a late night and early morning

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A few hours later back with Blitz and Bee:

Bumblebee had fallen asleep leaning on Blitzwings table. As Blitzwing came to he slowly opened his optics. (Btw it's Icy for a good portion of this part) He looked around and didn't recognize where he was, nor did he remember what had happened after he crash landed. He looked to the side. There was Bumblebee. He tried to sit up but he was to injured. "Ow." Blitzwing lifted his servo and placed it round Bumblebee. As he looked around he slowly came to the realization that he was in the autobot medical bay. "Vat am I going here?" As Blitzwing was looked around at his surroundings he noticed the Bumblebee was waking up. As Bumblebee came to he felt the arm around him. He looked up and saw that Blitzwing was awake. "Blitzwing!" Blitzwing flinched a little. "Zat vas a little to loud. My audio receptors are still stabilizing." Bumblebee reduced his voice to a whisper. "Sorry." "It's okay." Blitzwing smiled. "Vhat happened?" "Well, after Sentinel attacked you, I'm pretty sure you crashlanded in the woods. Then I found you and called Ratchet. And then we brought back here and Ratchet patched you up." "But vhy did jou bring me to ze autobot base? Vhat agbout ze other autobots?" "Well, as I said I had to call Ratchet, so he knows. Sentinel knows, Prowl knows, and by my guess Bulkhead is going to find out once he wakes up. He's a heavy sleeper. Sooo, yeah currently there isn't any autobots on earth that don't know." "Vell, since I don't need to hide anymore." "Yeah?" "I can visit jou all ze time!" Bumblebee chuckled. "Well, by my guess it's going to take you a long time till you get better so we'll get to hang out all day. And speaking of which, I should have Optimus contact Megatron so he'll know your here." Then Bumblebee realized. "Slag, what if Megatron tries to come here looking for you?!" Blitzwing chuckled a little, switching to Random. "Vell, it is still dark, so I sink ve're good." Bumblebee calmed down. "Yeah, you're right." Bumblebee laid his head on Blitzwings arm. Blitzwing switched back to Icy. "Are jou tired?" "Yes, I'm very tired. I guess thats what I get for running into the Forrest after you." Bumblebee laughed. Blitzwing smiled. Then using his servo he picked Bumblebee up and laid him next to him. "Now ve can get some sleep." Bumblebee slimed and cuddled into Blitzwing, being as careful not to hurt him as he could. After a very short amount of time they both fell asleep.

Cut to Optimus:

He had just gotten back to him room. He opened the door and almost had a heart attack when he saw Megatron sitting in the corner of his room. " AAAHH!" Then Optimus realized who it was. "Primus, don't scare me like that." He walked over to Megatron and sat down. "What are you doing here?" "I came to check up on Blitzwing. He hasn't reported back yet." Optimus knew he wasn'tgoing to be able to hide what had happened to Blitzwing. "Well, about that..." "has something happened?" Megatron looked a little worried. "Ok, hold on a second, I'll see if the hallway is clear." Optimus opened the door and looked out. "Ok it's clear, follow me." Megatron was a quiet as he could be, yet still managed to be silently loud. When they got to the med bay, Optimus opened the door and they walked inside. Once Megatron saw Blitzwing he walked closer. He was shocked to see the amount of damage that had been inflicted. He turned to Optimus. "Is he ok?" "Ratchet says he should be fine, and by the looks of it, so does Bumblebee." Optimus smiled at the sight of them cuddling. "I guess this explains why he didn't call in." "Yup." Optimus responded. "I'm going to wait here for him to wake up, and you can give me the full story as to how this happened." With that Megatron sat down in one of the far corners of the medical. Optimus sat down next to him. "So, earlier tonight-"

(Another skip of Optimus explaining things)

"And that what happened." At this point Optimus had gone basically that whole night without any sleep, so as soon as he was done explaining he laid down on Megatron and almost instantly fell asleep. Megatron didn't dare move, he could tell that Optimus had fallen asleep. "I think it's best I don't have to explain why I'm here." He whisperd as he pulled out a circular device, placing it on his shoulder plate. As soon as he activated it, I bubble of sorts formed around them, making them invisible to anyone outside the bubble.

(I know that explanation is confusing, just bear with me)

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