wrong place, wrong bot

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The next day, Optimus was assigning the bots their tasks and when he got to Bumblebee he told him it was his turn for patrol. Bee didn't fight Optimus on it, he looked confused then shrugged it off and left. This confused poor Optimus. Bumblebee has never ever gone on patrol without complaining. However, this was exactly what Prowl was hoping for. Before Optimus could say a single word to Prowl he was already gone. Optimus didn't care though, he had enough weirdness for one day. Bee didn't rush patrol like he normally did, he just strolled though the forest. Prowl was following at a good but steady distance behind him. As Bee approached where him and Blitzwing had been the day before, he heard a sticking snapping behind him. But when he turned he didn't see anything so he just shrugged it off. As he turned the corner he was a little happy to see Blitzwing was sitting in the clearing waiting for him. "Hi." Bee waved at the Decepticon, he waved back. (It's Icy btw) Prowl was far enough behind that he hadn't seen the Con yet. Bee walked close to Blitzwing and sat down. "I just realized, last time I didn't get your name." "I'm glad jou came back! And my name is Blitzving." "Blitzwing?" "Jup!" Just as he finished his sentence the Decepticon came into Prowls view. Prowl didn't immediately drop down to protect Bumblebee, he just watched. He wasn't sure why Bee was so calm, but he saw that the Decepticon wasn't attacking Bee and didn't look like he was going to. Prowl decided to just watch and see what the Decepticon was going to do. He sat in the tree and watched for a solid 20 minutes, then he decided to come down and finally get some answers to his growing amount of questions. He climed out of the tree staying very quiet. "Yeah, I agree, flying is definitely better than walking." Prowl stepped into view. Blitzwing noticed him before Bumblebee did. Blitzwing stood up and put Bee behind him. "Stay avay!" Bumblebee was confused. "Blitzwing?" Prowl wasn't sure what to think. Blitzwing put his blasters down and got ready to shoot Prowl. "I said get back!" Blitzwing was determined to protect Bumblebee and any cost. Bee saw that it was Prowl. "Wait, Blitz don't." Blitzwing looked down at Bee. "Do jou know him?" "Yes I do, he's a friend." Blitzwing looked at Prowl then back and Bumblebee. "Ok, if jou say so." Bee walked out from behind Blitzwing. "Prowl what are you doing here?" Prowl walked up to Bumblebee. "I could ask you the same question, Bumblebee?" "Well, I- uhm-" Bee had no idea how to explain why he was having a friendly conversation with a giant Decepticon. "Well, Bumblebee?" Bumblebee sighed. "Well, a couple weeks ago when I went on patrol I had just come to this spot in the forest and I was looking in one of the caves when he landed behind me. He didn't attack me, he just looked at me. When he wasn't doing anything I shocked him and ran away. When yesterday, when I came out here again, I saw him and he was talking to his other selves. I heard him saying that he wanted to see me again so he could talk to me. And, I know it was stupid, but I came out. he didn't attack me as I had thought he would. He really did just want to talk. So after we talked for a while, when it was time for me to come back, he asked to meet me here again today. And... I said yes so here I am." Prowl looked at Bumblebee then up at Blitzwing. "There is so much wrong with what you just said." "Bu-" "However, since he hasn't hurt you as of yet, I supposed there really isn't to much wrong with meeting him." Bee smiled. "So you're not going to tell Optimus?" "Yes. For now at least, however, if he hurts you, even a little bit, I will not hesitate to tell Optimus and then take him offline." Prowl gave Blitzwing the death stare. Blitzwing backed up a little. "Jes sir." Bee hugged Prowl. "Thank you Prowl!" Prowl hugged him back. "Just, stay safe Bumblebee." Bee let go and smiled. "Would you maybe like to join us for a little?" Prowl nodded his head. "That sounds enjoyable."

Back with Optimus:

"What is taking Bumblebee and Prowl so long?" "You never know with kids these days. They're probably out attacking squirrels." Ratchet, needless to say, was to busy with fixing something to care. "I should go check on them." "Yeah yeah, sure." Optimus transformed into his truck on drove off. He saw that Bee and Prowl were together and where they are because he could track their signals. When he was getting close to where they were he transformed back into his bot form and walked though the forest. He rounded the corner into a clearing but he didn't see Bumblebee or Prowl. He looked all around. "Hmm, I should be standing right next to them?" He was looking all around. "But, where are they?" He then heard a loud bang behind him. He turned expected to see Prowl. He was shocked to see the one bot he really didn't want to see. Standing infront if him was no other than Megatron himself. "Heh, well hello little autobot." Megatron chuckled. "Looks like my plan worked." Optimus was backing up as Megatron walked closer.

A/N: (I'm sure I've managed to confuse a lot of you. So let me explain. The signals Optimus was tracking were not that of Bee and Prowl, they were signals Megatron had created to lure Optimus to him. The reason Optimus didn't see two of each signal, was because Blitzwing has a special signal blocking thing that blocked his, Bumblebees, and Prowls signal. I hope things make sense now. Sorry for the confusion)

Back to story:

Optimus had unrealizingly managed to back himself into a corner, with no where left to go, he tried to attack Megatron using his grappling hooks. Megatron quickly overpowered the small autobot, hitting him into the wall behind him. "I thought you would be harder to fight autobot. Guess I was wrong." Optimus had no where to run and he knew he was no match for Megatron so he did the only thing he could think of. He pulled out a pair of stasis cuff, keeping them hidden behind him, and ran towards Megatron. Megatron was caught slightly off guard by this. Optimus pulled out the stasis cuff and he almost had them on Megatron, but just before he could Megatron hit him head on. Optimus fell to the ground, out cold. "I'll admit, that was almost a good idea." Megatron chuckled. He then picked up the stasis cuff Prime had been holding and put them on Optimus. He then picked Optimus up and looked at him. He had never really seen the autobot up close. Megatron couldn't help but notice just how beautiful Optimus was. He seemed to be caught in the little autobots face. He tried to brush his thought away but they kept coming back. 'He is a fascinating little bot.' Megatron eventually did something he never thought he would ever do to and autobot, especially Optimus Prime. With a sigh he said. "I guess you win today little autobot." With that Megatron turned and started walking towards the where he had picked up Bumblebees signal.

(Another authors note: at this point blitzwing had gone back to the Decepticon base and Bumblebee was on his way back to the autobot base with Prowl.)

Back to the story:

Bumblebee and Prowl had just gotten to the edge of the forest when Megatron walked into view. Bee and Prowl quickly got ready to fight. Megatron didn't say a word he just looked at them and seemed to be rethinking what he was about to do. But his thoughts wouldn't let him be. He reached behind him. Bee and Prowl assumed he was pulling out a weapon. Their eyes widened when they saw him drag Optimus out from behind him. They saw that Optimus was out cold and in stasis cuffs. "Optimus! What did you do to him?" Megatron set the autobot down infront of Bee and Prowl, still not It saying a word. They assumed he was trying at something. But he wasn't, he just set the autobot down then turned and walked away. When he was completely out of view, Bee ran up to Optimus. "Optimus?" Prowl walked up beside him. "Is it actually Optimus?" Bee checked Optimuses spark. "Yup it's him." Bee was kind of relieved but still kind of put off. "Ok, now that that's out of the way... what just happened?!" Both Bumblebee and Prowl were very confused. "I don't know Bumblebee, but let's get him back to base and we can ask him when he wakes up."

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