a coincidence. But don't let that ruin your day, it's not like they're relevant right?" I said, trying to cheer her up. I then gave her a tiny kiss on the forehead.
"Still...." she said. Her pouting was just so cute to me, I can't help but pinch her cheek.
"Heyy!! What was that for.." she asked, giving me tiny slaps on my back.
"Your cheeks are squishy," I said as I poked her cheek again.
"Aww c'mon.. don't be mad, I'm just playing"

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