a strange deal

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It didn't take them very long to get Optimus back to the autobot base. They pulled him inside and Ratchet walked out. "What took you kids so lo-" Ratchet saw Optimus. "What happened?!" Ratchet walked up to them. "We don't know, Megatron just walked up to us on our way back from patrol and gave him to u-" "Wait, Megatron!?" "Yeah, he just gave Optimus to us like this." "Well, then let's wake Optimus up and ask him what happened." They put Optimus on the operating table and Ratchet got the stasis cuffs off of him. Then Ratchet got out a scanner to see if Optimus was injured. "The good news is that he's not injured very bad." "Is there any bad news?" Bee asked. "Well, I guess we'll find out once Optimus wakes up."

A few hours later:

Ratchet was still running some diagnostic on Optimus when he slowly came to. He opened his optics, half expected to be inside a Decepticon cell, but he wasn't. He sat up and Ratchet saw that he was awake. "Hey, how do you feel?" "Uhm, fine I guess. What happened?" "I was just about to ask you that." "What do you mean?" "Well, Bee and Prowl said that Megatron himself showed up and gave you to them." "What?!" Optimus was wondering what had happened while he was out. "Well, the last thing I remember was trying to attack Megatron when he hit me then I woke up here." "But why did Megatron not take you as a prisoner?" "Your guess is as good as mine." Optimus stood up. "Did Bumblebee and Prowl make it back safely?" "Yeah they're fine." Then Optimus walked out of the medical room and when to talk to Prowl.

Little bit of a time skip to next week:

(Bumblebee has been asking everyday if he could be the one to go on patrol so he could hang out with Blitzwing.)

When Optimus was assigning tasks Bumblebee raised his servo. "Yes Bumblebee?" "Can I go on patrol?" "Uhm, sure?" With Bee raced out the door. "See ya boss bot!" Optimus was confused. "He has been acting weird all week, I mean he has been asking to be put on patrol. He never does that." Prowl just shrugged. Just then Ratchet walked out of the medical room. "Optimus, what are you doing?" "Assigning tasks?" Ratchet walked up to Optimus. "No, you are going to go rest." Then Ratchet dragged him into the medical room. "Ratchet, I'm fine I swear." Ratchet put Optimus on the medical table. "Nope, now get some rest."

Cut to Bumblebee walking though the forest:

"Blitzwing?!" "Blitzwing?!" When there was no response he yelled again. "Blitzy?!" Still nothing. "Blitzwing?" With still no response he said. "Fine then, I'll just sit here and wait, I guess." He sat down and admired the scenery around him. He saw flowers, birds, trees, and many other forest things. About 30 minutes later he was just about to leave when he heard jet engines. He looked up and saw Blitzwings color scheme. Blitzwing transformed and landed next to Bumblebee. "Sorry I'm late, I vas held up by Megatron." "It's all good, I'm just glad you showed up." Bee smiled. "Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you a question." Both Blitzwing and Bumblebee sat down. "Vat is it?" "Well yesterday when I was out here with you- (after Bee told Blitzwing about what had happened with Optimus and Megatron)" Blitzwing looked confused. "Vy vould Megatron not take Optimus prime as hiz prisoner?" "That's what I'm thinking. It doesn't make any sense." Blitzwing thought for a second then his face changed to Random and he said. "Vat if he felt ze same feeling I did?" Bumblebee looked up and Blitzwing. "That actually makes a lot of sense. And I mean we know it's possible for a Decepticon to fall for an autobot." Bee chuckled. "But, on the other hand I find it hard to believe that Megatron, the leader if the Decepticons could ever fall for Optimus prime." Random chuckled. "But, ve know it's not impossible for a cold Decepticon to fall for a little scout!" Bumblebee laughed. "I guess you're right."

They spent what was close to two hours together just chatting and having fun.

Cut back to Optimus:

"What is taking Bumblebee so long?" Prowl emerged from his room. "It is possible that Bumblebee was ran into some trouble." Then Prowl remembered that Bumblebee what most likely with Blitzwing. "Or, he is just taking longer." But the thought of Bee being in trouble was already on Optimuses mind. "I should go check on him." Before Prowl could convince him not to he was already gone.

Cut to Megatron:

"What is taking blitzwing so long?" Megatron walked into his control room. "Soundwave." "Yes, lord Megatron?" "Can you pinpoint Blitzwings location?" "Affirmative." After a bit of typing on his keyboard Soundwave figured out where Blitzwing was. "Shall I send you the coordinates, lord Megatron?" "Yes, Soundwave." Then Megatron transformed and flew towards where the coordinates said Blitzwing was.

