sorry this part took so long TvT

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At the autobot base:

(A/n: these next few chapters are going to have a bit more angst... I say as if the last chapters didn't... anyways, just wanted to let yall know! Enjoy!!)

A few days later:

Blitzwing and Bumblebee had been spending all of their time together, Optimus hadn't gotten many chance to talk with Megatron because of Sentinel being there. Optimus had given Ratchet the full explanation to which he said. "If he makes ya happy, I don't care who you love." Then he left, and although that wasn't the reaction Optimus was expecting... is was better that what he could have gotten.
Now as for what Megatron had been dealing with...

As he had been going over some code with Soundwave his thoughts had been suddenly interrupted by a loud bang, he made a swift turn and saw a LOT of humans running to the base. Megatron raised his blaster towards them and started it up yelling. "What are you flesh bags doing here?!" One stepped forwards and said. "I am here to speak with you on behalf of the IDC." Megatron was just pissed off. "And what is the IDC?" "We are the Intergalactic. Danger. Command." Megatron lowered his blasters slightly. "And why in Primus name should I care?" "Because we need you to do something for us." Megatron fully lowered his blaster. "You didn't have to blast off the door for that." It was clear he did t want them there. "Well, it is our understanding you are enemies with Optimus prime." The little man said. "Yes." Megatron replied. "We are offering our services to capture him and bring him to you." Megatron was a bit confused. "Why would you organics help with that?" Megatron asked. "We want his parts when you are done with him." Megatron was a little surprised by this. "Why is that?" "We wish to use his parts to create weapons and machinery." The man smiled, sure Megatron was going to take the deal. Megatron had to think about it for longer than he should have. Not because he was thinking about accepting the deal, because he was thinking about how to not accept it. He was about to decline them but then he got an idea. "I accept," the man smiled. "However, you must not harm him. I also want you to bring them all." The man was a bit confused. (Soundwave however was not, he had already figured out everything about both Blitzwing and Bee, and also Optimus and Megatron) "if I may ask. Why do you not want them hurt? And why do you want all of them?" Megatron smiled. (Keeping his act up) "I want them all so there is a smaller chance of getting all of the elite guard on my case, and I want them unharmed to I can torture them myself." The man gave an understanding nod. Then he made a signal to his men and they turned all turned and left. Megatron turned to Soundwave and said. "I need you to do me a favor." Soundwave, being his observational self, said. "Affirmative lord Megatron, I shall create a version of Optimus with a virus so you can destroy it and give it to them." Megatron was surprised. "How did you know what I wanted?" Soundwave looked at him. "It is quite obvious that you are considering making him your conjux. And same for Blitzwing and Bumblebee. I also know that you wouldn't not want those men to have working cybertronian technology. I also understand that you told them to capture all the autobots so that you spread no further worry about Optimus to them, am I incorrect?" Megatron just stood there, completely dumbfounded. Megatron tried his best to recompose himself. "That is indeed why you are my communications officer." Megatron had an approving look. "Let's get started then." With that Soundwave turned and left to the scrap room to get pieces.

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