3. Hearts.

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 I finally let go of Yeonu's hand as we reached the arcade. 

"Damn Y/N did you really have to hold onto Yeonu's hand the entire time?" Taehun said.
"It'll be troublesome if he walked away," I said, trying to cover up what happened just now.
"That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard," Yeonu said, he let out a soft chuckle.
"Shut up," I said, turning my head to the other side. Yeonu giggled and placed his hand on my shoulder. 

"It's alright, I don't mind," Yeonu said with a light smile. I then put his hand away.
"You don't need to force it. We're not that close," I said. My voice a bit colder than usual, I was going to apologise for the sudden change in tone but Yeonu understood immediately. He replied with a gentle smile.

"It's alright. I understand."

"I swear to god.." Bomi said. Everything that happened so far just made me seem like a hopeless romantic. Honestly, I felt the same. I didn't like acting this way but somehow I am.

"Uhm..so.. anyways! Where do we wanna play first? Excluding Tae, of course," I asked, Taehun has already sat at the game he has been waiting for so long to play again.
"Y/N let's play Gitadora!" Bomi said.
"You just want to get revenge don't you.." I asked back, giving her a grin.
"Haha... it's so hard to win when playing with you."
"Okay okay, let's go," I replied, tugging Bomi to the game. Yeonu followed us as he had nothing to do. 

We started to play the game. I've already gotten used to all the songs due to how much I used to play it. Now that Bomi had put the medium level songs it made it 1000 times more easier. Yeonu looked at us play. He doesn't go to arcades since he prefers quieter places like the bookstore or the library more but he didn't mind accompanying us. Luckily. After a while we finally finish the round and as usual I won instead of Bomi. 

"Y/N how the hell do you do this without forgetting the button placements in the controller..??" Bomi questioned.
"Kinda easy when you've played it multiple times over and over again.. and with the fact that i play guitar too," I replied.
"You play guitar?" Yeonu asked.
"She plays a lot of instruments, I don't know how she manages to learn all of them," Bomi told Yeonu.
"Nah, it's just piano, violin and guitar. Three instruments isn't a lot," I added on.
"Can you at least think of it from the perspective of people that have never played any.." Bomi said.
"That's because they don't play it," I replied.
"It's still impressive though," Yeonu said.
"Nah, I still can't sightread."
"What's that?"

I rolled my eyes as I replied, "I can't read sheet music that well."
"Then how the fuck do you play new songs-" Bomi asked.
"I can read, it's just hard. And I can always play by ear," I answered.
"Can't tell if you're trying to act humble or flex right now," Bomi said with a slight pout.

I then giggled as I turned my head around to ask Yeonu:
"Don't you wanna play anything?"
"I don't usually play games here."
"Just try one out!"
"I'm bad at games so you'll have to teach me."
"Hmm.. let's play an easy one then. Is Taiko okay?"
"Never heard of it."
"Now you do," I said as I dragged him by the hand to the game. 

Such a hopeless romantic... Bomi thought to herself. 

God she's aggressive. She really likes holding my hand, huh?  God I really hope she's not like the girls that liked me.. Yeonu said to himself in his head. The thought of getting another braindead fangirl was traumatising.

"Okay this game is simple don't worry, all you need to do is hit the drum when the screen shows it! Follow the rhythm and hit," I taught him, pointing to the screen. We played for a few rounds. He looked like he was struggling to remember the notes but he was having fun at the same time. 

"This is fun," Yeonu said, putting the drumstick-shaped controllers down.
"Mhm, but I think that's enough for now, I'm getting tired from this."
"Alright, what do you wanna do right now?"
"Hmmm..." I thought for a while as I looked around the arcade. I saw some claw machines with cute plushies inside of them.

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