Cut back to Optimus:

He was driving though the Forrest towards where Bumblebee probably was. After a few minutes he started to pick up a Decepticon signal. He transformed and continued cautiously walking through the forest. He kept looking around. He was sure it was Megatron, after what happened a week ago he wasn't taking any chances.
Little did the autobot know, Megatron had just landed about fifty feet from where Optimus was. Megatron had also picked up the nearby signal. He started walking closer to where the signal was, he didn't want to make himself known until he knew who the autobot was. So, as he peeked behind a tree he saw that the autobot signal he had picked up, was Optimus. "Well slag, of all the autobots, it had to be Prime..." he thought to himself as he watched the autobot. Optimus hadn't seen Megatron, witch although Megatron was thankful for this he didn't know what to do. He still wanted to figure out where Blitzwing is, but with the direction the autobot was going, he was going to run right into Blitzwings coordinates. Megatron decided to just follow Optimus, hoping he would change where he was going before he found Blitzwing. But Optimus didn't change where he was going, he unknowingly stumbled right onto Bumblebee and Blitzwing. He didn't at first see Bumblebee though, he saw Blitzwing and assumed the worst. But instead of trying to fight Blitzwing he hid and watched, then he saw Bumblebee. His first thought was that Blitzwing had taken him hostage, but when he noticed that Bee seemed to be really calm and that Bee was just talking with the Decepticon. Megatron had seen the same things as Optimus. Megatron had also accidentally gotten a little to close to the autobot, and he realized this when he bumped into him. Optimus turned around and was shocked to see Megatron standing righting behind him looking down. Optimus started to back up but Megatron grabbed him, picking him up very easily. "Megatron wha-" Megatron put his servo over the autobots mouth, then whisperd. "Silence autobot!" Optimus tried to break free of Megatrons grasp, he couldn't. "Hhmmph!" Megatron tightend his hold in Optimus. "I said silence, autobot!" Then Megatron realized he was accidentally hurting Optimus. He loosened his grasp. This caught Optimus off guard. He just looked at the Decepticon. Megatron turned and continued to watch Blitzwing and Bumblebee. He was surprised to see them just hanging out. He wasn't sure what to do. But he knew that first he had to do something with Optimus. So, he decided to have a talk with Blitzwing when he went back to the Decepticon base. He stood up still holding the autobot. Optimus was still struggling, trying to get free. But it was no use, Megatron was far to strong for him to break free. After a few minutes of walking, when Megatron was in a clearing, he looked down at Optimus, who was still trying his best to get free. He still didn't know what to do with him... "uuugghhhh..." he sighed. "You're really annoying, can you stop struggling? I'm trying to think." Optimus stopped and looked up at him and rolled his eyes. "Well I'm sorry I don't like being held by the leader if the Decepticons." Of course he didn't say that out loud, considering Megatrons servo was still on his mouth.

A few minutes later when Megatron still couldn't figure out what to do with Optimus, he just set him down. As soon as Optimus was free he tried to make a run for it. But Megatron ran after him and easily picked him up again. "No, no running." Optimus looked up at him. "Let- go!" "I'm trying to figure out what to do with you. So, why don't you just sit down and stop trying to run away." "No! I need to get back to Bumblebee!" "How about this, I'll let 'Bumblebee' live if you stop trying to run away." Optimuses optics widened, then he sighed. "Fine." "Good." Then Megatron set him back down. "Now stay." Optimus just stood there looking at Megatron with a glare of anger. After a few minutes Megatron decided what to do with the little autobot. He looked down at Optimus and said. "I'll make you a deal, if you'll come to this spot tomorrow and talk with me, then I will not hurt you or Bumblebee." Optimus didn't want to accept his deal, but he knew it was the only way to protect Bumblebee. "Do we have a deal?" Optimus sighed. "Yes." "Good, now you can go." Optimus ran into the woods as fast as he could.

He ran back to the autobot base. And as soon as he got there he saw Bee sitting on the couch playing video games. Bee saw him and said. "Sup, boss bot. Where were you?" Optimus didn't want to worry Bee so he responded. "I was... out." Bee was confused. "You good? You seem off." "Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled then waked into the medical bay, if there was anyone he could trust to keep a secret, it was Ratchet.

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